Hi all,

Current situation, 39 years old, 84kg,
x pro rugby player, been doing iron man events for a couple of years, lately have let my fitness slip. My diet although not great currently will be improved. 6 meals etc. I'd really like to take my training to a different place and although i will continue to run I have every intention of focusing on weight training. Probably power lifting and body weight exercises, rather than typical body building type work outs. (not sure if this is the right way to go I just enjoy this type of training more) Question is...at last!!
What product or newbie stack would it be good to start with to firstly give me a real kick start back into my training, so quick gains in strength and size, but allow me to stay fairly lean and fit. Is this like everyone who is just starting holly grale and it just doesn't exist???
Point is I'm very focused on diet and my training, just wanted to try something to give me that great kick.. hope you all can help!