Ok so here goes.
i ran a cycle of sus n deca last year. got blood taken after pct natural test was at 1.87 so i decided to keep going.
been training since got blood work done last week natural test is now midrange between sitting at 17.6/31
previously run a stack of prop and npp aswell worked well but this time id rather stay away from test.
im gearing up for a stack now.
im currently weighing in at 103kgs
eat 3 times a day train twice a day 5 times a week. 1 cardio sssion one weight session.
im thinking of getting some var and also tren ace since i want to stay away from test this time round.
ive already got my pct handy and also some proviron.
im looking to harden up and shed about 7 kilos during the 8 weeks
my stats are below if anyone of the elders out there can help me build an 8 week stack to shred 7 kilos ill be more than greatfull
thanks heaps
:lifting 6 years
:cycled 3 times
BMI 18%
Gear on hand
Anavar 50mgs x 50mls
Tren ace 75mgs x 20
nolvadex x 4 blisters
proviron x 1 box
suppliments ive got shitloads altough i hardly use em mainly just vitamins