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Thread: First Cycle

  1. #1
    rhutime is offline New Member
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    First Cycle

    Ok Gents,
    I am 35 5'11 195lbs and I have been hitting the weights and cardio hard for about 10 years. I am looking at doing my first cycle and wanted to gwet your thoughts. I have been reasearching this for a few months and going to different forums. I need so other points of view. I don't want to put on 20-30lbs during a cycle. I was looking more towards 10lbs of solid muscle. I also do not want something that is going to slow down my quickness. I am at 14% body right now. If you can give me some insight I would really appreciate it. Thanks

  2. #2
    vegasbound is offline New Member
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    Research all the newbie threads and put together a cycle to get critiqued.

    You said you have been researching for a few months, what are YOU thinking of doing for your first cycle?

  3. #3
    rhutime is offline New Member
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    First cycle

    Well I liked primo due to the low side effects. I have also read about taking 200mg/wk of test while on this. I was thinking of something like this.

    wk 1-8 primo 400mg/wk
    Test 200mg/wk
    4-8 winny 300mg/wk

    I would take milk thistle and liver 52 during the ccyle to help with liver tox when I start the winny and continue 4 weeks after cycle ends.

    PCT- wk 10-12 100mg clomid ed
    40mg Nolva ed

    wk 12-14 50mg clomid ed
    20mg nolva ed

    Would you recommend mixing HCG in their? I wasn't going to since the dosage of test I am using I shouldnt have a hard time getting my body to recover after cycle. Any thoughts on this cycle or sughgestions for a better one. Thanks

  4. #4
    vegasbound is offline New Member
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    I would personally stick to the tried and true test only for your first cycle, you should see gains. Keep it simple and save the other stuff for later IMO...

  5. #5
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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  6. #6
    OldManRiver's Avatar
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    in bold below
    Quote Originally Posted by rhutime View Post
    Well I liked primo due to the low side effects. I have also read about taking 200mg/wk of test while on this. I was thinking of something like this. IN BOLD BELOW...

    wk 1-8 primo 400mg/wk you should run a 12 wk cycle minimum IMHO
    Test 200mg/wk this should be 500 mg min imho. What type of test??
    4-8 winny 300mg/wkwinny needs to be shot/consumed everyday, I recently ran winny at the end of my cycle to cut up an get a dryer look. I used 75mg/Ed for 6 weeks. I would run it for at least that time and up your dosage.

    I would take milk thistle and liver 52 during the ccyle to help with liver tox when I start the winny and continue 4 weeks after cycle ends.

    PCT- wk 10-12 100mg clomid ed pct should be 4 weeks. Nolva 20mg /Ed 4wks, clomid 100mg/Ed first half ,50 mg/Ed second half.

    seems like you might want to do a little more research. What is your bf%? why only a 8 week cycle? Just because you take aas doesn't mean you'll put on 20 pounds onto your weight at the moment. You might only gain 10 pounds, but really reduced your bf% and replaced fat with muscle so you really do put on 20 pounds of muscle. But all this depends on diet and exercise routine. What dies your diet look like? There is a section in this forum to help you with that, plus you think about alotof cardio if you want a leaner look. Cardio is the key (plus diet) to adding lean muscle mass IMHO. As for HCG, I would use it in every cycle anywhere from 250-500 ius 2-3 times a weekfor the duration of your cycle. I'm not saying you aren't at a good time in your life to do aas, just do a little more research. I have a feeling most people have not responded to this post because alot of the answers that you ask are already posted in other sections. I got a similiar response when I first joined past Jan. Explaining my most recent cycle... Hope that helps a little. Oh and on my lastest cycle I went from 6'4 230 15% bf to 245 11% bf in 12 weeks, I look leaner and haven't lost any weight since stopping my pct a couple weeks ago. I used alot more compounds than you though, and at higher dosage. You might want to just look at test e 12 500mg/wk cycle with 4wkpct and hcg throughout as a first time try. IMHO it sounds like you might be trying to use too much and complications could come up, and you want to k ow which compound is causing the issue.

    Would you recommend mixing HCG in their? I wasn't going to since the dosage of test I am using I shouldnt have a hard time getting my body to recover after cycle. Any thoughts on this cycle or sughgestions for a better one. Thanks

  7. #7
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    3 compounds for a first cycle is way too much, you dont now how your body will react to any of those compounds... Test as a base first cycle and see how your body takes. 4-500/wk for 10-12 weeks will get you what you want.

