Sup guys. As you know Im close to start my cycle in december. But I have a problem now, I get a little injured in my rotator cuff. I injured very badly like 7 months ago but it went away with rest (around a week). The pain I feel now its never compared to what I felt when I injured it long time ago but I just feel a little uncomfortable. Yesterday I did back and feel the molesty but I went through my workout. Im taking vioxx prescripted by my doctor. He said to take it for a week and see if the pain is gone. My question is if I can start the cycle even if I have the pain or molesty in the area. I know that deca helps alot in alleviating injuries. Ive been searching if any of the drugs Im going to use in my cycle (Eq, Susta, D-bol, Ari) should help me with that pain but I havent find any info on that. Please give me your thoughts brothers. I can wait to start my cycle, been waiting for along time!