34 years old
5'8" 185 lbs
17% body fat
Lifting for 8 years on and off and have reached my natural potential upon my return to the gym over the last year after 1.5 year hiatus.
First cycle was 10 weeks of 400mg/week of test enan with clomid 70/70/35 and nolva 40/20/20 started at week 12. Went modest on pct since cycle was short and of fairly low dosage; however, I felt it was necessary as my nuts were non-existent by the end of my cycle.
Second cycle I would like to avoid the water weight by adding arimidex/letro from ar-r at .25mg eod. Going to up the test to 500mg/week split between two injections every 3.5 days. Would like to follow a similar low dose pct. Something like 70/70/35/35 and 40/40/20/20.
Any thoughts?