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  1. #1
    explorerofthreads is offline New Member
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    First cycle drawing nearer. Friendly advice apreciated.

    Hello there.

    (I've read through some of the sticky threads in the newbie section and it was a great help)

    Next week I'm picking up my first cycle. I'm getting 12 weeks of winstrol and something I cant remember what was called. Now before your head explodes with anger because I cant recall the name, please let me tell you that I'm getting this from a friend thats a bodybuilder, and the package he put together was something he would reccomend for me and due to the purpose of me getting a cycle......I trust this person very much. I can and will ofc name the stuff when I get it (I want to become stronger and build some more muscle, but not become really huge)

    Ok here are my data :

    I'm 30 years old, and about 190cm tall and my weight is 115kg. I'm a bit chubby, but I also have muscle mass.

    I have trained mixed martial arts for 8 months now, and even though I havent lifted weights, there is a lot of heavy lifting at practise as we lift eachother.
    I have just started lifting weights this week though, and plan to continue with that of course.

    The more I read on this forum the more I understand that there is much to be known about steroids , so I decided to start this thread. What is a good way to tell people, for example people I work with or family even, when they see I get more muscle? I will ofcourse do PCT, but I havent decided on the specifics as I'm still doing reserch on that one.

    If you have any advice or comments then it would be highly apreciated.

    Sorry if my english is bad, I'm Scandinavian.

  2. #2
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by explorerofthreads View Post
    Hello there.

    (I've read through some of the sticky threads in the newbie section and it was a great help)

    Next week I'm picking up my first cycle. I'm getting 12 weeks of winstrol and something I cant remember what was called. Now before your head explodes with anger because I cant recall the name, please let me tell you that I'm getting this from a friend thats a bodybuilder, and the package he put together was something he would reccomend for me and due to the purpose of me getting a cycle......I trust this person very much. I can and will ofc name the stuff when I get it (I want to become stronger and build some more muscle, but not become really huge)

    Ok here are my data :

    I'm 30 years old, and about 190cm tall and my weight is 115kg. I'm a bit chubby, but I also have muscle mass.

    I have trained mixed martial arts for 8 months now, and even though I havent lifted weights, there is a lot of heavy lifting at practise as we lift eachother.
    I have just started lifting weights this week though, and plan to continue with that of course.

    The more I read on this forum the more I understand that there is much to be known about steroids , so I decided to start this thread. What is a good way to tell people, for example people I work with or family even, when they see I get more muscle? I will ofcourse do PCT, but I havent decided on the specifics as I'm still doing reserch on that one.

    If you have any advice or comments then it would be highly apreciated.

    Sorry if my english is bad, I'm Scandinavian.
    You need to question your friend. If you are a bit, or even slightly chubby, winny wont be of any use, not to mention you are going to run it for 12 weeks?!

    I can only hope your the 'unknown' compound is going to be test of some form.

    What is your BF%?
    What does your diet look like?

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Your friend is giving you awful advice, I'm glad you chose to join us prior to starting. We will get you pointed in the right direction.

  4. #4
    explorerofthreads is offline New Member
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    Thanks a lot guys. I really apreciate any help I can get. I will get back to you when I get the stuff and know the name of the substance.

  5. #5
    sigman roid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by explorerofthreads View Post
    Thanks a lot guys. I really apreciate any help I can get. I will get back to you when I get the stuff and know the name of the substance.
    Please do..and dont start any cycle before coming back here and getting more advice.

  6. #6
    bigp750 is offline Junior Member
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    12 weeks of winny?? isnt that pretty hard on your liver? I was always warned never to run winny pass 6 weeks cause it can be toxic on your liver but that was orals...

  7. #7
    explorerofthreads is offline New Member
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    All right. Some change of plans. Seems I would be wizer money wize to purchase on-line rather from my aquintance. So now I will spend a lot more time on research, listening to senior members here as well trying to make a whole lot of quality posts :-)

    Everything has also obviously been delayed due to a redicilous amount of overtime. I guess its better to work overtime rather than not having a job at all in these troubled times.

  8. #8
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by explorerofthreads View Post
    Hello there.

    (I've read through some of the sticky threads in the newbie section and it was a great help)

    Next week I'm picking up my first cycle. I'm getting 12 weeks of winstrol and something I cant remember what was called. Now before your head explodes with anger because I cant recall the name, please let me tell you that I'm getting this from a friend thats a bodybuilder, and the package he put together was something he would reccomend for me and due to the purpose of me getting a cycle......I trust this person very much. I can and will ofc name the stuff when I get it (I want to become stronger and build some more muscle, but not become really huge)

    Ok here are my data :

    I'm 30 years old, and about 190cm tall and my weight is 115kg. I'm a bit chubby, but I also have muscle mass.

    I have trained mixed martial arts for 8 months now, and even though I havent lifted weights, there is a lot of heavy lifting at practise as we lift eachother.
    I have just started lifting weights this week though, and plan to continue with that of course.

    The more I read on this forum the more I understand that there is much to be known about steroids , so I decided to start this thread. What is a good way to tell people, for example people I work with or family even, when they see I get more muscle? I will ofcourse do PCT, but I havent decided on the specifics as I'm still doing reserch on that one.

    If you have any advice or comments then it would be highly apreciated.

    Sorry if my english is bad, I'm Scandinavian.
    you need afew years specific weight training behind you, lifting ppl at your class doesnt count, you need tendon strength b4 you touch aas. my advice is dont start yet

  9. #9
    explorerofthreads is offline New Member
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    What happens if one does not have this tendon strength? I worked constructions for sevral years, so I do have some mass. (if that helps)

  10. #10
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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