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  1. #1
    andrewd's Avatar
    andrewd is offline New Member
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    Question New to the world of steroids.

    I'm interested in the use of anabolic 's to improve my performance in the military and don't know what products I should use.
    The results i'm looking for to get rips and build strength
    I'm currently 23 y.o. ruffly 178pnds. 5.9ft
    any information will be great thank you

    my friend has a hookup for everything i need i just need to know whats best for what im looking for and i was told this is the site to ask.

  2. #2
    stack_it's Avatar
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    How high is your body fat?

    How many years have you been training?

    What's your diet look like?

  3. #3
    andrewd's Avatar
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    Unhappy Re:

    well to tell you the truth im guessing about 10% mabee less im not fat i got a little bit off fat around my waist and chest also i train everyday just not to hardcore i started to hit the gym again i used to train when i was in highschool so i gain pretty fast i guess you can say its muscle memory ..... if that makes sense...
    like i said i plan on working out harder but looking for that extra boost in my step.
    i eat 3 full course meals that the army gives me no pop or junk food mind you i do drink every other weekend with my brothers here
    thank you for your help
    Last edited by andrewd; 08-17-2010 at 11:54 PM. Reason: .... confused

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Find a way to eat more often, 6x a day, stay in the gym and get a good solid base before starting use of any AAS. It's not for a BOOST, it's to use to get over/past plateaus but most are due to diet and training.

    You dont need any aas to gain a good amount of size for now.

    BTW 10% body fat is pretty lean. Not having extra fat around the chest or stomach. Sounds more like 14%
    Last edited by lovbyts; 08-18-2010 at 12:23 AM.

  5. #5
    andrewd's Avatar
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    hmmm lovbyts that makes sense its a good thing i asked be for i did anything thank you but at the same time what do you think i can do to gain more cuts and build stamina i dont exactly have a workout plan and dont have much time to hit the gym due to training and when i train all we really do is cross fit / cardio when i do go to the gym im only there for 2-3 hours if im givin the time i don't meen to be bothering you but do u think u can give me a good workout plan to do in that short period of time i have i really wanna get in to the best shape possible and overcome the challanges the army has for me.
    i run cross fit etc... and want a real plan at the gym not just the crap the guys tell me at the gym there not in the greatest shape their self i feel its not doing to much for me and i know i can do better.
    cant get a P.T. or advisor so this is the next best thing go straight to the source and ask the best
    thank you for your help

  6. #6
    andrewd's Avatar
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    if i was to still get on to anything like dbol .... etc ... well what should i do for faster results one of my friends is taking pure test and it seems to be working

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Nope, doing any AAS will slow you down in performance and cause water weight mostly. It will make you look bigger, maybe some strength gains but especially if you dont have time to hit the gym full time it will add more water weight than anything else.

    Also after you stop your cycle you will loose most or all of your gains if your diet is not correct.

    What do you know about PCT? Post Cycle Therapy . Read the sticky notes above or you may experience ED issues and other side effects when you do decide to cycle.

  8. #8
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    I don't know exactly what it is that you do in the military, but I can't think of a situation where using AAS would increase your performance in military-related activities.

  9. #9
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    First off, 23 is too young. You need to be 25, with a stable HPTA before considering steroid use .

    Second, you need at least three to five years of serious weight training under your belt. This ensures a solid base and proper technique. Otherwise gains will be sporadic, inconsistent, and unmaintainable. You also risk serious injury.

    Third, diet is everything. Its more important that training and 100x more important than any drug you could take. If diet is not correct everything else is a waste of time and money.

    I happen to know a bit about military style training, and truthfully what has been said is spot on. Strength really isn't the asset you think it is. Endurance and strength to weight ratio is much, much more important. I've spent a fair amount of time with a group of Navy SEALS, and they are not what you'd expect. Average guy is probably 5'10" and 180lbs. They're solid, but don't look like a BB. Their training, even once they are officially SEALS, is psychotic. What they have learned is that physical limitations do not stop you, mental ones do. It's just like old Arnold himself said "When pushed the mind always fails before the body". SEALS and top athletes succeed because of mental toughness more than physical toughness or skill. Toughen your mind and your ass will follow.

  10. #10
    andrewd's Avatar
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    once again thank you all for you responds to my post this has helped me to come to the decision that now is not the best time for me to be considering the use of AAS.
    all so im Canadian infantry and really just rushed the fact of use and am happy i looked in to it more before use.

  11. #11
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewd View Post
    once again thank you all for you responds to my post this has helped me to come to the decision that now is not the best time for me to be considering the use of AAS.
    all so im Canadian infantry and really just rushed the fact of use and am happy i looked in to it more before use.
    I'm in the CF as well.

    Trust me, Anabolic Steroids not for you at the moment at least, and i'm glad you've taken our advice here. I was going to basically say what everyone else was saying, but there's no need anymore. In the meantime hang around here, do as much research as you can while training and eating hard naturally and CONSISTENTLY for at least a couple of years. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

  12. #12
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewd View Post
    once again thank you all for you responds to my post this has helped me to come to the decision that now is not the best time for me to be considering the use of AAS.
    all so im Canadian infantry and really just rushed the fact of use and am happy i looked in to it more before use.
    Good to see you have the ability to use the info you were given and wait until your body is ready. Not very many people can do that once they get an idea in there head. Props to you for being responsible and intelligent.

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