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  1. #1
    deadly101 is offline New Member
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    can i start using steroids at 21 years old and 4 months

    proposed cycle Test E or C 500mg/week for 10-12 weeks
    i'm planning to take steroids 5 months from now when i'm 21 and 4 months old.
    by that time i would've been training for 3 years and 10.5 months continuously almost 4 years.

    I've started at 132 LBS and now I'm 165 LBS BF 9.6%

    I'm 5'7" I weigh 165LBS, my age is mentioned above and my experience in working out too(in case you didnt read the post from the beginning ).
    I'm on a very strict diet.

    my bench press is 242 lbsX5
    my squat is 264 lbsX10
    my deadlift is 396 lbs x 5

    The question is can i start taking roids at 1 cycle per year at 21 years old and 4 months ?

    *edit* instead of testosterone i would used primobolan
    Last edited by deadly101; 08-12-2010 at 05:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Yes you can, however the risks to your health are elevated when using aas at such an early age....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    deadly101 is offline New Member
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    well what would be the ideal age to start ?

  4. #4
    deadly101 is offline New Member
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    also are the risks going to affect my hpta

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Ideal age is over 25. Prior to that age your HPTA is not 100% set. If you take steroids prior to that you run a much greater risk that you could skew the feedback loop that is your HPTA permanently. This could lead to low test level, high estro level, etc. for life, even if you do PCT.

    I know at your age 4 years seems like forever, but trust me time is about to start going a lot more quickly for you. I'm 32 and it seems like I was 21 yesterday. Working, being married, buying a house, and running a business makes time go by pretty quick. I know some day way too soon I'm going to be talking about driver's licenses and college to the kids I'm just starting to think about having.

    You need to wait to take any steroids. If you're stagnating in your strength gains, etc. post back with the problems and we'll help you fix them without using drugs. You can do so much in those 4 years naturally with the right guidance.

  6. #6
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
    AlphaMaleDawg is offline Senior Member
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    you sound like you have made good gains and at 5'7, 165lbs is good assuming you are at a lower bf%. Waiting until 25 seems a little excessive IMO, but I'm not an expert

  7. #7
    Too Little Muscles is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    Ideal age is over 25. Prior to that age your HPTA is not 100% set. If you take steroids prior to that you run a much greater risk that you could skew the feedback loop that is your HPTA permanently. This could lead to low test level, high estro level, etc. for life, even if you do PCT.

    I know at your age 4 years seems like forever, but trust me time is about to start going a lot more quickly for you. I'm 32 and it seems like I was 21 yesterday. Working, being married, buying a house, and running a business makes time go by pretty quick. I know some day way too soon I'm going to be talking about driver's licenses and college to the kids I'm just starting to think about having.

    You need to wait to take any steroids. If you're stagnating in your strength gains, etc. post back with the problems and we'll help you fix them without using drugs. You can do so much in those 4 years naturally with the right guidance.
    Have to agree 100%. There is a whole slew of guys on this and other sites that took high doses of AAS at age 20 and now in their 40's they are on permanent TRT. For the rest of their life. One is a mod on Mus. dev. .com. They have basically chemically castrated themselves. I didn't start till 27 and at first just took low dosages. Last cycle was 600 mg. nandrolone and 1 amp. of sustanon a week. I am in my late 40's and never had any side effects. I am one of the minority that dosen't seem to be bothered by "deca dick." Probably due to a natural high level of test. My libido is ok and all my blood work is normal. I went from 5'11", 175 lbs to 225lbs. in 20 years. With a 33" waist. If you use these drugs right you can avoid most of the problems associated with them.

  8. #8
    shennen is offline Associate Member
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    Listen to the experts, these guys know their shit and won't let bunk info get by uncorrected. I just started at 24 and in some ways wish I waited, just to be on the safe side.

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