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  1. #1
    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
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    Var only cycle! Amount of test needed

    If someoen is running a Anavar only cycle! What is the minimum amount of test needed to keep my cock working? I've read that the human body (male) makes about 15 mg of test naturally a week? is this correct?

  2. #2
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    You would have to run a pretty high dose of Var for a fairly long time before it would start to really affect your natural test production.

    Is that the answer you were looking for, or were you asking about your bodies natural test levels?

  3. #3
    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
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    So if i fancied a 10 wek var cycle @ 75mg a day would i still be getting a hard on without taking some test? Could priv help with lebido whilst on var if lebido did become a problem?
    Thanks for the info!

  4. #4
    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
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    And just out of curiousity... how much test does the human male produce naturally a day/week?

  5. #5
    fossilfuel7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marty_4 View Post
    And just out of curiousity... how much test does the human male produce naturally a day/week?
    I'm pretty sure the average is around 7mg per 49mg per week on average for the average adult male.

  6. #6
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Around 70mg/wk.

    Var alone is good, Test + Var is better.

  7. #7
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Around 70mg/wk..
    Is there an avg age for that producion?

  9. #9
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    10 weeks is too long for an Anavar cycle. 8 weeks should be considered max. Anavar gets a rep for being easy on the liver, but it is still a 17aa, meaning it's hepatoxic. You need to run liver support while on your cycle (Liv52, milk thistle, etc.) and you need to do at least three weeks of PCT with Clomid or Nolva.

    Most guys do not report ED with Anavar. Low libido sometimes, but that is easily counteracted with Tribulus and/or Avena Sativa (both all natural). I wouldn't consider test just for this purpose.

    Test is still the king of steroids though. Sometimes the first is still the best, and as noted running test with Anavar will produce even better results, especially if size is one of your goals.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    10 weeks is too long for an Anavar cycle. 8 weeks should be considered max. Anavar gets a rep for being easy on the liver, but it is still a 17aa, meaning it's hepatoxic. You need to run liver support while on your cycle (Liv52, milk thistle, etc.) and you need to do at least three weeks of PCT with Clomid or Nolva.

    Most guys do not report ED with Anavar. Low libido sometimes, but that is easily counteracted with Tribulus and/or Avena Sativa (both all natural). I wouldn't consider test just for this purpose.

    Test is still the king of steroids though. Sometimes the first is still the best, and as noted running test with Anavar will produce even better results, especially if size is one of your goals.
    With BW, orals can be taken as long as the user wants. I have run Tbol for 14 weeks and Dbol for 12 weeks. All be it a low dose and BW, but there was minimum impact on liver values (with both compounds). More of an impact on lipids.

    LJ100 and Tribulas (aswell as other herbs) can be used to boost labido, or Proviron .

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    Is there an avg age for that producion?
    Total Testosterone will decline with age, yes.

    70-80mg/wk is just above average, but Endo's use total T, not mg/wk. 100mg/wk for someone on TRT may put one person around 800ng/dl, whilst another 600ng/dl.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    With BW, orals can be taken as long as the user wants. I have run Tbol for 14 weeks and Dbol for 12 weeks. All be it a low dose and BW, but there was minimum impact on liver values (with both compounds). More of an impact on lipids.

    LJ100 and Tribulas (aswell as other herbs) can be used to boost labido, or Proviron.
    That assumes you are getting bloodwork done to verify this. It also assumes that there are further gains from continuing to use past 8 weeks. I've only ever heard of one guy running Anavar for 10 weeks, but no verification as to whether or not gains continued to improve over those last two weeks. If not, then you are putting yourself at additional risk with no return, and that's just foolish. Anavar also tends to be pricey, so limiting to eight weeks eases the strain on your wallet too.

    The biggest side effect with Anavar is going to be a change in your lipid profile. The HDL/LDL balance will get worse, and rising LDL levels will make total cholesterol go up. Anavar is one of the worst for this BTW.

