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  1. #1
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    My lean bulk first run with tren!!

    Sup boys, so this is my 5th cycle im about to start next week just wanna make sure everything is in order. This is what I planned out tell what u guys think. (vets, mods)

    Test e- 600mg/wk wk1-12
    Tren e- 300mg/wk wk1-12
    Epistane- 30mg/day

    two questions, is 300mg tren e enough? And is epistane a 19-nor? Ive read its not a good idea to run two 19-nors.

    Also, im on prpecia 1mg/day..

    Tormiphene 60/60/60/60
    clomid 50/50/50/50

    how everything look??
    Appreciate the feedback thanks

  2. #2
    Angel of death's Avatar
    Angel of death is offline Senior Member
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    I dont believe epistane is a 19-nor or anything remotely similar. And that should be a solid beginner dose of tren ...looks like a good cycle. Also you may as well stop propecia because you can kiss your hair goodbye if you predisposed to MPB and using tren...

  3. #3
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    epistane isnt a 19-nor

    thats a low dose tren . id run 350 minimum and that would just be for a solid bump in strength and some lean weight gain

    for your 5th cycle you should be okay bumping the tren up to 400/500

    also.... end the tren 2 weeks prior to ending test. letting it leave your system completely before starting pct will help.

    so either run tren for 10 and test for 12. or tren for 12 and test for 14
    along those lines

  4. #4
    Angel of death's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    epistane isnt a 19-nor

    thats a low dose tren . id run 350 minimum and that would just be for a solid bump in strength and some lean weight gain

    for your 5th cycle you should be okay bumping the tren up to 400/500

    also.... end the tren 2 weeks prior to ending test. letting it leave your system completely before starting pct will help.

    so either run tren for 10 and test for 12. or tren for 12 and test for 14
    along those lines

    yeah 300-350...w.e. either way id really think twice if youre prone to MPB...and id DEFF do the tren 10 and test 12 dont wanna run tren 12 weeks your first time around

  5. #5
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    Why does tren cause hair loss? It doesn't covert to dht..

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    Why does tren cause hair loss? It doesn't covert to dht..
    from the profile:

    Trenbolone is also resistant to the 5- alpha-reductase enzyme, this enzyme reduces some steroid hormones into a more androgenic form, in trenbolones case however this does not matter, trenbolone boasts an androgenic ratio of 500, it can easily cause adverse androgenic side effects in any members who are prone cases of hair loss, prostate enlargement, oily skin and acne have been reported. Unfortunately trenbolones potential negative side effects do not end there. Trenbolone is also a noted progestin: it binds to the receptor of the female sex hormone progesterone (with about 60% of the actual strength progesterone) (17). In sensitive members this can lead to bloat and breast growth worse still, trenbolones active metabolite17beta-trenbolone has a binding affinity to the progesterone receptor (PgR) that is actually greater than progesterone itself (18).

  7. #7
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    K i did a little research and found that tren reacts to fina similar to deca ?? I didn't lose one hair when I ran deca.. Anyone know anything about his?

  8. #8
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Im suprised no one has mentoned running tren A instead of tren e for a first tren run so that the compound can be stopped quickly or dose altered if sides are too harsh.

    im no expert but this is just what I have read

  9. #9
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    Yea but sides tend to be less hard on long esters

  10. #10
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    Yea but sides tend to be less hard on long esters
    Ive also heard that, not sure if thats just 'Parroted' info tho.

    Your call m8, I know if i ever run tren it will be Tren A first tho

  11. #11
    Matt's Avatar
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    Im three weeks into tren a and i can honestly say the sides are no where near as harsh when compared to tren e...
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  12. #12
    Neevor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Ive also heard that, not sure if thats just 'Parroted' info tho.

    Your call m8, I know if i ever run tren it will be Tren A first tho
    It is parroted info. The only side that is less harsh is the cough. The rest are all a danger. I went with Tren A the first time around because I knew I could stop it fast if I needed to. I'm a bit sensitive to gyno and learned my lesson with Deca and trying to manage those sides for 2 weeks 3 weeks into my cycle.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Im three weeks into tren a and i can honestly say the sides are no where near as harsh when compared to tren e...
    How so 007?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neevor View Post
    How so 007?
    Well when ive run tren e in the past once i hit weeks 3/4 i almost stop sleeping, the bed is drenched in the mornings from sweat. I find it very difficult to breathe and get painful pumps in the gym.

    So far three weeks into tren a and ive got shortness of breath and thats it, ive had one night where i sweated abit..
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  15. #15
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    Well progestins do give me nite sweats... Idk i never seem to get sides really bad no matter what I run. Ill get a zit here and there but thats about it even at 750 test a wk. I guess well see im starting on monday.

  16. #16
    sfour_tay is offline Member
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    ive herd of people like to run test dosage a little bit under the tren dosage....

    not sure why but people that ive talked to have said it worked better then running a huge test dosage. i guess let the tren do the work.

    i just ran a 700mg npp cycle and only 350mg of prop and it was way better than when i ran 600mg of prop and 400mg of npp. not sure why but the gians were better. i like to just use the test to keep my boys up and going and let the other compunds do the hard work.


  17. #17
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sfour_tay View Post
    ive herd of people like to run test dosage a little bit under the tren dosage....

    not sure why but people that ive talked to have said it worked better then running a huge test dosage. i guess let the tren do the work.

    i just ran a 700mg npp cycle and only 350mg of prop and it was way better than when i ran 600mg of prop and 400mg of npp. not sure why but the gians were better. i like to just use the test to keep my boys up and going and let the other compunds do the hard work.

    What would u recommend then for a test dose?

  18. #18
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    What would u recommend then for a test dose?
    If it were me id run the test at 250/300mgs ew and the tren at 400/600mgs...
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  19. #19
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    so boys im like 2 wks in and im starting to notice some strange side effects. They both have to do with my eyes which is weird. I will randomly become extremely sensative to light and my eyes will water for like 10-15 min. the other one is I will sometimes start to see stars like as if i stared into the sun.. Its weird they both last about 10-15 min and happens about once or twice a wk. anyone ever expiernce this on tren ??

  20. #20
    songdog's Avatar
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    Yeah I seen where 007 did 300 test 400 to 600 tren .I tryed 300 test 580 tren.Loved it.Great pumps.I also found tren ace better on sides.I slept great.I dont get nite sweats.But I do sweat like hell about 6 hrs after I inject.But I inject in the morning.

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