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  1. #1
    Tev123's Avatar
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    Winstrol Only Cycle

    Ok before i get blasted for this im just after a little info.

    everywhere iv read about winny only cycles, pretty much has been . now my question is why is it so bad to run it by itself other than the dryness and sore joints?

    i personally am not looking for a huge jump in size, just looking to have the hard solid look. iv been told to run deca with it as well but i kinda like getting boners and dont want to have to stack a third time if i run a test with it.

    can winny only cycles be effective if i keep up glucosamine and calcium sups? do i need to run PCT with the winny only?

    lifting 5 years
    86 kgs, 189 pounds
    Train 5 times a week and cardio 3 times a week. diet is ok, and is in the process of being improved.

    Any advice or first hand experience would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    Well you've almost answered your own question, winny will shut down your bodies natty test so your going to need to replace that. I would recommend a small dose of test even as small as 100mgs ew this will ensure the usage of your penis. Deca would be a very bad choice to run alone with winny...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
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    The main reason is that Winstrol is all but worthless on its own. It is not a mass builder. It can help you cut, but at what cost? Let's look at Winstrol for a minute. It's terribly liver toxic, even when injected. It shuts down collagen synthesis (the dry joint thing is old school locker room BS, what it's really doing is keeping your connective tissue from repairing itself from minor damage that you always have from lifting). So pain and potential for injury, with no real gains in mass, plus its liver toxic. Awesome.

    If you want to cut and run a one compound only cycle try Anavar . The only downside is going to be price. Anavar will actually improve collagen synthesis, so your joints will feel great. It's a 17aa, but not as liver toxic as any of the others (still run liver support though). It builds good strength without a lot of mass. It does not shut down natural test production, so no ED, PCT is much lighter (though still necessary). It also has a great reputation for cutting when used with proper diet and exercise. If there's a wonder drug for cutting, strength without bulk or water gain, and with low side effects Anavar is it.

  4. #4
    Tev123's Avatar
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    Thanks heaps for the info guys, unfortunately being in Aus its a bit harder to get a hold of certain products including anavar . The advice is much appreciated though!

    Might hold off on the winny until such a time where as im looking to bulk up and stay cut.

    Thanks again!

  5. #5
    bernimx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    It does not shut down natural test production, so no ED, PCT is much lighter (though still necessary).
    It doesn't shut you down? Really?

    Also, what is the PCT used for then?

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
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    although mild, anavar is indeed suppressive

  7. #7
    bernimx's Avatar
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    Yeah, that thread lead me to search for more info and it seems that it is suppressive indeed. To what degree? vary's from one person to another.

  8. #8
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    The main reason is that Winstrol is all but worthless on its own. It is not a mass builder. It can help you cut, but at what cost? Let's look at Winstrol for a minute. It's terribly liver toxic, even when injected. It shuts down collagen synthesis (the dry joint thing is old school locker room BS, what it's really doing is keeping your connective tissue from repairing itself from minor damage that you always have from lifting). So pain and potential for injury, with no real gains in mass, plus its liver toxic. Awesome.

    If you want to cut and run a one compound only cycle try Anavar. The only downside is going to be price. Anavar will actually improve collagen synthesis, so your joints will feel great. It's a 17aa, but not as liver toxic as any of the others (still run liver support though). It builds good strength without a lot of mass. It does not shut down natural test production, so no ED, PCT is much lighter (though still necessary). It also has a great reputation for cutting when used with proper diet and exercise. If there's a wonder drug for cutting, strength without bulk or water gain, and with low side effects Anavar is it.
    Have you run both?

    Cause I've run Winny and it was much better than you make it sound.
    1) It is one of the milder ones as far toxicity.
    2) The strength gains are awesome.
    3) It does build a decent amount of muscle and is highly anabolic .

  9. #9
    Steroidman99 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    I would recommend a small dose of test even as small as 100mgs ew this will ensure the usage of your penis. Deca would be a very bad choice to run alone with winny...
    Well, listen to experts. The main reason, why you shouldn't run Winstrol alone is to guarantee "the usage of your penis".

