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    grumpee's Avatar
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    When to run tren

    When should a person run tren ? I know they say to don't run it on your first few cycles. When is a good time to start running tren ?

  2. #2
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    When you have a solid understanding of the compound and have experience with the rest of the 19nors. 4th cycle+ IMO.

  3. #3
    Princes_Gate is offline Associate Member
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    I ran tren for my second cycle, leaned out, put on mass, loved it.

    No need to run it for your first as you'll see good results off dbol or test let alone tren.

    You're not gonna gain more than 20lbs so may as well run a weaker compound and gain 20lbs than run tren and gain the tren for a bit later

  4. #4
    SuperBird's Avatar
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    when your ready to give up good quality sex.

    and i mean that as a helpful reply.

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
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    Tren makes me crazy in bed.I cant explain it.My wife loves when I run it and dont want me to run out.Love when she says you need to order more.

  6. #6
    dec11's Avatar
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    hard to say, i was wary of it and waited 6 cycles and into trt before i attempted using it, turned out i had none of the dodgy sides from it bar alittle more sweating on exertion and elevated bad temper. best prob to wait it out just incase you react badly

  7. #7
    JBarron's Avatar
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    Yeah i've been told if you can make good solid quality gains while leaning out and dropping bf while on test, then why not just stick to test and save the risk of getting hit by crazy tren sides.

    I listen to that advice and agree with it, but it if you put so much money and time into a "hobby" you want to try the best of the best, I think anyone would.


    So same goes with steroids , so yeah I'll eventually run tren, when I feel I am ready for it.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBarron View Post
    Yeah i've been told if you can make good solid quality gains while leaning out and dropping bf while on test, then why not just stick to test and save the risk of getting hit by crazy tren sides.

    I listen to that advice and agree with it, but it if you put so much money and time into a "hobby" you want to try the best of the best, I think anyone would.


    So same goes with steroids, so yeah I'll eventually run tren, when I feel I am ready for it.
    no rec drug talk here. if you havent used tren how can you advise?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    no rec drug talk here. if you havent used tren how can you advise?
    my bad

    I really didn't advise him on anything, I'm just stating the way I see it. Tren is a dangeorus and powerful compound that's why it's so intriguing

    but like I said the advice I was given was, why take something dangerous, when you can get similar effects without such a risk.

    But, we are human beings, we are curious and ignorant, so were going to take something knowing it may be dangerous lol
    Last edited by JBarron; 08-15-2010 at 11:08 AM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBarron View Post
    my bad

    I really didn't advise him on anything, I'm just stating the way I see it.

    Like I said the advice I was given was, why take something dangerous, when you can get similar effects without such a risk.

    But, we are human beings, we are curious and ignorant, so were going to take something dangerous lol
    tren is much more potent tht test, believe me ! also not all of us get the bad sides

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    tren is much more potent tht test, believe me ! also not all of us get the bad sides
    Right I don't disagree with that from what I've read and heard. And I know not everyone gets the nasty sides from it, which is good.

    But as far as gaining muscle goes. Which is the ultimate goal (usually). One could gain good quality muscle on a few cycles of test. And if that's all your trying to do, why dish out the cash and risk the possibility of getting nasty sides for the tren ?

    I'm not trying to argue with anyone, I'm just reflecting the idea and advise I was given, which made sense to me.

    And I'm in no way saying running tren is bad and I'm not trying to make it out to be poison, I would love to run tren someday. But not until I feel I'm ready.
    Last edited by JBarron; 08-15-2010 at 11:05 AM.

  12. #12
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBarron View Post
    Right I don't disagree with that from what I've read and heard. And I know not everyone gets the nasty sides from it, which is good.

    But as far as gaining muscle goes. Which is the ultimate goal (usually). One could gain good quality muscle on a few cycles of test. And if that's all your trying to do, why dish out the cash and risk the possibility of getting nasty sides for the tren ?

    I'm not trying to argue with anyone, I'm just reflecting the idea and advise I was given, which made sense to me.

    And I'm in no way saying running tren is bad and I'm not trying to make it out to be poison, I would love to run tren someday. But not until I feel I'm ready.
    you cant really compare test and tren, they do diff things. i can cut on tren and still add muscle aand strength at the same time, i can cut on test but my strength will suffer

  13. #13
    Damienm05's Avatar
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    Is your test kicking hard dude? I don't think he overstepped his bounds in any of the above posts...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    Is your test kicking hard dude? I don't think he overstepped his bounds in any of the above posts...
    if your referring to a certain post, it was about rec drugs and now has been edited, and no, test doesnt affect tht way. ps, dont take up any detective work

  15. #15
    SuperBird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    no rec drug talk here. if you havent used tren how can you advise?
    where do you see hes giving advice? hes perfectly welcome to give his thought. and his post says "what hes read, and what hes been told and advised on" and then he gives his personal opinion based on that.

    who made you a moderator here? why dont you focus on trying to offer something creative instead of trotting through the threads like a school bus monitor? his post offered more personal insight than yours did. and thats why others communicate in a forum. for personal thoughts and advice.

    he clearly didnt advise.
    Last edited by SuperBird; 08-15-2010 at 09:34 PM.

