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  1. #1
    kisektah1 is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2010

    During PCT or on Cycle?? - Clen

    Hey fellow bb's, i really would like to take some clen to help lean down, but i'm not sure if i should take it during my cycle (2 weeks on 2 weeks off protocol/ build up to 120mg daily) or during PCT and beyond... i heard somewhere it keeps you in a catabolic state (which is really not what we want on AAS) so i was thinking to take it during my pct? Any thoughts or advice?

    I'm also planning to eat clean + 30 mins cardio 3-4x a week on cycle, to strip that extra fat and lower my bf percentage.

    btw im planning to do a test, anavar cycle which looks like:

    1 – 12 Test E 500mg/wk (2x mon/ thur)
    6 - 14 Anavar 60mg/ED
    1 – 14 A-dex .25mg EOD

    PCT: (10.5 days after last shot)
    14 - 18 Clomid 100/100/50/50
    14 - 18 Nolva 40/40/20/20
    + Some Tribulus

    current stats:
    I'm 32, 5'11" tall, and weigh in at 210 lbs, BF 14% (aprox).


  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Clen doesn't keep you in a catabolic state, but it does have some anti-catabolic properties.

    Anyway, cycle looks good.

    I don't know if clen is even necessary,

    but I don't care for clen on cycle.

    During PCT might be a better option.

  3. #3
    kisektah1 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks D7M,

    Any other views?

  4. #4
    Neevor's Avatar
    Neevor is offline Associate Member
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    I believe clen has been shown not to reduce your body to a catabolic state on its own although the decreased calorie intake that people usually go with on clen can. I could be wrong but the appeal of clen is that it doesnt appear to burn muscle while increasing metabolism.

    In a PCT you are trying to get your test back up and running and your cortisol levels rise and most people end up losing gains because they go catabolic so easily without the test. So to add Clen (which I KNOW increases stress for me and I'm positive has to raise cortisol in my body) to your PCT when you are already in such a fragile state, it doesnt make sense to me. I'd save it till after you are past your PCT if you arent gonna run it during your cycle although I've run clen during cutting cycles with good results. I actually prefer it not on cycle but just to drop a little fat here and there between cycles. If I'm cutting on a cycle I'd rather just take t3 but you could do both or just clen.
    Last edited by Neevor; 08-11-2010 at 11:12 AM.

  5. #5
    kisektah1 is offline Junior Member
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    anyone else have experience with clen on cycle, or pct? does it slow down gains while on cycle or just drop the bf%??

  6. #6
    kisektah1 is offline Junior Member
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  7. #7
    bradhore's Avatar
    bradhore is offline Member
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    Ive used clen during cycle, and on pct.

    Had no bad effects whilse on cycle, but on pct it did kinda help a little to give a little extra strength and not drop down as much in what i was lifting

  8. #8
    bradhore's Avatar
    bradhore is offline Member
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    Tren or Deca????

    . . . .

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