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Thread: Cycle Qs

  1. #1
    bobalan1 is offline New Member
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    Cycle Qs

    I recently poseted a cycle i was thinking about taking some guys informed me that my diet was poor and needed working on i now have about 5 different meal plans for eating 6 times a day with pro/fat and pro/carb meals so i am eating properly though its hard i wanted to know about my cycle and what u guys thought about it
    This will be my fourth cycle
    Age: 25
    Body fat: 8 to 9%

    CYCLE 8 weeks long
    Test E: 600-800mg ew
    Deca : 600mg ew
    Tren : 200mg ew

  2. #2
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Considering your goals either keep Tren or Deca but not both.

    Planned pct?

  3. #3
    bobalan1 is offline New Member
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    My pct is going to be novadex i think thats it

  4. #4
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Not good enough. Stack it with another SERM and consider HCG during your cycle to make recovery easier.

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Isn't this the same cycle you already have an open thread on?

    NEW STACK need opinions.

  6. #6
    bobalan1 is offline New Member
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    ok thanks so u say i should either choice deca or tren for this cycle i was also thinking about throwing some anadrol in for about 5-6 weeks one a day what do u thing

  7. #7
    bobalan1 is offline New Member
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    it is but i didnt really get any feed back on the cycle just my diet so i just wanted a lil info on it i was told to run tren and deca for longer then 4 weeks but taht was it

  8. #8
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobalan1 View Post
    ok thanks so u say i should either choice deca or tren for this cycle i was also thinking about throwing some anadrol in for about 5-6 weeks one a day what do u thing
    Depends on what your goals are.

  9. #9
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    I remember you now, fix your diet. That thread is 3 days old. You aren't cycle ready.

  10. #10
    bobalan1 is offline New Member
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    well i currently bench 300 and like i said i weight 175 i want to get up to 190ibs and bench close to 360

  11. #11
    bobalan1 is offline New Member
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    I am not starting my cycle for another month but i have the money now and wanted to buy what i was going to take before i spend my money

  12. #12
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Stay on a consistent diet. 3 days ago you were eating cereal and sandwhiches all day. I don't think you've given yourself adequate time to realize what a diet can do for you. Come back when you've let the new nutrition plan put on some weight. We'll help set a cycle up for you.

  13. #13
    bobalan1 is offline New Member
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    well ur the vet so ill do as u say about how long should i run a natural nutrition before u think its good to cycle just so i ahve an idea on how long i must wait to cycle becouse to be honost im eager to start but i didnt get results i wanted from the last cycles so i want to be ready and do it the right way this time for max outcome

  14. #14
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Hardly a vet bro, just know a few things here and there.

    Just stay on a consistent diet for 3-6 months. Understand how your body reacts to these new amounts of foods being introduced. From here you can incorporate a cycle to suit your goals.

  15. #15
    bobalan1 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for taking the time help a noob like myself alot of people just talk shit to me but i ahve to learn somehow not everyone just picks up on all this shit cause there is alot but i would like to say i do appricaite it alot ill be hitting u up in a couple months about that cycle and letting u know how my diet helped

  16. #16
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    I'm still learning new things everyday just like yourself. It's a never ending flood of info that you can't ever know too much about. Keep us posted.

  17. #17
    bobalan1 is offline New Member
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    Will do thanks agian man i need guys like u in my gym all there is at my gym are old people and 20 years olds who think they know everything

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