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    BJJ's Avatar
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    The meaning of this thread is to inform only, since I do not condone either promote any use of AAS among the readers.

    Whatever I write is for entertainment purposes only and do not take any responsability for any misuse of the information here reported.

    Furthermore, this thread is to be viewed only by those who are at least 21 years of age.

    Seek a professional consultation for any medical advices.

    This thread is best viewed at a resolution of 1920x1200.


    Steroids and anabolic steroids do have side effects. Do not be fooled into thinking there is a perfect steroid out there. That is not true. All steroids carry some type of side effects in one form or another. There is no such thing as a side effect free steroid. There are many side effects of using any medical treatment, including steroids. Here are some things an athlete might experience through the use of steroids:

    • Your body wants to maintain a balance of hormones, so by undertaking a steroid regimen will send a signal to your body to shut down its own natural hormonal production. The levels of inhibition vary depending on the type of hormone ingested and most often, but not always, the endogenous hormone production resumes after the athlete stops his/her steroid regimen.

    • The liver can be affected with orally ingested steroids . This means that studies have shown the levels of liver enzymes to increase after ingesting oral steroids which is an indication of liver activity. While some experts say that this is a sign of possible liver damage, other studies have shown that enzyme levels return to normal when the athlete stops taking the steroids.

    • Steroids can affect levels of cholesterol. Athletes who use steroids show increased levels of LDL’s (the “bad” cholesterol) and decreased levels of HDL’s (the “good” cholesterol). This may also explain why anabolic steroids have been linked to cardiovascular problems.

    Anabolic steroids increase the levels of estrogen in the body which can lead to female-like breast tissue in males. However, there are anti-estrogen drugs that can help reduce this risk. Likewise, females who use anabolic steroids might begin to develop male characteristics such as hirsuitism or deepening of the voice, as well as clitoris enlargement.

    • Athletes who use anabolic steroids might also experience increased acne; this is often related to the type and amount of steroids used.

    • One of the most commonly suspected side effects of steroids use is increased aggressiveness. This is a real but rare side effect of steroids use; in fact most studies show that this increased aggressiveness or sometimes mania is more prevalent in people who were aggressive to begin with.

    • There are other effects on internal organs (caused by the types and doses of steroids as well as the effects of the exercise/training regimen that goes along with trying to “bulk” or “cut”) that are often reversed at the cessation of steroids use. These include enlarged prostate, high blood pressure, kidney problems and changes in the immune system.

    • Sterility is also a possible side effect as the hormones in the body are altered during use of anabolic steroids. This can often be reversed or remedied with proper hormone treatments.

    Some steroids will stop the growth of people who use them before they have finished growing. This is one of the few side effects that cannot be reversed through stopping a steroid regimen.

    • Always remember, effects of steroids are very serious. Users do experience bad and negative side effects, so be warned! Do your own researches.
    Last edited by BJJ; 02-24-2011 at 05:02 AM.

  2. #2
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    1st Cycle: ANAVAR Cycle (for those interested)

    Day -6 rHGH 10 iu + Test SP 50 mg + NPP 50 mg + T4 150 mcg
    Day -5 rHGH 5 iu + rHuEPO 1000 iu + Test SP 80 mg + NPP 50 mg + Proviron 100 mg + T4 100 mcg
    Day -4 rHGH 5 iu + rHuEPO 2000 iu + Test SP 80 mg + Test P 70 mg + NPP 70 mg + EQ 300 mg + Proviron 100 mg + T4 100 mcg
    Day -3 rHGH 5 iu + rHuEPO 3000 iu + Test SP 100 mg + Test P 80 mg + NPP 80 mg + EQ 400 mg + DP 50 mg + Proviron 100 mg + T4 100 mcg
    Day -2 rHGH 5 iu + rHuEPO 3000 iu + Test SP 50 mg + Test P 90 mg + NPP 90 mg + EQ 340 mg + DP 50 mg + Proviron 100 mg + T4 100 mcg
    Day -1 rHGH 10 iu + Test P 100 mg + NPP 100 mg + DP 80 mg + Proviron 50 mg + T4 100 mcg

