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Thread: clenbuterol

  1. #1
    codynann is offline New Member
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    I know clen isnt an anablic steroid but ppl say it works..i have taken it before but never consistantly and i know thats key. I have a ton of it left and i may take it again before I take the teston QV cause im on the fence about taking steroids anyway. So has anyone taken clen and what kind of results did you have?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    A good friend of mine did quite a bit of it. He seemed to lose a lot of weight, but it may also have been that he was doing hard manual labor for like 10 hours a day six days a week for several months. After all that stopped he went back to his usual diet and lack of exercise and gained a lot of the weight back.

    Personally I think the potential side effects with Clen are about on par with some of the anabolics. The biggest concern I'd have is exercise induced asthma and/or heart issues.

    The bottom line is that Clen may help you lose weight with proper diet and exercise, but so will proper diet and exercise. What is the real risk/benefit analysis for Clen? Will you lose twice as much weight? Doubt it. There's really no risk in diet and exercise. Is it worth taking a risk to try and lose weight a little faster? That's the question you really need to ask yourself.

  3. #3
    Walnutz's Avatar
    Walnutz is offline Member
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    Clen is not anabolic . It's been known to have anti-catabolic properties but you will not build muscle with it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Yeah, wasn't sure if you were talking a bout trying to build muscle, as typically when people talk about Clen they are interested in cutting. It will definitely not actively cause muscle growth. It's often used in a cutting stack with anabolics known for helping you to cut like Winny, but if any muscle growth occurs in those cycles it from the anabolics, not the Clen.

  5. #5
    arshigtx is offline Junior Member
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    HIIT in the morning is 10x better than clen IMO from what ive notice whenever Ive wanted toc ut

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    yea your not going to gain on it, great for cutting and shedding some extra pounds. Some people use it in their pct, for added results.

  7. #7
    moretex is offline New Member
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    what about a clen t3 cycle how do u guys think it should be cycled, i know the clen is 2 weeks on 2weeks off but unsure about the t3, any info would be great thanks

  8. #8
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    T3 can be ran for months at a time. I've personally done 3 months at 75mcg/day. Also, clen can be ran for longer you just have to supplement with ketotifen to up regulate the receptors.

  9. #9
    moretex is offline New Member
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    yes i know about the ketotifen but i think 2 weeks on 2 weeks off is a good run, how did u ru your t3 could u show me a week to week chart.... if u dont mined

  10. #10
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    I started the t3 at 25mcg then each day went up 25mcg to 75 and stayed on that for 3 months.

  11. #11
    moretex is offline New Member
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    what did u stack with the t3

  12. #12
    codynann is offline New Member
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    I know clen isn't an anabolic and I only used it to cut. I just never used it consistantly enough to see results I would take it like for a week then not take it for a month, I do kettlebell tobatas and sprints already and I take oxy elite pro so I was curious if adding Clen would even help.

  13. #13
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    I'm not familiar with oxy elite pro. What's in that? If it has efedra, caffine, guarana, etc. I'd stay away from the Clen . You'd basically be running two substances that are trying to do the same thing; speed up your metabolism. That could have bad results.

    Also, if you're already doing a lot of cardio the Clen may actually hinder you. Some guys say it does. Others say not. Still others say it helps. It seems different people just react differently to it.

  14. #14
    codynann is offline New Member
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    Oxy is- geranium (1-3d) and caffeine. I aslo take yohimbine along with it maybe I should skip the clen . The kettlebell work outs seem to be working as well.

  15. #15
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    clen t3 and keto, is a great thermogenic stack, keto will help you run the clen longer, better than benadryl.

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