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  1. #1
    Hsheer's Avatar
    Hsheer is offline Junior Member
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    Can some body still gain muscle while he's on a low calorie diet ??

    Lets for example say that he is taking 800 mg/week primo and a low dose of testerone with a high protien but low in carbs and fat diet.

    Can he still gain some Quality muscle mass and improve muscle shape or he will just keep the muscle that he already have ?

  2. #2
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    is "he: meaning you???

    depends on how low. he might gain a little. he will improce muscle shape. and keep the muscle that he has

  3. #3
    Hsheer's Avatar
    Hsheer is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-gunz View Post
    is "he: meaning you???

    depends on how low. he might gain a little. he will improce muscle shape. and keep the muscle that he has
    No not me, I mean if somebody think of taking gear while on cutting, And maybe me But i still have a lot of work to do before i go on a cycle

  4. #4
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    I think it would also depend on his development.

    An advanced BB with many years of experience probably wouldn't be able to put on muscle in a caloric deficiency with gear,

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    It would also depend on the diet. Test and other steroids can help build muscle, but they key to that is there still has to be the raw materials needed for muscle building in your body. That's hard to do in a calorie defficiency situation. You need a minimum of 1x your body weight in protein a day to actively build muscle, and 1.5x is preferable. If you're doing weight training you need some carbs, at least 200 grams a day. I've found you can get by with very low carbs doing just running, but trying to lift in that state you will burn out very early and won't be able to push hard enough to make any gains.

    If we assume that our hypothetical person weighs 180lbs., at 180grams of protein a day and 200 grams of carbs we are looking at a diet with 1520 calories, but you're never going to avoid fat all together, so if you add in 60 grams of fat a day that will add another 540 calories, for a total of 2060 calories a day. If you're doing any hard cardio though I still think you'll be underfeeding yourself and probably stagnate any gains.

    At 245 I found that a diet of 3,500 calories a week with my training regimen would allow me to lose 2lbs. a week of what I believe was pure fat. I continued to get stronger at a rather rapid pace as well. This was all without the use of any illegal substances.

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