    BURST (17/08/2010 - 31/10/2010)
    Week 1 Erythropoietin 2000 iu ed (Epoetin α) [PG] [Afternoon] (ttl 14000 mg)
    Week 1-2 Somatropin 5 iu ed (Hypertropin) [UG] [Morning, 7/7] (ttl 70 iu)
    Week 1-2 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed [PG] [Morning] (ttl 1400 mcg)
    Week 1-3 Drostanolone Propionate 100 mg ed [UG] [Morning] (ttl 2100 mg) {Arachis Oil}
    Week 1-4 Boldenone Undecylenate 800 mg ew [UG] [Morning] (ttl 3200 mg) {Arachis Oil}
    Week 1-6 Testosterone Propionate 150 mg ed [UG] [Morning] (ttl 6300 mg) {Arachis Oil}
    Week 1-6 Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100 mg ed [UG] [Morning] (ttl 4200 mg) {Arachis Oil}
    Week 1-9 Exemestane 12.5 mg e3.5d [UG] [Evening] (ttl 225 mg)
    Week 1-9 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin 300 iu e3.5d [PG] [Evening] (ttl 5400 iu)
    Week 4-9 Mesterolone 125 mg ed [PG] [Evening] (ttl 5250 mg)
    Week 6-7 Testosterone Cypionate 2000 mg ew [UG] [Morning] (ttl 4000 mg) {Arachis Oil}
    Week 8-9 Methandrostenolone 50 mg ed [UG] [Afternoon] (ttl 700 mg)
    Week 8-9 Oxandrolone 50 mg ed [UG] [Afternoon] (ttl 700 mg)
    Week 8-9 Erythropoietin 4000 iu eod (Epoetin α) [PG] [Afternoon] (ttl 28000 mg)

    PCT (01/11/2010 - 26/12/2010)
    Week 10-11 Toremifene Citrate 120/120 mg ed [PG] [Morning] (ttl 1680 mg)
    Week 10-15 Tamoxifen Citrate 40/20/20/20/20/20 mg ed [PG] [Morning] (ttl 980 mg)
    Week 10-16 Somatropin 4 iu ed (Hyge.tropin) [UG] [Morning, 7/7] (ttl 196 iu)
    Week 10-16 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed [PG] [Morning] (ttl 4900 mcg)
    Week 12-13 Clomiphene Citrate 50/50 mg ed [PG] [Morning] (ttl 700 mg)
    Week 16 Glutathione 600 mg ed [PG] [Evening] (ttl 4.200 mg)


    Current BMR: 2.057 Kcal
    Daily Diet (4.000 Kcal): 440 g of Glucides, 80 g of Lipides, 380 g of Protides
    Protides/Glucides Relation: 0,86
    Supplements: Lactobacillus Casei DG, Multi Vitamins/Minerals, EFA Complex, ALA, Acetyl L-Carnitine, β-Alanine, Glutamine, BCAA, Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate, Arginine, L-Ornithine, ZMA, Himalaya Speman.

    STRENGTH (6 reps):___________________________________Day 70
    Squat (quadriceps) 130 kg__________________________________150 kg +15%
    Dead Lift (femoral biceps) 110 kg_____________________________130 kg +18%
    One Arm Dumbbell Row (back) 45 kg__________________________50 kg +11%
    Bench Press with Dumbbells (chest) 40 kg each_________________45 kg +12,5%
    Military Press with Dumbbells (shoulders) 34 kg each_____________36 kg +6%
    Dumbbells Curls Biceps [seated] 30 kg each____________________34 kg +13%
    Dumbbells Curls Triceps [lying down] 24 kg each________________26 kg +8%