  13. #13
    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
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    If i've suffered from bad cholesterol before could anavar be to dangerous? Last time i checked cholesterol was at 5 points with plenty of good cholesterol. it was controled by diet, no medication needed but oribinaly it was at 7

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    That assumes you are getting bloodwork done to verify this. It also assumes that there are further gains from continuing to use past 8 weeks. I've only ever heard of one guy running Anavar for 10 weeks, but no verification as to whether or not gains continued to improve over those last two weeks. If not, then you are putting yourself at additional risk with no return, and that's just foolish. Anavar also tends to be pricey, so limiting to eight weeks eases the strain on your wallet too.

    The biggest side effect with Anavar is going to be a change in your lipid profile. The HDL/LDL balance will get worse, and rising LDL levels will make total cholesterol go up. Anavar is one of the worst for this BTW.
    I got further gains and I'm aware Anavar is bad on lipids.

    BW is imperitive. It should be done every 4-5 weeks on AAS IMO.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marty_4 View Post
    If i've suffered from bad cholesterol before could anavar be to dangerous? Last time i checked cholesterol was at 5 points with plenty of good cholesterol. it was controled by diet, no medication needed but oribinaly it was at 7
    It will be a temporary side effect with Anavar . Once you are off cycle your cholesterol should return to normal provided you keep your diet proper. Personally I think way too much is made of cholesterol by the medical establishment. There was a big study done some years ago that showed that it was not a risk factor for heart attacks. In fact, most people who had heart attacks had normal to low levels of cholesterol. Those who did have high cholesterol and had a heart attack typically had at least two other risk factors as well like smoking, being overweight, family history of heart problems, or bad triglycerides. I firmly believe that there is a huge deal made about it because it is easy to control with medication, so it is big business for the pharmeceutical industry. Typically it can be controlled with diet anyway.

    Regarding using longer than 8 weeks, I still wouldn't. Swifto, what were your gains those last two weeks?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    It will be a temporary side effect with Anavar . Once you are off cycle your cholesterol should return to normal provided you keep your diet proper. Personally I think way too much is made of cholesterol by the medical establishment. There was a big study done some years ago that showed that it was not a risk factor for heart attacks. In fact, most people who had heart attacks had normal to low levels of cholesterol. Those who did have high cholesterol and had a heart attack typically had at least two other risk factors as well like smoking, being overweight, family history of heart problems, or bad triglycerides. I firmly believe that there is a huge deal made about it because it is easy to control with medication, so it is big business for the pharmeceutical industry. Typically it can be controlled with diet anyway.
    Regarding using longer than 8 weeks, I still wouldn't. Swifto, what were your gains those last two weeks?

    Its similar to the argument that saturated fats (animal) are also bad for your lipid profile. Eggs aswell.

    I have used Tbol for around 12 weeks alone and 14 weeks on cycle with Test Prop. In that time, I have continued to gain and usually come off becuase gains slow, or because of my concern for my HPTA and recovery.

    Increasing the dose at this time has provided additonal gains. But one cannot gain forever.

    The one impact I had using orals for lengthy peroids is the increase in LDL's and decrease in HDL's. Also total cholesterol and cholesterol ratio. Liver values were fine (AST/ALT).

  17. #17
    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
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    Ok that's awesome info. One more quick question i can't get a definitive answer for. If i'm using 5mg pills and taking say 75mg/day do i take it all at once or split it through the day? Or say bulk up taking it all at once for a week then start splitting it through the day?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marty_4 View Post
    Ok that's awesome info. One more quick question i can't get a definitive answer for. If i'm using 5mg pills and taking say 75mg/day do i take it all at once or split it through the day? Or say bulk up taking it all at once for a week then start splitting it through the day?
    Var has about an 8 hr half life,

    so dose it accordingly.

  19. #19
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    Ill throw my experience in here.

    Couple years back I did a Var only cycle, 80mgs a day for 9 weeks ( had enough for 10 but gains slowed at 8 )

    I did experience slight testicular atrophy and while I was able to have sex my libido was a bit... down. Not much but noticably. I also got mildly cranky/moody that I personally beleive was due to natural test being shutdown.

    I saw huge strength gains and put on a good 6-8lbs and lowered BF by 1-1.5%. I was too young though and not ready for AAS. I ran a proper PCT and have not touched AAS since.

  20. #20
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    I've run 50mg of Win ED for 10 weeks and my liver values were just fine. Don't worry about your liver on Var unless you are washin it down with a bottle of jack every day.

