Gents - I have a mild tear in my left pec that I did some time ago, yet every time I seem to hit the incline chest press hard I need 2-3 weeks to recover from the pain. To make matters worse on my right pec I was born with out a "pectoral major" (funny huh??) which causes me to lean towards the right when i'm on flat bench. Over the years I've had, Test Enanthate, Sus 250, Equipose (crap dont take it just makes you fat) and HGH. At some points it has improved to the point where I haven't had any pain but I cant remember what I was taking at the time (prob the HGH but I could be wrong). Mid cycle on the gear and diet my chest looks great. (can upload photos if you want) Any way I'm thinking about hitting another cycle and would like to know if any one knows what gear will help repair the muscle (if any?) or if any one has had a similar problem or if I am just F'd all together. I've read so many conflicting stories about what to use and what not to use, I don't know what to believe. Stats if it makes a diff 27yrs, 175cm, 80Kgs, 13% body fat.