    Strength Acquisition: 12% estimate
    Formula: (current-previous)/previous*100 = (+) increase% or (-) decrease%

    STATS:________________________________Burst End__________________________PCT End
    Age: 36 yo
    Height: 187 cm (6'2" ft)
    Body Weight: 95,5 kg (210 lbs)____________103,9 kg (229 lbs) +8,37%__________101,7 kg (223 lbs) +6,5%
    Body Fat: 11%__________________________10,1% -8,18%_____________________9,6% -12,72%
    Body Water: 65%________________________64,2% -1,23%_____________________63,3% -2,61%

    Lean Body Mass Acquisition (LBM): 6,2 kg (13,6 lbs) +6,5?%
    New Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): 2.149 Kcal
    Complete Burst Log:
    Complete PCT Log:

    .................................................. ......................................1st Week...............2nd Week................6 Weeks ex PCT

    ERYTHROCYTES: 5,3 mil/mmc [4 - 5,5].....................................4,9........................5,15........................5,35
    LEUCOCYTES: 7,5 mila/mmc [4 - 9]..........................................11,4......................8,7.........................7,7
    HEMOGLOBIN: 14,5 gr/dl [14 - 18]...........................................13,9......................14,8........................14,7
    HEMATOCRIT: 43 % [42 - 52].................................................40,9......................43,9........................46,5
    MCV: 83 femtol [82 - 98].................................................. ....83,5......................85,2........................85
    MCH: 28 picogr. [27 - 31].................................................. ...28,4......................28,7........................27,7
    MCHC: 33 gr/dl [32 - 36].................................................. ....34.........................33,7........................33,3
    RDW: 15,7 % [11,6 - 16].................................................. ....17,1.................................................. .15,5
    GRAN-NEUTROPHILS: 45 % [37 -80].........................................61,9......................52,10......................49
    GRAN-EOSINOPHILS: 1,7 % [0 - 7]..........................................2,3........................2,6..........................2
    GRAN-BASOPHILS: 1 % [0 - 2,5].............................................0,9........................0,6..........................1,1
    LYMPHOCYTES: 48 % [10 - 50]..............................................24,9......................35,9........................49
    MONOCYTES: 7,7 % [0 - 12].................................................10..........................8,8.........................9
    PLATELETS: 165000 /mmc [150000 - 400000]..........................210000..................246000....................299000

    GLYCEMIA (basal): 86 mg/dl [70 - 110].....................................86
    QUICK PROTHROMBIN TIME: 13,5 s..........................................13,7
    PROTHROMBIN ACTIVITY: 75 % [70 - 130]................................81,7
    INR: 1,3.................................................. ...........................1,1
    APTT: 27 s................................................. ........................28,8
    FIBRINOGEN: 190 mg/dl [180 - 350]........................................377,5..................................................333
    AZOTEMIA: 39 mg/dl [15 - 40]...............................................41.................................................. ....40
    CREATININE: 1,1 mg/dl [0,8 - 1,3]..........................................1,1
    HYPERURICEMIA: 6,7 mg/dl [3,5 - 7,2].....................................5
    CHOLESTEROL TTL: 160 mg/dl [140 - 220]...............................123.................................................. ...175
    CHOLESTEROL HDL: 41 mg/dl [>40]
    INDEX RISK HDL: 4,1 [till 5]
    TRIGLYCERIDES: 95 mg/dl [<150]............................................59
    GAMMA (YGT): 39 u/ltr [15 - 85]............................................31
    ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE: 77 u/ltr [50 - 136].............................90
    BILIRUBIN TTL: 1 mg/dl [0,2 - 1].............................................0,7
    BILIRUBIN DIRECT: 0,27 mg/dl [0,05 - 0,3]................................0,09
    BILIRUBIN INDIRECT: 0,69 mg/dl [till 0,7]..................................0,61
    TRANSAMINASE GOT/AST: 36 u/ltr [15 - 37].............................41.................................................. ....35
    TRANSAMINASE GPT/ALT: 64 u/ltr [30 - 65]..............................61.................................................. ....57
    FERRITIN: 40 ng/ml [24 - 336]................................................44,1
    LIPASE: 175 u/ltr [73 - 393]..................................................124
    AMYLASE: 80 u/ltr [25 - 115].................................................52
    LDH: 168 u/ltr [100 - 190].................................................. ..217.................................................. ..188
    CPK MB: 229 u/ltr [35 - 232]..................................................980.................................................. ..777
    PROTIDES TTL: 7,9 gr/dl [6,4 - 8,2]........................................7,3
    ALBUMIN: 61 % [51 - 63,3].................................................. .54,8
    ALFA 1: 3,5 % [2,2 - 4,3].................................................. ...4,6.................................................. ...4,1
    ALFA 2: 12 % [9,5 - 14].................................................. .....13,6
    BETA: 12 % [10 - 14,5].................................................. .....10,2
    GAMMA: 19 % [12 - 20].................................................. .....16,8
    A/G RATIO: 1,49 [1,0 - 1,7]..................................................1,21
    PSA: 0,71 ng/ml [till 4]