  16. #16
    grumpee's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies... I will just stick with test for a few years....

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperBird View Post
    where do you see hes giving advise? hes perfectly welcome to give his thought. and his post says "what hes read, and what hes been told and advised on" and then he gives his personal opinion based on that.

    who made you a moderator here? why dont you focus on trying to offer something creative instead of trotting through the threads like a school bus monitor? his post offered more personal insight than yours did. and thats why others communicate in a forum. for personal thoughts and advise.

    he clearly didnt advise.

    Quote Originally Posted by grumpee View Post
    Thanks for the replies... I will just stick with test for a few years....

    I think that's a wise decision. Believe me, with hard work and dedication you can achieve an amazing physique just running test and other mild compound cycles.

    It really all comes down to what you put into your training and dieting. Good luck bro.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperBird View Post
    where do you see hes giving advice? hes perfectly welcome to give his thought. and his post says "what hes read, and what hes been told and advised on" and then he gives his personal opinion based on that.

    who made you a moderator here? why dont you focus on trying to offer something creative instead of trotting through the threads like a school bus monitor? his post offered more personal insight than yours did. and thats why others communicate in a forum. for personal thoughts and advice.

    he clearly didnt advise.
    yeah and your a noobie loud mouth who seems to have a hard on for me, go read the fvckin rules b4 you gob off you goon. your a hypocrate, you seem bent on correcting my posts and have the nerve to call me a school monitor. idiot
    Last edited by dec11; 08-16-2010 at 02:46 PM.

  19. #19
    DEE151's Avatar
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    i call BS on running tren for your first cycle. cause i did and i loved it. i am in wk 2 of my 12wk cycle of tren and testc

    test c 450mg for 12wks
    tren e 400mg for 10wks

    looking to get swoled up and cut up lol
    and this is my 3rd time doing tren.

  20. #20
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
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    I will run tren on my third cycle probably. Right now I am on my first

  21. #21
    gymnerd's Avatar
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    IMO its when you are ready to deal with whatever sides you get to kick as much ass as possible.. I dont think there is a mgic formula, I think its wise to see how you respond to anabolics before jumping on tren . I am at the stage when if somethingt doesnt agree with me I listen to my body and either drop dose or drop it soo for me its that simple really.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    inaccurate bullshit

    i 100% agree with dec on this one.....i have never heard of anyone having problems in the sack when on! To the contrary you become a fukin animal!!! Just my .02.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxin23 View Post
    i 100% agree with dec on this one.....i have never heard of anyone having problems in the sack when on! To the contrary you become a fukin animal!!! Just my .02.
    your unaware of the 10,000 posts on this site complaining about fina dick? and unaware of the fina profile in steroids .com explaining what fina dick is and how its a side effect of fina.

    8 years ago i didnt get fina dick either when on fina/tren but id be foolish to say at that time that it didnt exist. now as of the past two years i get it every cycle of fina/tren.

    maybe you should wait and see if it effects YOU down the road before you say it doesnt exist.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperBird View Post
    your unaware of the 10,000 posts on this site complaining about fina dick? and unaware of the fina profile in steroids .com explaining what fina dick is and how its a side effect of fina.

    8 years ago i didnt get fina dick either when on fina/tren but id be foolish to say at that time that it didnt exist. now as of the past two years i get it every cycle of fina/tren.

    maybe you should wait and see if it effects YOU down the road before you say it doesnt exist.
    lol, you really are an uneducated twat, the majority of us have the brains to run test with tren = no problems. play with the little boys and come back when you know something. seems other ppl are starting to call out your crap, let me guess, one dbol only cycle? that your experience?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxin23 View Post
    i 100% agree with dec on this one.....i have never heard of anyone having problems in the sack when on! To the contrary you become a fukin animal!!! Just my .02.
    exactly, my exp of it too.

  26. #26
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
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    I have not tried tren . Tons of other AAS .

    It seems to be the same difference in beer and liquor from what I read .

    Does seem very intriguing and inviting to me though .

    I do like to do research on any posts that have tren in title .
    This thread looks like a feud and not a tren Q and A post .

    Good luck .

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dont wanna be old View Post
    I have not tried tren . Tons of other AAS .

    It seems to be the same difference in beer and liquor from what I read .

    Does seem very intriguing and inviting to me though .

    I do like to do research on any posts that have tren in title .
    This thread looks like a feud and not a tren Q and A post .

