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Thread: hiding roid use from my girl

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    middle of US
    this is good... learn how to hide AAS from the wife/gf thank you guys

  2. #42
    all bitches are whores and don't think logically about anything. No point in telling them you juice

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    Newark, DE
    All of them except my wife and my mother.

    In a serious relationship there should be no secrets. If she can't deal them maybe it just isn't meant to be. Otherwise she may just need to accept that this is one of those things she isn't going to change, and may not like, but needs to just live with. Honestly if this is her only complaint then I don't think she really has much to complain about. I would flip the script and remind her of all the things you do for her, and just say that this is one thing that you do for yourself. That usually works with damn near anything. The kicker is that you have to actually do things for her...

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by sprinter911 View Post
    Change your diet and keep telling her about this new high intensity training you're planning on doing. Amp it up big time. That way when you are cycling she'll think it's due to your diet and training. Maybe buy a bottle of PH's (or another supp) and throw a couple out so it looks like you've been using that. Decoy.

    That is exactly what I'm doing!! When I begin my cycle my girlfriend of 5 years will have no idea because I keep telling her when I get my diet in check and eat the right foods at the right time I am going to grow 'how I am supposed to'. It will work. Keep your gear away from your house and just pin in public bathrooms that have one toilet and door locks. And pin in your ass dude she won't see the holes use 23 or 25g

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by papa-pump View Post
    tko- thats really how i feel, i dont wana hide it cuz she is a real good girl.

    i tried explaing that doing it the right way its not as harmful.
    i want her to watch this documentry i have called bigger,stronger,faster. maybe shel understand better that the mainstream media puts a bigg ugly no no on roids
    And don't do this if she doesn't like roids now it will be hard to change her mind just start turning against them yourself and start saying little things every now and then like you were crazy for being pro-steroids back then THEN start telling her about new workout routines you'll be using and getting your diet down right and you should be good. But don't try to change her mind at like your against aas for it to work

  6. #46
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    Truthfully, if she's on oral birth control then she's basically doing a similar thing to herself. There are increased risk of certain kinds of cancer associated with them, as well as the potential for stroke and aneurism. It's a slippery slope to bring this up though. You certainly don't want her to stop taking the pill. However, the incidence of side effects are very low, or doctors wouldn't keep prescribing them.

    Bigger, Stronger, Faster is a good documentary, but be careful of that because it could backfire. The one brother has been asked to stop by his wife because they want to have another kid, and has basically said that he will most likely go back on again without telling her. The other brother is a near raving lunatic. He's basically a poster child for people who shouldn't do steroids.

  7. #47
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    Get a new chick

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    I knew Haz would comment on this. I think his entire family knows... except his wife. LOL

    My family is into bodybuilding just as much as I am..... so they understand why I use them and they know i'm safe and would never put my life in danger.

    My wife on the other hand..... well shes just unreasonable. I showed her bigger, stronger, faster and she really liked it. She said it opened her eyes a lot..... and then she said "But don't think you're going to start....."

    I figure i'll just hide it until she finds out..... she hasn't been lil miss perfect herself so if she can't deal with it.... i'll leave.


  9. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by papa-pump View Post
    she knows all about it and doesnt like it one bit.

    she says she sees the injection spot and notices the bacne, will i be able to hide a cycle thats test/deca. maybe the acne came mostly from tren sweats.

    any pointers for hiding this addictive sauce?
    Get a new girlfriend perhaps?

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    gates of hell
    Hide it for as long as possible. Most girls just think if you use AAS you are going to be mean or have mood swings etc. If you have been using for years while yall have been together and she ever finds out, you can be like see I didnt have any mood swings or treat you badly. If they love you they will support you anyway. Just try to avoid the topic, dont go for open lies. Never bring it up. What Im saying is, lies are bad for relationships, but they shouldnt ever know either But hell, depends on the girl. I messed around with a girl that said I should do AAS because thats hot. hahah

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    I always think it's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is for permission..
    Lol i love this

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    all bitches are whores and don't think logically about anything. No point in telling them you juice
    Jesus Alpha... a sweet guy like you is single? will wonders never cease..

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Neevor View Post
    Jesus Alpha... a sweet guy like you is single? will wonders never cease..
    hahaha yea I don't trust women in general which is why I refuse to get into relationships with them until I am looking to settle down. For now, I like to pick them up and enjoy their "company" until either I get tired of them or they get tired of me. Just the way I roll brochacho!