    TAS: 125 ui/ml [0 - 166]
    VDRL: negative [negative]
    CRP: <0,2 mg/dl [<=0,9].................................................. .....<0,2
    ESR: 7 mm/h [till 15].................................................. ..........20.................................................. ....12

    VITAMIN A: 649 mcg/l [300 - 650]
    VITAMIN B12: 633 pg/ml [179 - 1162]
    VITAMIN D3: 43 ng/ml [10 - 45]
    SODIUM: 141 meq/l [136 - 145]..............................................150.................................................. ..143

    INSULIN : 5 micru/ml [1,9 - 23]................................................4,88
    CORTISOL: 16,5 mcg/dl [8,7 - 22,4]........................................10,23
    TSH: 1,6 micru/ml [0,34 - 5,6]................................................1,65
    FT3: 4,2 pg/ml [2,2 - 4,7].................................................. ...4,66
    FT4: 1,5 ng/dl [0,8 - 2].................................................. ......1,17
    LH: 2,59 miu/ml [1,24 - 8,62]
    DHT: 565 pg/ml [250 - 990]
    TESTOSTERONE TTL: 7 ng/ml [1,75 - 7,81]...............................55,9.................................................. .7,2
    TESTOSTERONE FREE: 33 pg/ml [8 - 47]
    SHBG: 27 pg/ml [13 - 71]
    ESTRADIOL 17-BETA: 31 pg/ml [<20 - 47]................................30..........................57.........................35
    PROGESTERONE: 1,5 ng/ml [0,14 - 2,06]..................................0,45
    PRL: 7,77 ng/ml [2,64 - 13,13]...............................................12,2.......................3,27.......................6,39
    IGF-1: 450 ng/ml [96 - 494]..................................................455
    HGH: 9,5 ng/ml [0 - 10].................................................. ......63,3

    COLOUR: straw-coloured
    APPEARANCE: limpid [limpid]
    PH REACTION: 5,9 [5 - 6,5]
    SPECIFIC WEIGHT: 1020 [1015 - 1028]
    PROTEINS: none mg/dl [0 - 10]
    HEMOGLOBIN: none [none]
    GLUCOSE: none gr/litre [0 - 0,2]
    KETONE BODIES: none [none]
    UROBILINOGEN: none mg/dl [0 - 0,2]
    BILIARY PIGMENTS: none [none]
    NITRITE: none [none]


    SYS (mmHg)............................124...........116............137...........125..............129.............122.............130.............117.............140
    DIA (mmHg).............................51.............44.............63.............47................47...............52...............49...............44...............38



    by "Whole Body Hologic QDR-4500W DXA Fan-Beam Scanner"[/CENTER]
    Last edited by BJJ; 07-27-2012 at 05:07 AM.

