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Thread: Var only cycle

  1. #1
    jay007 is offline Associate Member
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    Var only cycle

    just getting ready to wrap up a tren /sus/winnie cycle.
    can one cycle Var by itself or does it need to be stacked?
    also should i start PCT before Var to get my natural test up?
    aslo do i need PCT After Var?
    sorry for all the questions but im having a heard time finding these particular answers.

  2. #2
    VWbug66's Avatar
    VWbug66 is offline Senior Member
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    i just did a var only cycle for about 8 weeks...yea i felt good, but physical difference was slightly noticed...I'd just save it for another cycle, you might as well do a ph cycle if you just want an oral only

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay007 View Post
    just getting ready to wrap up a tren /sus/winnie cycle.
    Then you should be concerned with your pct from that cycle. What's your planned pct?

    can one cycle Var by itself or does it need to be stacked?
    Var only is a fine cycle

    also should i start PCT before Var to get my natural test up?

    aslo do i need PCT After Var?

    sorry for all the questions but im having a heard time finding these particular answers.
    ^bolds above.

  4. #4
    jay007 is offline Associate Member
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    whats a ph cycle?
    i have also seen that since its doesnt convert to estrogen or aromatize there is no need for PCT after cycle. if i do need PCt after the cycle what should i do?

  5. #5
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Pct is needed for any cycle regardless of what your hear over the internet or by word of mouth. Var will shut you down to a certain degree but not on a level other anabolics do. I personally don't condone the use of any oral only. With any pill form steroid , the effectiveness of it will enhance when Test is thrown in the mix.

    PH = Pro Hormone. A precursor to a hormone.

  6. #6
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    You always need PCT. Anavar may not be as suppressive and is certainly not totally suppressive like other steroids , but just because it doesn't aromatize doesn't mean that it isn't indirectly suppressive. The body is a very complex system of feedback loops. Through one of these that isn't really fully understood Anavar is able to suppress some test production. It's most likely because it does to an extent stimulate the progesterone receptors, which will stimulate estrogen production. This is why it has a positive effect on both collagen synthesis and is anti-inflamatory.

    Can you do a cycle with just Anavar? Sure. In fact it may be a good recuperation cycle (after some rest of course) for the cycle you just did. Those DHT based steroids you were on can do some damage to your joints because they tend to shut down collagen synthesis.

    You aren't going to see big muscle gains with Anavar, maybe 5-10lbs. max. You should cut some body fat though, and your muscles will get harder and more defined. Strength will go up quite a bit. You will also tend to keep off the fat you drop and keep the strength and muscle you gain, unlike some of the heavier hitters.

  7. #7
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post

    You aren't going to see big muscle gains with Anavar, maybe 5-10lbs. max. You should cut some body fat though, and your muscles will get harder and more defined. Strength will go up quite a bit. You will also tend to keep off the fat you drop and keep the strength and muscle you gain, unlike some of the heavier hitters.
    I agree with the above and I love anavar , for myself, personally. If I had already hit my natural peak and was looking to add a lot of muscle mass I would not do a var only cycle for sure.

    I've done 1 cycle, an anavar only cycle, and was pleased with the results. I am about to start another anavar only cycle soon.

    For my first cycle I used liquid tomax for 4 weeks as PCT if I remember correctly and it was quite adequate. I also used a LOT of milk thistle (I buy it by the lb. in bulk) during my cycle to help my liver. I will be using milk thistle during my coming cycle (like a couple of spoon fulls a few times a day) as well as another liver support that was recommended as superior. I will also be using something to aid in boosting my natural test during the cycle but didn't notice much difference in urges/performance during my first cycle. My coming cycle i will be using a higher dosage and taking it a week or so longer.

    I am also fortunate enough so that the cost of my var is a non issue, I would look upon it less favorably if it were an issue for me.

    I haven't decided my PCT yet but have some liquid Torem as well as a couple other serms in powder form I can use.

    You should notice some pretty good strength increases, change in bf around the mid section, not so much bulk but it will be lean and easy to keep. I would recommend you drink lots of H20 as well to help flush out that liver and keeping the body oiled.

    It was great on my first cycle putting more weight on my chest doing ab work and having reps and weight go up pretty much every week.
    Last edited by 40plusnewbie; 07-27-2010 at 04:21 PM.

  8. #8
    RonCarlston is offline New Member
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    What dose of anavar were you guys running for your first cycle?

    did you find that it suppressed your appetite?

  9. #9
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Appetite was good. Started at 50mg.

  10. #10
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    I started at like 42 mg/day and bumped it to over 50mg/day, then higher towards the end I think (I was kinda scared as it was my 1st cycle so wanted to be cautious), forget exactly. 2nd cycle will be 70-80mg/day. No prob's with appetite on first cycle, don't expect any on second but will see.

  11. #11
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    I'd see how 40-50mg/day treats you. You could go up to 80-100, but don't go any higher. There are no further gains, and this stuff is pricey. For a first cycle I'd do like 40 and maybe ramp up to 50 as stated.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay007 View Post
    just getting ready to wrap up a tren /sus/winnie cycle.
    can one cycle Var by itself or does it need to be stacked?
    also should i start PCT before Var to get my natural test up?
    aslo do i need PCT After Var?
    sorry for all the questions but im having a heard time finding these particular answers.
    You do need a PCT in my opinion after ANAVAR even though it is a mild AAS.
    I would suggest you take time off between cycles.

  13. #13
    sixey's Avatar
    sixey is offline Associate Member
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    brah just an fyi, you might get some headaches. im on var right now (day 3) and i have a slight headache right now (4/10 on discomfort scale) i researched it and it seems to be fairly common with var so just a heads up man make sure you stay very hydrated with plenty of electrolytes too!

  14. #14
    eljay's Avatar
    eljay is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40plusnewbie View Post
    I agree with the above and I love anavar , for myself, personally. If I had already hit my natural peak and was looking to add a lot of muscle mass I would not do a var only cycle for sure.

    I've done 1 cycle, an anavar only cycle, and was pleased with the results. I am about to start another anavar only cycle soon.

    For my first cycle I used liquid tomax for 4 weeks as PCT if I remember correctly and it was quite adequate. I also used a LOT of milk thistle (I buy it by the lb. in bulk) during my cycle to help my liver. I will be using milk thistle during my coming cycle (like a couple of spoon fulls a few times a day) as well as another liver support that was recommended as superior. I will also be using something to aid in boosting my natural test during the cycle but didn't notice much difference in urges/performance during my first cycle. My coming cycle i will be using a higher dosage and taking it a week or so longer.

    I am also fortunate enough so that the cost of my var is a non issue, I would look upon it less favorably if it were an issue for me.

    I haven't decided my PCT yet but have some liquid Torem as well as a couple other serms in powder form I can use.

    You should notice some pretty good strength increases, change in bf around the mid section, not so much bulk but it will be lean and easy to keep. I would recommend you drink lots of H20 as well to help flush out that liver and keeping the body oiled.

    It was great on my first cycle putting more weight on my chest doing ab work and having reps and weight go up pretty much every week.
    What was your cycle while on var?

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