  14. #54
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    I should say my current girl is all for it. She likes me being ripped and huge and she wants to shag all the time so she looks forward to when i'm on cycle and we spend whole days in bed. She also loves to cook so my lifestyle fits her enjoyment of cooking for someone. Does your woman cook for you and send you with your meals for the day? If she isnt for your lifestyle find one that is, there are a lot to choose from.
    Words to live by

    oooh, mad old. Sry, got carried away with the search func.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    all bitches are whores and don't think logically about anything. No point in telling them you juice
    Bad break up..?

  16. #56
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    WOW, who would have thought this was such a popular topic. I always thought that it was more of an unspoken thing. But hey, there is enough advice her to combat both sides. As I was reading I was thinking of telling you to be honest and go with the guys comments about not losing the girl, but all in all, I will probably be hiding my next cycle from my old lady too.

    I know from experience that you can try to educate all you want but at the end of the day if I woman is NOT for something, she never will be. I am sober from a lot of things and the gym is my sanctuary and a love of mine but my woman, for whatever reason wants me to stay on the skinnier side, which she prefers, but I dont.

  17. #57
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    I honestly do not care if my girlfriend finds out. She sits around her ass getting fat, eating popcorn and feeling sorry for herself. It only got worse when I started lifting and getting in shape; she resents me for that. It doesn't matter anymore since I am ditching her at the end of the month when my apartment becomes available. Haha.

    I have always catered to the demands and expectations of my relationships. After completely transforming my body, attitude and confidence I soon realized I did not have to live like that.

    So, whomever I wind up with, they are going to have to understand that I will occasionally cycle and maintain a healthy and strict diet. If they can't handle that, peace out.

  18. #58
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    The fact that she dis-likes it is most likely because of her complete ignorance about AAS. Show her "Bigger, Stronger,Faster", not that it is the gosphel but good for the basic understanding.

    People are so brainwashed today about the subject you can't blame her. If she is not insecure and is intelligent she would understand.

  19. #59


    Dude use interchangeable pins. Draw it out with the fattie and plug it in slowly with an insulin point.

  20. #60
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    I would just educate her and show her there is really no reason to be worried. And that all the "horror storys" about steroids are from idiots who don't take the time to even know what PCT stand for.

    Tell her what you plan on doing and stress the fact on how much your test. injections will make her orgasm.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by detroit muscle View Post
    Dude use interchangeable pins. Draw it out with the fattie and plug it in slowly with an insulin point.
    Are you trying to say for him to use insulin pins to inject so if he gets caught he can say hes using insulin instead of roids? Or what? Cause that doesnt make sense to me at all lol

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    all bitches are whores and don't think logically about anything. No point in telling them you juice
    Love this thread and love this post, legend!

    I'm just hoping not to get caught out, re-arranging my pin schedule a bit to suit, but yeh no one understands, best kept quiet

  23. #63
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    I have hid all of my cycles from my wife, since we got married. I once told her about a cycle I did while dating after it was finished and she got all bitchy and said so that’s why you were such an ass. I felt I didn’t have bad sides at all that cycle. So to test it out a few month latter, I told her I had just finished another cycle "when In fact I was still In recovery and never touched anything accept protean createn and glute and she pulled the same shit on me.... Point being; Some people are set in their ways due to what they hear and don’t want to change their views or opinion no matter what you tell or show them. For me it’s just easier to not tell her.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by DerrikT View Post
    Love this thread and love this post, legend!

    I'm just hoping not to get caught out, re-arranging my pin schedule a bit to suit, but yeh no one understands, best kept quiet
    Yah i just hide it in my gym bag and keep it in good temp LOL she wont go in it. But I work out in my basement and dont have to carry it anywhere so It works for me.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oil-KID11 View Post
    Plenty of good advice in here....Knock the bitch out if she opens her mouth again??
    LOL, "Beat your wife everyday. If you dont know why, then she does."

    Just kidding, but really, I dont like the idea of telling ANYONE about a cycle. People talk to other people, its what we do and I dont trust anyone to keep my secrets. Relationships go bad sometimes, lose friends, break up with a girl, get in a fight with a family member and its very common for them to try and hurt you in some way, dropping a dime on you and letting the police know where you keep your stash is a really f-ed up thing to do but it happens all the time.