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Nice. I like the disclaimer also.
    Should be fun to watch. Thanks for another well designed post to follow.

  4. #4
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Nice. I like the disclaimer also.
    Should be fun to watch. Thanks for another well designed post to follow.
    The pleasure is all mine lo...

  5. #5
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    im lost

    too many words

    lol j/k

    interested as always in following this bro

    kill it

  6. #6
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    im lost

    too many words

    lol j/k

    interested as always in following this bro

    kill it
    ... and I have tried my utmost best this time to make this log as clear as possible for all...

  7. #7
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Looks good.


    Your aware Resveratrol is not just a natural SERM, but also an anti-androgen? Noy sure if you use it off cycle?

  8. #8
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    R.I.P My friends
    So you're starting today, nice... Cant wait to see these results, thats a pretty intrequette cycle... I'd have to write it all down and post it on my cabinet to remember what to shoot every day.

    First run @ NPP, I think you'll like it. I ran it @ 450/wk last cycle and I'll up it to 600 next time around.

    Best of luck bro.

  9. #9
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Looks good.


    Your aware Resveratrol is not just a natural SERM, but also an anti-androgen? Noy sure if you use it off cycle?
    I will use it in PCT only and in any case, at least here in Italy, there are many debates in regard of its ability to be agonist or antagonist of estrogens.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    So you're starting today, nice... Cant wait to see these results, thats a pretty intrequette cycle... I'd have to write it all down and post it on my cabinet to remember what to shoot every day.

    First run @ NPP, I think you'll like it. I ran it @ 450/wk last cycle and I'll up it to 600 next time around.

    Best of luck bro.
    Thanks, I will keep you posted.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I will use it in PCT only and in any case, at least here in Italy, there are many debates in regard of its ability to be agonist or antagonist of estrogens.
    Thats exactly when I wouldnt be using it, during PCT. On cycle to control estrogen, maybe, but not during PCT after reading its an anti-androgen. Infact, I wouldnt even use it on cycle because it lowers AR gene-transcription, much like Vit B6.
    Last edited by Swifto; 08-17-2010 at 01:03 PM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Thats exactly when I wouldnt be using it, during PCT. On cycle to control estrogen, maybe, but not during PCT after reading its an anti-androgen. Infact, I wouldnt even use it on cycle because it lowers AR gene-transcription, much like Vit B6.
    Things are not so definite from what I have read so far.
    I believe I need to give it a try to figure out myself the possible implications.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Things are not so definite from what I have read so far.
    I believe I need to give it a try to figure out myself the possible implications.
    Can you please post or PM me something in the contrary. As that study is pretty black and white into stating RES reduces AR gene-transcription.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Can you please post or PM me something in the contrary. As that study is pretty black and white into stating RES reduces AR gene-transcription.
    Lol, those are all in Italian unfortunately and in these days I really have no time to translate them all.

    I will try to look up the most important sentences and send you the link.

    Just give me some time please.

  15. #15
    pitbul is offline Banned
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    is this a joke?f**k dude get over your self you look gay!

  16. #16
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    When injecting a water based compound with an oil based drug, it is best to draw first the water and then the oil, otherwise in the opposite case, the water drug will mix instantly, due to its less weight, with the oil compound already drew into the syringe, and it will be difficult to figure out how much of a water compound one has drawn from the vial.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by pitbul View Post
    is this a joke?f**k dude get over your self you look gay!
    This is not the lounge.

    Keep your personal considerations out of this thread, unless you have something constructive to share with the members of this forum.

    Thank you.

  18. #18
    Roidbeginner is offline Junior Member
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    your cycle looks awesome!
    I wonder why you only take to week 9 for Test E. Shld you take it longer to week 12 before PCT. For HGH, most recommend to do it longer than 3 mths to get the effects.

