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  1. #1
    topshelf75's Avatar
    topshelf75 is offline Junior Member
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    May 2008

    Lower BF % and gain/maintain weight?

    So my goal on this cycle (probably my 10th cycle) is to lower my BF% while gaining maybe 5-10lbs. I've already started my cardio (30 mins a day 3-4 days a week) and my diet is clean. Im taking in aobut 250g protein and 300g carbs a day...all clean low fat, no starches (whole oats, wheat pasta, potatoes, etc.) Right now I'm at 6',200lbs, something around 10% bf.

    My cycle right now is 250mg of sust. every 5 days, 100mg masteron EOD, and I'll add winny at 50mg a day for the last 6 weeks.

    Has anyone tried something similar to this and had good results with it???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Newark, DE
    Winny has a very good rep for cutting you up. You may want to try 40-50mg/day of Anavar toward the end of your cycle. With your weight gain goal being fairly minimal and a desire to cut fat it fits well. It will also help protect your joints, which the winny and masteron will be putting at risk.

  3. #3
    booste is offline New Member
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    Jul 2010
    Do yourself a favor and inject the sust EOD. Your levels will be much more stable and less sides. Plus you want to take advantage of the short ester (prop)

  4. #4
    topshelf75's Avatar
    topshelf75 is offline Junior Member
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    May 2008
    I dont want to do 750mg a week doing sustanon EOD. Maybe EOD at 125 (.5 ML) would be better than 250mg every 5?

  5. #5
    desizon is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by topshelf75 View Post
    I dont want to do 750mg a week doing sustanon EOD. Maybe EOD at 125 (.5 ML) would be better than 250mg every 5?
    yesir. due to stable blood lvls.

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