  26. #66
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    bigger stronger faster

    Quote Originally Posted by papa-pump View Post
    tko- thats really how i feel, i dont wana hide it cuz she is a real good girl.

    i tried explaing that doing it the right way its not as harmful.
    i want her to watch this documentry i have called bigger,stronger,faster. maybe shel understand better that the mainstream media puts a bigg ugly no no on roids
    funny you should mention this. i came out and told my wife that i am going to try test. she was not at all happy about it. so i had us watch that Chris Bell documentary. we didn't get all the way through it, she fell asleep, but i think it is going to open up her eyes to the misconceptions about aas.

  27. #67
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    if you were to show your girl any video I would show her this for sure its bryant gumbel on HBO Real Sports and its very to the point, blunt and quick, check it out

  28. #68
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    [QUOTE=supe3;5351060]LOL, "Beat your wife everyday. If you dont know why, then she does."QUOTE]

    That is the funniest thing I have read yet. I was having a shitty day but this turned it around. Someone ask me why I am having a shitty day.........because of my ****ing woman!

    Anyway, that was funny.

  29. #69
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    Tell her its P90X

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by papa-pump View Post
    she knows all about it and doesnt like it one bit.

    she says she sees the injection spot and notices the bacne, will i be able to hide a cycle thats test/deca. maybe the acne came mostly from tren sweats.

    any pointers for hiding this addictive sauce?
    I dont think theres anyway to hide the juice at all bro!!! The size gain the pokes increased libido my girl just accepted it and shes in law inforcement haha ...

  31. #71
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    Yea, practice the old creatine/workout/diet bullsh!t on ya coworkers too.. Its the only way

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Callsign View Post
    Yea, practice the old creatine/workout/diet bullsh!t on ya coworkers too.. Its the only way
    lol used that a few times hahah

  33. #73
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    I would try to inform her and involve her in the research that you are doing or have done. I'm having the same problem with my girlfriend. We got into a couple of huge fights because of my want to cycle. I'm showing her that all the bad things that are heard about AAS use is because of irresponsible users and ignorance. She is slowly coming around. Although I just recently decided not to cycle because I dont think Im completely ready. But I will use that time to help her understand the reasons I want to and that it isn't what the media cracks it up to be. I wouldn't lie though dude, if she means anything to you you wont lie. If she loves u and is open minded she'll come around. It might take a while but it will be worth it in the end.

  34. #74
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    lol very funny post...but def some good advice mixed in...

  35. #75
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    You hide this habbit she might start to hide her habbit of fukcing other guys..

    Trust first...

  36. #76
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by n00bs View Post
    You hide this habbit she might start to hide her habbit of fukcing other guys..

    Trust first...
    It was worth reviving an old thread just for that comment. Nicely done.

  37. #77
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    Hazard, your brother in law owes you a man card. lol I agree with statements above, it was so easy when I came clean! She actually started to help me shoot. I figured if she was involved and could help she might not approve but would still support me

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by boundup View Post
    I honestly do not care if my girlfriend finds out. She sits around her ass getting fat, eating popcorn and feeling sorry for herself. It only got worse when I started lifting and getting in shape; she resents me for that. It doesn't matter anymore since I am ditching her at the end of the month when my apartment becomes available. Haha.

    I have always catered to the demands and expectations of my relationships. After completely transforming my body, attitude and confidence I soon realized I did not have to live like that.

    So, whomever I wind up with, they are going to have to understand that I will occasionally cycle and maintain a healthy and strict diet. If they can't handle that, peace out.
    LOL..too funny. This is a prob I'm glad I don't have

  39. #79
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    My wifes only concern was "will your dlck shrink" when I said no she said ok. Now she is loving the way I look, and the way I fvck

    Look bro everyone on earth with a brain has a vice, and if yours is AAS, whats the fn problem. Simply ask your girlfriend if she would rather have drug addict that wont support her and beat heror a man with a hobby that will make him look better and perform better for her.
    Last edited by wmaousley; 03-07-2011 at 11:10 PM.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    It was worth reviving an old thread just for that comment. Nicely done.
    I didnt.. It came up in new posts. Might want to blame the person before me.

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