    I never use EPO before and quite curious abt its effects. Have you use it before ? and it there are real benefits for bodybuilding since it is more enhancing more aerobic athletes? I heard that it is more dangerous as it may increase the overall RBC and alter MCH/MCV and increase risk of vascular disorders.


    look forward to your reports.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidbeginner View Post

    your cycle looks awesome! i hope to be able to state the same at the end

    I wonder why you only take to week 9 for test e. i do not use test e but suspension and the bulk ends at week 5
    shld you take it longer to week 12 before pct. this is a burst cycle, so short and hard
    for hgh, most recommend to do it longer than 3 mths to get the effects. i am on hgh since three months already and will continue till the end of october

    i never use epo before and quite curious abt its effects. Have you use it before ? no, first time ever
    and it there are real benefits for bodybuilding since it is more enhancing more aerobic athletes? i do not know how much can be helpful for bb purpose only but i am using it because i fight mma
    i heard that it is more dangerous as it may increase the overall rbc and alter mch/mcv and increase risk of vascular disorders. sure, there are risks.


    look forward to your reports.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by pitbul View Post
    is this a joke?f**k dude get over your self you look gay!
    No need for remarks like this. This has been well though out and laid out for our benefit.

    Whether he LOOKS gay or not is a personal opinion and maybe you are just admiring him to much or jealous. So what even if he was gay? We have plenty of gay members here.

    You are looking like a future banned member if like to personally attack people.

    Thanks again BJJ for the continued information.

  21. #21
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    No need for remarks like this. This has been well though out and laid out for our benefit.

    Whether he LOOKS gay or not is a personal opinion and maybe you are just admiring him to much or jealous. So what even if he was gay? We have plenty of gay members here.

    You are looking like a future banned member if like to personally attack people.

    Thanks again BJJ for the continued information.

  22. #22
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    I made a little change on the cycle.

    Basically, I added 100 mg ed of Mesterolone from today till the end of the burst while reducing the ingestion of Exemestane to 12.5 e3.5d istead of eod.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by pitbul View Post
    is this a joke?f**k dude get over your self you look gay!
    Keep your silly remarks to yourself.

    Flame a member again and your gone.

  24. #24
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    I'll really be looking forward to following this. Your layouts and detail are always great.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    I'll really be looking forward to following this. Your layouts and detail are always great.

  26. #26
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    I Look forward to following this thread as I always with your threads they are fabulous! Thanks in advance for another quality and informative post.

    Quote Originally Posted by pitbul View Post
    is this a joke?f**k dude get over your self you look gay!
    ^^ I love how quick this moron got banned!!

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    I Look forward to following this thread as I always with your threads they are fabulous! Thanks in advance for another quality and informative post.

    ^^ I love how quick this moron got banned!!
    I guess I was right about him looking like a banned member. LOL

  28. #28
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    I Look forward to following this thread as I always with your threads they are fabulous! Thanks in advance for another quality and informative post.

    ^^ I love how quick this moron got banned!!

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I guess I was right about him looking like a banned member. LOL
    Fortunately yes, you were.
    We do not need this kind of people here.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post

    Fortunately yes, you were.
    We do not need this kind of people here.
    It's almost scary. The last 6 months or so I have been right about 9 out of 10 times when telling someone they are going to be banned and next thing I know they are banned. It's almost as if I have been given the power to ban people.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I guess I was right about him looking like a banned member. LOL
    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    I Look forward to following this thread as I always with your threads they are fabulous! Thanks in advance for another quality and informative post.

    ^^ I love how quick this moron got banned!!
    Bye bye...

  31. #31
    BJJ's Avatar
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    So far I injected 3000 iu of EPO in 2 days sub-q and felt nothing particular to report.

    Next Monday, after a week and a total of 10000 iu, I will take my first hematocrit and hemoglobin levels.

  32. #32
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    Watching, waiting, appreciating the dedication and contribution.


