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Thread: Cycle question.

  1. #1
    scott99.brown is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Cycle question.

    5'7" 170lbs 10%bf 28yo

    I did my 1st cycle
    dbol 30mg/d for 30days
    test cypionate 200mg - every 3 days for 9weeks

    my plan was 12weeks with cypionate but i had to stop on 9 weeks because of acne problem. i had really bad breakouts all over my face, back, shoulder, and chest.

    I want to do the second cycle but i'm afaid of test...
    is there any other cycle you could recommand for serious acne prone like me?


  2. #2
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Apr 2010
    How long has it been since your last cycle? Did you get BW done and how did your PCT look?

  3. #3
    scott99.brown is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010
    i ran armidex 0.25mg/eod during the cycle
    pct : clomid 1-18days 100mg
    18-36days 50mg
    nolvadex 1-18 days 50mg
    18-36 days 25mg

    i didn't get my BW. it's been 4 weeks since

  4. #4
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Apr 2010
    Now would be the perfect time to get some blood work done so you get to see how your hormones/lipids look.

    You still have plenty of time before you are able to cycle again. Use the search function and see some acne threads that have already been previously posted. This subject has been touched on a few times and good advise has been given.

  5. #5
    eljay's Avatar
    eljay is offline Junior Member
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    the gym.
    get your hands on some accutane. my friends went on that and have never had a problem with acne again. great stuff accutane and good luck

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