08-17-2010, 12:16 PM #1
First front loaded cycle question...
I have never done this before so see if i am messing up. Stats are 5'9" 175lbs bf% is 6. in the last 5-6 months i have naturally gained about 25lbs. my training is solid and i think my diet is ok. from 7 am till 11pm i hit about 5000-5500 cals. about 350 protien and roughly 600 plus carbs. oh and its been over 6 years since i used any AAS.
i have never used anything other then omandren and sust in the past. i started yesterday using 100mg Prop eod. i am planning on using that for about a month. i also have Cyp coming in about a week. 50 mls of each 250mg/ml. over all cycle i want between 12-16weeks most. when should i introduce the cyp
i was thinking to add 1 ml cyp every 3 days starting on the fourth week, and then stopping the prop around week 6. how does this sound so far. i have other things at my disposal if you think i need it just no orals. also i take a Vit b12 shot every 2 weeks too.
08-17-2010, 12:22 PM #2
you've gained 25lbs naturally in 5 to 6 months and you're 6%bf?
in any event you could start the cyp at any point during the prop, personally I would probably have started them at the same time.
08-17-2010, 12:24 PM #3
25lbs in 6 months? thats more impressive than most cycles.
as for starting the cyp, make sure its close to 3 weeks before the prop stops so its up to full blood levels when the prop drops off quickly.
08-17-2010, 01:51 PM #4
Big and Knockout got it covered. I would like to add in though, if your going to run it 12-16 weeks I advise you use HCG on cycle.
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