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  1. #1
    Outrageous1 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2010


    Hey hi!

    This will be my third cycle. previous 1st cycle was sustaplex, 2nd test c, winny and hgh. I've been on the gh (3iu's) for the past 6months (ED). Been on vacation, took 3 weeks off gh. Still currently off it. I'm trying to do a lean bulk, would like to add bout 5-10 pounds.

    10% fat

    I'm going to run this, as soon as i can get the doses right. this is what I have on hand. I want to keep the pining to a minamum, but want to use the test p as a kick starter. Thinking bout running this for 14 weeks

    Can I bridge the test P&E together the first two weeks?

    I have no experience with master, when should I start this?

    No experience with hcg , when can i start this?

    Test P 10ml
    Test E 30ml
    Masteron 200 ( 50mg p/ 150mg E) 30ml
    Hgh 5 iu's every day till end of cycle, then ramp down to 3iu's
    pct on hand (nova,clomid,AI)

    Ty for reading all of this!

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    3rd cycle and 165 lbs? You need to forget the cycle and visit the diet section. Learn to eat. You should be up around 180 10% before cycle.

  3. #3
    Outrageous1 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2010
    lovbyts, i know you mean well.

    But i'm Asian and have plateau. Diet/ working out is in check.

    Yes this will be my third real cycle. First cycle was 5years ago, 2nd cycle 6 months ago weighing in at 150. I had gain 20lbs and loss 5lbs of water weight. very happy with last results. Kept the same diet while on pct till now. I love food and eat enough of it.

    Maybe I made a mistake with my body fat % did a rough estimate could be around 8%.The gh is keeping me lean ass hell.

    Can you please or anybody else give me a good idea on how to run this, thnx.
    Last edited by Outrageous1; 08-18-2010 at 01:17 AM.

  4. #4
    Outrageous1 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    my run

    My diet is around 4000cals very clean. Going to do the HIT work out. 30mins cardio am, afternoon 30min cardio then 30mins of weight training straight. light to med weights 10-12 reps. Fyi i'm cutting my cardio in half, i run about 5miles a day 4xweek.

    How does this look peeps?

    1-2 Test P 50mg 1/2 cc ed
    1-2 Test E 62.5 mg 1/4cc W??
    2-14 Test E 250 mg 2W
    1-14 Masteron 200mg 2W
    1-14 rHGH 5 iu's ED, 3iu's after cycle for 12months
    HCG ????
    T4 50 mcg ED

    I have never used masteron or hcg. can some body please give me a idea how they would run this. TY!

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