  21. #21
    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
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    All great info!
    So if i'm planning say 10 weeks at 60 mg a day possibly upping to 75mg! using 5mg pills how should I dose it taking the 8 hour half life into account?

  22. #22
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    just spread them out

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    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
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    I thought that but i want as much in my system active at once don't I. i was thinking say splitting it into 4 doses a day!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marty_4 View Post
    I thought that but i want as much in my system active at once don't I. i was thinking say splitting it into 4 doses a day!
    you could do that if you want,

    but twice a day will work just as well.

  25. #25
    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
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    So if i am taking 60mg ED 30 in teh morninga nd 30 at night! When will i have 60mg active?

  26. #26
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    you're overthinking this. it's just anavar , spread it out so you have stable levels, you don't want peaks and valleys in your blood levels.

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    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
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    So 60mg say 9 in the morning then 60mg 8 hours later?

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    I'd go 8:45

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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I'd go 8:45

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marty_4 View Post
    So 60mg say 9 in the morning then 60mg 8 hours later?
    wait, you're taking 120mg/day?

  32. #32
    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
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    No sorry i'm a little confused in the half life situation. I want to be taking 60 mg a day. So i thought to keep an active 60 it would be every 8 hours! I understand now. I take 30 mg say then 30 8 hours later ehh. then start again teh next day!

  33. #33
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    sounds good

  34. #34
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    Do a search, because I read a very good thread on here about the question of spreading out the dose or taking it all at once in the AM. The conclusion reached was that it made no difference, other than you would probably not want to go to bed with a high concentration of Anavar in your system as sleep is when the body does most of its recovery (your liver included).

    Also, much is made of half life, but it is a somewhat misleading statistic. Just because at 8 hours half of the dose has been processed (that's what half-life means) doesn't mean it stop working at 8 hours. The remaining half dose is still going to be metabolism, and it won't happen in just 8 hours. It's exponential decay, which is a more complicated function that involves the passing of effectively infinite half lives until none of the compound is left.

    However, I can't remember is blood levels were discussed, so Big's argument may also hold water.

  35. #35
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    Mmmm.. exponential decay... I've got a hard on for scientific talk.

    TKO is right. If you want to get a good idea of how the half life really breaks down depending on when and how much you take go plug it into the roid calculator in the orals section at the bottom.

  36. #36
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    my turn...

    I ran var/tbol for 8 weeks - var @80mg/day and tbol @50mg/day with a solid cutting diet and training regimine. By the end of the 6th and the beginning of the 7th week I felt like I was NOT feeling any increase in strength or power.

    So in my experience if I were to run var again I would go 60 mg/day for 6 weeks. A nice quick and easy cycle that gets me the results I desire without too many worries.

    No need to ramp up the dose. Make sure your pct is lined up BEFORE you start. Get your support. Up your cardio. Train like a madman and youll love the results.


    If you run into BJJ, ask him. Hes a pro with this one.....

  37. #37
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    Will Var still make you stronger if running a cutting diet??...because anytime I do a cutting diet of 2000 calories a day with mostly healthy bad tasting food...I lose strength.

    If I lose 20 pounds of BW in say 8 weeks...I also lose at least that on my Bench as well.

  38. #38
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    My lipids on Var/Tbol would be f*cked.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7 View Post
    Will Var still make you stronger if running a cutting diet??...because anytime I do a cutting diet of 2000 calories a day with mostly healthy bad tasting food...I lose strength.

    If I lose 20 pounds of BW in say 8 weeks...I also lose at least that on my Bench as well.

    Then you're on the wrong diet. You should be a able to cut and still keep strength, if not gain it, with to without Anavar . For starters I think 2,000 calories a day is probably way to little. At so few calories your body thinks its starving, so you are actually losing muscle weight at a rate of 60% muscle to 40% fat. This is why your strength is going down, and you are glycogen depleted too. Even for a guy in the 180lb range you should be eating 3,000 calories a day, maybe more depending on BF. What you eat is of critical importance. The best way to cut is to eat plenty of the right stuff and exercise like crazy. Truthfully this isn't really the place to discuss it, the vets will request you post in the diet forum. Or you can PM me and I'll help you out with your diet.

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