  8. #8
    rhutime is offline New Member
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    First Cycle

    Why not just use primo. Very little side effects and is alot safer then the test. If ran the primo at 400mg/wk that should be effective for what I am looking for. What do you guys think of this.

  9. #9
    D7M's Avatar
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    Test beginner cycle info


    here, i'll lay out some stuff for you,
    first thing, you need to get your diet in check, here is some threads on cutting, lean bulking and pure bulking to give you some info, but you need to post your diet for critiqueing, your wasting your money otherwise


    UNoffical "How to Bulk" thread and sample diet...
    UNoffical "How to Cut" thread and sample diet...
    Appetite For Construction

    only when you have your diet down should you think about cycling, a beginner cycle should look like this

    1-12 test e 500mg/week
    1-4 dbol 40mg/day ( this is used to kickstart the cycle and is optional)

    take your test injections 3.5 days apart, like monday morning and thursday evening

    split your dbol up throughout the day, this will keep your blood levels stable, which means less sides and more gains

    if you take the dbol, supplement with liv52 to help you liver cope with breaking down the dbol

    btw, here are the profiles on the AS you will be using so read them and get to know the stuff your putting in your body

    Test Enth
    Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Testosterone Enanthate

    Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)

    Next is your pct, which should begin two weeks after your last test injection and should be a phneedo's pct, whats that you ask? here it is

    Pheendo's PCT
    Pheedno's PCT

    while your at it read this one as well for future cycles

    Anthony Roberts PCT

    WarMachine's ~Gyno Prevention, Gyno Treatment, and Letro Reversals Explained
    "Estrogen Control, Treatment, and PCT by WARMachine"

    Now for some other important stuff, you need to have some arimidex on hand in case you start getting water retention or gyno, so get some, in fact, read this thread 3x before you start your cycle as it will tell you....

    All You Need To Know About Gyno

    All you need to know about GYNO.

    that should get you read for your cycle, best of luck

  10. #10
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    i know your wanting to do primo but i dont think that alone will get you to where you want to be idk....if your just looking for 10 lbs then why not t-bol only, nice and simple with lean dry gains....reasurch t-bol and see if it appeals to you...

  11. #11
    double chicken's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhutime View Post
    Why not just use primo. Very little side effects and is alot safer then the test. If ran the primo at 400mg/wk that should be effective for what I am looking for. What do you guys think of this.
    I made the same mistake before my first cycle. I spent a lot of time on different sites that supposedly sell AAS and read the individual profiles. After reading the same thing on 20 different sites I assumed you could just pick the one with the least amount of side effects. I wished I had joined this forum before I did my first cycle.

    Stick with the Test, it will be great!

  12. #12
    rhutime is offline New Member
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    My diet is in check. I am at 14% BF. I just am wondering why I should choose test over primo??? Everything I have read says primo is the safest with side effects. Where as Test has alot of issues including gyno. I don't know if I will get gyno or not but why risk it if I can get good results from primo. I just want your opinons on this. Would love to know why the Test. Thanks for all the help I appreciate it.

  13. #13
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    It's what I call a "stacking" compound. It enhances other compounds, but on a standalone level Primo will more than likely disappoint you. It's side effects are mild, but so are the gains. This is why it's best used in conjunction with another hormone.

    Don't rule out Test because it has a reputation for giving other people Gyno. I've never experience Gyno and I have more the a few cycles under my belt. Since you've never cycled, you really don't know if you are succeptible to estrogenic side effects. Give what has been tried and true a chance, and take the necessary precautions to prevent any unwanted side effects to occur.

  14. #14
    rhutime is offline New Member
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    first cycle

    What about Test at a dosage of only 250mg/wk for 12 weeks to see how I react to it. Would this be ok?? I know I won't see the huge gains but i will see some. If I was to do this what Test would u guys recommend?? thanks again

  15. #15
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhutime View Post
    What about Test at a dosage of only 250mg/wk for 12 weeks to see how I react to it. Would this be ok?? I know I won't see the huge gains but i will see some. If I was to do this what Test would u guys recommend?? thanks again
    you wont see too many sides from test other than wanting to bone everything with a heartbeat... dont go all the way to 500/wk, stay @ 400/wk and you will see nice gains and know how to adjust next cycle.

    My first cycle was about 400/wk of just test and I got more than I was expecting for gains.

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