  33. #33
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Today, I started to feel the tiredness I used to cope with in my previous cycle due to testosterone suspension .

    It is not easy, with this compound, to setup proper time of injections in order to keep the blood levels as steady as possible.

    Also, the muscular pain associated to the injections begin to bug me and I want to push as much as possible in this burst cycle.
    I thought NPP could have helped me with this issue but I just do not want to wait and in case be disappointed.

    So, I decided to keep using suspension till the first day of the first week as a front load and then to start from today testosterone propionate @ 70 mg ed to raise it to 150 mg ed once the susp has gone.

    Though, I will keep using suspension before any leg work-out @ 50 mg.

  34. #34
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    So, today I did my first 4.1 cc injection all in once, consisiting in:

    1. Test susp 50 mg
    2. Test prop 80 mg
    3. NPP 80 mg
    4. EQ 400 mg

    Much better this way than doing 4 diffetents pins.

  35. #35
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    Aug 2010
    dude.... this looks like a F**CKING SICK CYCLE!!!!! Definitely going to check up from time to time to see what type of gains your going to see...
    i have to take it easy this cycle... having some weird chest pains an minor heart problems, doctor isn't pleased with what im doing hahaha, but he said it wont hurt anything.

  36. #36
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonythetiger1988 View Post
    dude.... this looks like a F**CKING SICK CYCLE!!!!! Definitely going to check up from time to time to see what type of gains your going to see...
    i have to take it easy this cycle... having some weird chest pains an minor heart problems, doctor isn't pleased with what im doing hahaha, but he said it wont hurt anything.
    I do not understand the way you express yourself; please excuse me but I am not so erudite.
    Perhaps, you are a friend of the above ^ poster.

  37. #37
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    From today I will also add Drostanolone Propionate @ 50 mg ed.

    Once the burst cycle begins, I will bump it to 100 mg ed.

    I want to see the difference, if any, with its similar oral compound Mesterolone.
    Last edited by BJJ; 08-20-2010 at 06:24 AM.

  38. #38
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    Post Week -1

    DAY -6

    AAS: rHGH 10 iu - Test SP 50 mg - NPP 50 mg - T4 150 mcg
    KCAL: 3.237
    MACROS (g): Protides 284, Lipides 86, Glucides 323
    TRAINING: Chest
    ADDITIONAL DRUGS: Aspirin (500 mg), Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCI (1 g)
    SIDES: Head Cutes Ache, Light Headache
    INJECTION SITES: L Delt (23g 1¼"), Tummy (29g ½")
    BLOOD PRESSURE: SYS 124 (mmHg), DIA 51 (mmHg), BPM 81

    DAY -5

    AAS: rHGH 5 iu - rHuEPO 1000 iu - Test SP 80 mg - NPP 50 mg - Mes 100 mg - T4 100 mcg
    KCAL: 3.358
    MACROS (g): Protides 389, Lipides 54, Glucides 329
    TRAINING: Biceps, Forearms & ABS
    ADDITIONAL DRUGS: Aspirin (500 mg), Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCI (1 g)
    SIDES: Tiredness, Head Cutes Ache
    INJECTION SITES: R Delt (23g 1¼"), R Glut (22g 1¼"), Oblique (29g ½"), Oblique (27g 1")

    DAY -4

    AAS: rHGH 5 iu - rHuEPO 2000 iu - Test SP 80 mg - Test P 70 mg - NPP 70 mg - EQ 300 mg - Mes 100 mg - T4 100 mcg
    KCAL: 3.499
    MACROS (g): Protides 350, Lipides 80, Glucides 327
    TRAINING: Shoulders & Triceps
    ADDITIONAL DRUGS: Aspirin (500 mg), Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCI (1 g), Diazepam (20 mg)
    SIDES: Tiredness
    INJECTION SITES: L Glut (23g 1¼"), R Quad (23g 1¼"), Oblique (29g ½"), Tummy (27g 1")