    Frankly, I wouldn't recommend a solo-Winstrol cycle, but only because I experienced such a hellish joint pain at higher doses that I couldn't train at all. Otherwise the results are good. You can't expect that you would become Arnold, because Winstrol doesn't aromatize, but the strength gains are great. It is a pretty strong steroid , really.

    On the other hand, it is not just the healthiest stuff. I took it only twice and I won't use it again. Besides the joint pain and issues with liver and cholesterol, it can also cause unpleasant acne in sensitive individuals (like me). I can't understand, how someone can call it "a mild steroid"! In terms of androgenicity, it can't be compared with Anavar or Deca - no way -, because the side effects are two classes worse!

    However, the combination with Deca would be very reasonable - although I myself have never tested it. Deca should nullify Winstrol's effect on joints and Winstrol can theoretically block Deca's progestagenic side effects. Besides that, the steroids should potentiate each other's anabolic properties.

  10. #10
    Steroidman99 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Have you run both?

    Cause I've run Winny and it was much better than you make it sound.
    1) It is one of the milder ones as far toxicity.
    2) The strength gains are awesome.
    3) It does build a decent amount of muscle and is highly anabolic.
    I used both. Twice. And I would say that Winstrol is stronger - certainly, when you compare these steroids mg per mg. On the other hand, I still make experiments with the dosage of Anavar and it is possible that Anavar could match Winstrol, if I used very high doses.

    I used 30-50 mg Winstrol/day for 6 weeks, which was quite a high dosage for me, judging from the joint pain and sickening cystic acne I got. With Anavar, I got up to 60 mg/day during my first cycle and 75 mg/day during my second cycle - at zero sides. Those 75 mg/day worked very well, but unfortunately, I dared to go so far as late as after nearly 4 weeks, because this time 60 mg/day hadn't worked anymore.

    Since I have around 20% body fat, I didn't notice big changes in my appearance, and my muscle girths were growing very slowly; however, with my strength performances I am already in another galaxy.
    Last edited by Steroidman99; 08-18-2010 at 05:26 PM.

  11. #11
    Steroidman99 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tev123 View Post
    Thanks heaps for the info guys, unfortunately being in Aus its a bit harder to get a hold of certain products including anavar.
    You can order it from China (if you find a good supplier). It is ridiculously cheap.
    Last edited by Steroidman99; 08-18-2010 at 05:40 PM.

  12. #12
    Steroidman99 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bernimx View Post
    It doesn't shut you down? Really?

    Also, what is the PCT used for then?
    It differs from person to person. Scientific studies showed that after 12 weeks on 20-40 mg Anavar /day, testosterone suppression was nearly 50% on the average, and at 80 mg/day, only about 1/3 of endogenous testosterone was untouched. The point is that Anavar may be really less suppressive, when compared with other steroids mg per mg. However, since you must use higher doses, there is practically no difference.

    After 8 weeks on 50-60 mg Anavar/day, my testosterone production was at mere 2% of the normal value. I don't exaggerate, really. This is the worst side effect I have on Anavar. If I didn't use SARMs , I couldn't keep anything. In fact, I took Nolva after a 8-week Winstrol cycle and despite that I returned back to my pre-cycle level within mere 10 days. It seems that I am especially sensitive to testosterone suppression and after this experience I limit my cycle length to 6 weeks maximally.

  13. #13
    topshelf75's Avatar
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    I've run winny only cycles and gotten great results before. Decent strength gains, good vascularity, and insane pumps. I just posted another question on the forum about whether or not the time of day you take it (ie. 30 mins before a workout) makes any difference in the results you see?

  14. #14
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Have you run both?

    Cause I've run Winny and it was much better than you make it sound.
    1) It is one of the milder ones as far toxicity.
    2) The strength gains are awesome.
    3) It does build a decent amount of muscle and is highly anabolic.

    I really, really like winny at higher doses. Great strength and lean muscle gains.

    That said, I agree with 007, adding even a small dose of test to it would make for a better cycle.

  15. #15
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    On a per mg basis Winstrol is one of the most hepatoxic steroids in existence. That's not conjecture, that's a fact.