    Good luck .
    it was informative till someone decided to stick their beak in

  28. #28
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    Let's stop the flaming
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    I'm going to start my 4th cycle in a few months and I am going to try tren ace and test prop both for the first time and ed injections as I've read ed over eod jabs is the way to go I've done a good amount of research on both tren ace and tren enth and ace seems to be the ester of choice for a first run because if you can't tolerate the sides then its out of your system way quicker.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    I'm going to start my 4th cycle in a few months and I am going to try tren ace and test prop both for the first time and ed injections as I've read ed over eod jabs is the way to go I've done a good amount of research on both tren ace and tren enth and ace seems to be the ester of choice for a first run because if you can't tolerate the sides then its out of your system way quicker.
    tren a and test prop is one hell of a combo, loved it. tbh i didnt notice any diff btween ed eod injects though

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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    tren a and test prop is one hell of a combo, its like dick... i loved it. tbh i didnt notice any diff btween ed eod injects though
    still following my posts around huh?

    you are obviously the forums village idiot. im surprised they let your dumbass post with anything other than a crayon.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperBird View Post
    still following my posts around huh?

    you are obviously the forums village idiot. im surprised they let your dumbass post with anything other than a crayon.

  33. #33
    Lean1038's Avatar
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    I just wrapped up week 10 of my first Tren E Test E cycle (Second AAS cycle) and I must say that Tren is VERY potent and powerfull. I started @ 200mg weekly and got hit with sides very quicly. I ended up running between 100-120mg weekly and it was still very powerful, but with very little sides.

    People overdose Tren WAY TOO MUCH IME. If you know how to properly nourish yourself and train, it doesn't take much at all to see results with Tren. 100mg is plenty for me (5,11" 182lb 6-7% BF)

    Just keep your Test low to avoid most of the sides. I liked 150mg weekly.

    The sweating, strength, and aggression is nuts on it as well. I'm the happiest guy around and even my temper was getting so short that I literally had to stop and calm myself down at times. Crazy.

    Would I run it again? Sure, but no more than 100mg and not without 600mg+ of Masteron to help with the sides.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperBird View Post
    still following my posts around huh?

    you are obviously the forums village idiot. im surprised they let your dumbass post with anything other than a crayon.
    You were warned but yet continue to flame, continue and you'll be gone...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    When you have a solid understanding of the compound and have experience with the rest of the 19nors. 4th cycle+ IMO.
    OP, I didnt really read too many of the other posts, but this one pretty much hits it on the head.

    when you have the experience of a couple cycles and you see how your body reacts, understand the changes happennning in your body and how to deal with potential sides, then you are ready to give it a go.

    I used on my 3rd cycle at a really low dose while I was cutting, great results.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    You were warned but yet continue to flame, continue and you'll be gone...
    only a matter of time for him

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    OP, I didnt really read too many of the other posts, but this one pretty much hits it on the head.

    when you have the experience of a couple cycles and you see how your body reacts, understand the changes happennning in your body and how to deal with potential sides, then you are ready to give it a go.

    I used on my 3rd cycle at a really low dose while I was cutting, great results.
    sound advice. i too used a low dose, 350mg pw and got great results.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lean1038 View Post
    I just wrapped up week 10 of my first Tren E Test E cycle (Second AAS cycle) and I must say that Tren is VERY potent and powerfull. I started @ 200mg weekly and got hit with sides very quicly. I ended up running between 100-120mg weekly and it was still very powerful, but with very little sides.

    People overdose Tren WAY TOO MUCH IME. If you know how to properly nourish yourself and train, it doesn't take much at all to see results with Tren. 100mg is plenty for me (5,11" 182lb 6-7% BF)

    Just keep your Test low to avoid most of the sides. I liked 150mg weekly.

    The sweating, strength, and aggression is nuts on it as well. I'm the happiest guy around and even my temper was getting so short that I literally had to stop and calm myself down at times. Crazy.

    Would I run it again? Sure, but no more than 100mg and not without 600mg+ of Masteron to help with the sides.
    Very conservative. I hope to have that same attitude as I progress though cycles. As far as Tren goes... in due time me and that crazy mofo are going to kick it. Until then ill chill with my relaxed bro Test.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lean1038 View Post
    I just wrapped up week 10 of my first Tren E Test E cycle (Second AAS cycle) and I must say that Tren is VERY potent and powerfull. I started @ 200mg weekly and got hit with sides very quicly. I ended up running between 100-120mg weekly and it was still very powerful, but with very little sides.

    People overdose Tren WAY TOO MUCH IME. If you know how to properly nourish yourself and train, it doesn't take much at all to see results with Tren. 100mg is plenty for me (5,11" 182lb 6-7% BF)

    Just keep your Test low to avoid most of the sides. I liked 150mg weekly.

    The sweating, strength, and aggression is nuts on it as well. I'm the happiest guy around and even my temper was getting so short that I literally had to stop and calm myself down at times. Crazy.

    Would I run it again? Sure, but no more than 100mg and not without 600mg+ of Masteron to help with the sides.
    wow, on that low a dose?! fair play to ya, it'll cost you alot less lol.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    go read the fvckin rules b4 you gob off you goon. your a hypocrate, idiot
    no problem. no flaming out of me.

    but maybe you can explain to your buddy 007 why after he warned me, and you flamed me over reading the rules that you broke those same rules and sent me a flaming and overly obscene PM.

    it says specifically in those rules that flaming in a PM is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. so why did you do it? read your post i quoted above again. so you know its unacceptable to continue flaming me in PMs.

    how bout lets just be fwends? im a nice guy. i want to be fwends.

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