    DAY -3

    AAS: rHGH 5 iu - rHuEPO 3000 iu - Test SP 100 mg - Test P 80 mg - NPP 80 mg - EQ 400 mg - DP 50 mg - Mes 100 mg - T4 100 mcg
    KCAL: 3.390
    MACROS (g): Protides 324, Lipides 78, Glucides 331
    TRAINING: Cardio 20'
    ADDITIONAL DRUGS: Aspirin (500 mg), Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCI (1 g), Ketoprofen (5 g), Nimesulide (100 mg)
    SIDES: Tiredness, Musclular Pain (R, Shoulder & Dorsal)
    INJECTION SITES: L Dorsal (23g 1¼"), L Quad (23g 1¼"), Oblique (29g ½"), Oblique (27g 1")

    DAY -2

    AAS: rHGH 5 iu - rHuEPO 3000 iu - Test SP 50 mg - Test P 90 mg - NPP 90 mg - EQ 340 mg - DP 50 mg - Mes 100 mg - T4 100 mcg
    KCAL: 3.201
    MACROS (g): Protides 310, Lipides 85, Glucides 287
    TRAINING: Rest
    ADDITIONAL DRUGS: Aspirin (500 mg), Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCI (1 g), Paracetamol (1 g), Nimesulide (100 mg), Ketoprofen (5 g)
    SIDES: Tiredness, Musclular Pain (R, Shoulder & Dorsal)
    INJECTION SITES: L Chest (23g 1¼"), Oblique (29g ½"), Oblique (27g 1"), Oblique (27g 1")

    DAY -1

    AAS: rHGH 10 iu - Test P 100 mg - NPP 100 mg - DP 80 mg - Mes 50 mg - T4 100 mcg
    KCAL: 3.113
    MACROS (g): Protides 243, Lipides 125, Glucides 245
    TRAINING: Rest
    ADDITIONAL DRUGS: Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCI (1 g), Nimesulide (100 mg)
    SIDES: Musclular Pain (R Dorsal)
    INJECTION SITES: R Chest (23g 1¼"), Oblique (29g ½")

    Daily Average Protides Intake (g): 317
    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.300

    Deltoids: 2
    Pectorals: 2
    Dorsal: 1
    Gluteus: 2
    Quadriceps: 2
    Femoral Biceps:
    Tummy: 2
    Oblique: 9
    Lost Attempts: 2

    When injecting a water based compound with an oil based drug, it is best to draw first the water and then the oil, otherwise in the opposite case, the water drug will mix instantly, due to its less weight, with the oil compound already drew into the syringe, and it will be difficult to figure out how much of a water compound one has drawn from the vial.

    Today (day -4), I started to feel the tiredness I used to cope with in my previous cycle due to test suspension. It is not easy, with this compound, to setup proper time of injections in order to keep the blood levels as steady as possible. Also, the muscular pain associated to the injections begin to bug me and I want to push as much as possible in this burst cycle. I thought NPP could have helped me with this issue but I just do not want to wait and in case be disappointed. So, I decided to keep using test suspension till the first day of the first week as a front load and to add from today test propionate @ 70 mg ed to raise it to 150 mg ed once the test susp has gone.
    Though, I will keep using test suspension 30' before any leg work-out @ 50 mg.
    Last edited by BJJ; 08-31-2010 at 07:18 AM.

  39. #39
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Good write up.

    For the muscle pain do you use any Ice/Heat, Bengay, IcyHot or what I like DMSO gel.
    Also taking a anti inflammatory may not hurt like Alieve and may take care of the headache also.

  40. #40
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Good write up.

    For the muscle pain do you use any Ice/Heat, Bengay, IcyHot or what I like DMSO gel.
    Also taking a anti inflammatory may not hurt like Alieve and may take care of the headache also.
    I thought about using ice and yes, by taking nimesulide I solved the problem easily.

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