    It is also notorious for having an adverse affect on lipid profiles (HDL and LDL). Granted, Anavar has this side effect too.

    Anavar will suppress test production;I said it does not shut down natural test production, not that it is not suppressive. The degree to which this occurs is going to be a person to person thing. However, if you research you will see that the suppression is not typically as severe as with other steroids, and consequently it does not require the same precautions.

    BBS may get by on Winstrol without injury, but if you do anything explosive like powerlifting I'd stay away because of the potential for injury.

    Winstrol is anabolic , because it reduces the amount of SHBG, which increase free test. But that also means it increases suppression of test too over time.

    I would never say that Winstrol doesn't work, but I personally believe that there are better options out there from a safety to benefit standpoint.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    On a per mg basis Winstrol is one of the most hepatoxic steroids in existence. That's not conjecture, that's a fact.
    Do you have anything to back this up? Because I can list about a dozen AAS that will rape your liver at far lower doses than Winstrol.

  17. #17
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Stan is slightly less hepatoxic than most other 17AA substrates, I'll agree.

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    You should know that steroid write-ups generally don't count for anything. I'm asking for studies, not some dude's opinion.

    And the second link is edited out.

  20. #20
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    Outdated information at best. Pick up some new material, specifically William Llewellyn's Anabolics 9th edition. All new updated information that disproves a lot of old shit that's been floating around the web for the past decade.

  21. #21
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    ok heres something strange that i had just been told by another source,
    he said to me to not run enanthate with my winny because winny is water based and test e is oil based. he said that i should never stack oils and waters together.....? he reckons i should run some enanthate then run the winny after that on its own.

    I had never heard anything like this until now.

    your thoughts?

  22. #22
    Brodon is offline Junior Member
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    You can mixed oil and water bases in the same pin/needle. And you can run them in the same cycle. The only problem is that you need to inject winstrol more frequently then test e.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tev123 View Post
    ok heres something strange that i had just been told by another source,
    he said to me to not run enanthate with my winny because winny is water based and test e is oil based. he said that i should never stack oils and waters together.....? he reckons i should run some enanthate then run the winny after that on its own.

    I had never heard anything like this until now.

    your thoughts?
    What was his logic behind this?

  24. #24
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Drink the winny, then nothing to worry about mixing. The results are almost the same from what many say.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    What was his logic behind this?
    Dude i have no idea, thats why i asked the question cause i had never heard it before...

  26. #26
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    I think what he meant was that you should not mix the two in a common syringe for injecting. My guess is that he took that to mean don't do the two at the same time.

    I would never do a cycle of just Winstrol either. I'm not really a fan of the compound in general, but it really needs to be stacked to get the full effect if you choose to go that route.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    I think what he meant was that you should not mix the two in a common syringe for injecting. My guess is that he took that to mean don't do the two at the same time.
    No he ment not to stack them together, he wasn't talking about the syringe, he said that i shouldnt stack them because one was oil the other water based. said i should run enanthate then 2 weeks after my last pin, begin the winny.

    in any case its pretty clear he's wrong, which suprises me from him seeing as he has run a few cycles in his time.

  28. #28
    Brodon is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tev123 View Post
    No he ment not to stack them together, he wasn't talking about the syringe, he said that i shouldnt stack them because one was oil the other water based. said i should run enanthate then 2 weeks after my last pin, begin the winny.

    in any case its pretty clear he's wrong, which suprises me from him seeing as he has run a few cycles in his time.
    Running it without a testosterone based steroid will leave you with a bad libido

  29. #29
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    Yeah, that's odd advice. Most will advise you to stack it with test or another highly anabolic compound.

  30. #30
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    Exactly, which is the advice i had gotten from here, and everything i researched suggested that. then old mate comes along and tells me different, i was like WTF!

    So you can put test e and winny in the same pin when injecting? pretty sure its called a steroid cocktail, saw a guy on youtube do it and he got smashed by everyone one there for the practice

  31. #31
    D7M's Avatar
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    Yes, you can put oil and water based AAS in the same syringe.

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