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Thread: Need Advice

  1. #1
    maris9 is offline New Member
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    May 2010

    Need Advice

    age 28
    height 6'0''
    weight 210
    body fat 15%
    Training for 7 years
    Cycle history is one previous cycle of 12 weeks of test e at 400mg per week and deca at 200mg per week and 4 weeks of d bol at 50mg per day
    I got my hands on 3 bottles of Sus275 and 2 bottles of Tren E 75 and was just wondering how to stack these together to get the best results. Wondering on doses and how often to inject. Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Save the Tren for later and do just the sust maybe with some Dbol again. What was and is your planned PCT?

    Tren is a little strong for a 2nd cycle unless you are really ready for it, already in VERY good shape. How about posting a picture (body shot). 15% would body fat is still just a little high I think but???

  3. #3
    maris9 is offline New Member
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    May 2010
    Was not sure what to run on PCT any idea how much sus275 to use a week and do I have to use EOD. Thanks

  4. #4
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    EOD would be beneficial to keeping blood levels more stable, so it is the recommended route. More consistency can mean better results/less sides. It's not like twice weekly would kill you or anything.

    I agree with lovbyts about saving the tren for later and maybe kicking with dbol or whatever, but I noticed you said "Tren E 75". That dose seems unusual given the ester... just for future consideration, are you certain it isn't Tren Ace?

    Regarding PCT: What did you do last time? Have you waited an appropriate amount of time in between cycles? Check out the stickies in the pct forum! Swifto's especially. Also, be aware of the wait time to pct from last inject with sust (21 days?). Are you going to need any AI or anything too? Make sure everything for your cycle and pct is in hand before beginning.

    As for how much to use... That's kind of up to you. You have a little experience on how it affects you personally. Obviously you want an effective dose, and don't want to go overboard either. I might do .5 or .6 EOD, for a dose of ~480mg/wk or ~575mg/wk. Either dose will offer you effective cycle duration as well given the amount you have (assuming your "bottle" is a 10ml vial).

    I'm hoping your training and diet are ironed out. Never hurts to check out those forums for fresh ideas anyway.

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