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  1. #1
    Alex.m is offline New Member
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    Question My first cycle - adverse effects/questions.. [AAS Beginner]

    Hi there,
    I will start by providing my current stats:

    Age: 20
    Height: 6'1
    Weight: 98kg / 216lb
    BF%: Quite high currently around 20%
    Cycle Exp: None
    PCT Knowledge: Planned PCT is currently Nolvadex only.
    Training Exp: Training properly for 1 full year
    Diet: Admitedly, not EXTREMELY strict, and probably not as strict as it should be whilst on cycle, although am currently intaking high protein at every opportunity I have (chicken, tuna, egg on a daily basis), low carb intake, and 3 protein supplement shakes throughout the day (morning, pre-workout, post-workout)

    My cycle is as below:
    Week 1 Test Enanthate 500mg
    Week 2-12 Test Enanthate 750mg
    Week 3-10 Deca 450mg
    Week 7-8, 10-11, 14-15 Clenbuterol 70mcg E/D
    Week 11-14 Nolvadex 30mg E/D

    The photo below was taken right before commencing my cycle:

    Ok, with that all out of the way -

    My plan is to bulk up as much as possible whilst on cycle and afterwards, and then commence cutting shortly after to hopefuly reveal and define all of my newly gained mass.

    I am currently just finishing the fifth week of my cycle, and am definately noticing some of the sides, although as I have obviously "jumped into the deep end" of AAS - (meaning that I have stacked my cycle with what I believe to be fairly high doses) - I am finding it hard to:
    1. Differentiate which of the AAS are causing which sides..
    2. Determine whether these sides are standard or severe..

    The sides which I am experiencing currently:
    - Testicular Atrophy to an extent
    - General Overall sense of wellbeing
    - Lethargia
    - Plenty of fluid retention, and am currently incredibly bloated
    - Strength gains, and mass gains
    - Increased sweating

    One of the more recent sides which is causing me grief, is that I am getting rashes on my skin on my inner thigh, and underarms about where my lats are, and on one arm on my inner elbow.
    These rashes were apparent from almost week 2-3, and I attributed them at first to sweat rashes, but after checking them in the mirror this evening it is apparent that they are becoming more severe, and there is now a significant red rash under my arms (constantly itchy).

    Is it advisable to commence the clenbuterol whilst still on cycle?
    Has anyone had any experience with this? Results?

    Is my cycle suitable and fitting for my stats and to meet my goals?

    I currently have a full training schedule, 5-6 days a week, 15-20 mins of intense cardio daily, followed by 1 hour of lifting, each muscle group once a week.

    Any suggestions, input or constructive feedback would be much appreciated..
    (I hope I have included everything)

    Thanking you all in advance.

    Last edited by Alex.m; 08-22-2010 at 07:08 AM. Reason: Removed lab names as requested - sorry.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    First edit those lab names in your post

    No offense, but this is a terrible plan.

    You're too young, you've bitten off more than you can chew (way more gear than you need at this point), and you've started way before you were physically ready.

    As for the rash...I'd go see a doc.

    What is your daily diet like in detail?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Stop immediately and do PCT, and then pray that you did not damage your HPTA. You are too young and not physically ready. Any gains you see you will not be able to maintain.

    Spend the next five years training and eating right, and only then should you consider any drugs.

    Steroids are not a magic pill or injection that take the place of hard work, proper diet, and years of effort. They can polish the sculpture once it is nearly complete, but they won't turn a slab or marble into Michelangelo's David.

    I don't know who got this idea into your head, but if I were you I wouldn't listen to them anymore.

  4. #4
    Alex.m is offline New Member
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    What in particular is horrible about the cycle..?


  5. #5
    Alex.m is offline New Member
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    TKO Performance - thanks for your input, and I do understand the point you are making.

    I understand that a cycle is not an instant gateway to perfect results, although can it not be used to assist in boosting my current progress..?

    So the general opinion would be to completely end my cycle imediately?

    I would definately like to continue he cycle, maybe modify it so that it is more suitable?

  6. #6
    GymHero's Avatar
    GymHero is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alex.m View Post
    What in particular is horrible about the cycle..?

    You say you have been training properly for 1 year, honestly it looks like you have never touched a weight. This is do to your poor diet and possibly a bad training routine. Visit the diet section and post up your diet.

    This is your first cycle and you decided to run more than 1 compound. You are now having side effects and don't know what is causing what and this is why it is recommended to start off with 1 thing at a time so you can see how your body reacts.

    Look more into pct and do a lot more RESEARCH and read please. I would add another serm and not only run nolva.
    Last edited by GymHero; 08-22-2010 at 06:32 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    First off, you're too young to be on one. You need to be 25 minimum before even considering steroids , and truthfully I, and every vet here, would like to see you older than that and having reached your natural potential first. You are risking permanent damage to your body taking steroids at your age.

    Second, based on pics, you are no where near physically ready for steroids. If this is offensive I apologize, but I'm here to give you solid advice not stoke your ego. Your body fat is too high, which will put you at greater risk of side effects.

    Third, training for one year is not enough. You need two-three minimum, and at your age five would be the way to go.

    Fourth, you are taking way too much test. This is almost certainly why you are getting sides. This shows a lack of research or bad advice, or both. All pointing to not really knowing what you're doing, and that increases the risks you are taking, which are already staggering.

    Seriously, heed my initial advice. I'm not here to be a dick; I'm here because you are taking a huge risk with your health, and will not get any real reward to justify it. I, like all the other guys here who will give you good advice, want to see you healthy and happy for the rest of your life. If you want to get big then you have to get into the lifestyle of weight training and body building, and steroids is a tiny, tiny part of that. The lifestyle is eating properly, training right, rest, and proper supplementation. Drugs should only ever come into play once you are old enough not to damage your body, have accumulated enough knowledge to use them responsibly, and once you have been into the lifestyle for many years with a good foundation in both nutrition and training. Steroids will take you past your natural peak, but you are nowhere near that peak. Most of the guys you'll find here that are worth listening to reached their natural potential before taking steroids. Many are older guys who are simply seeking to maintain the gains of their youth into their 40s and beyond. If you want help with learning the lifestyle we're here for you. If you want advice about steroids the only honest and reasonable advice I can give you at this point is stop.

  8. #8
    Alex.m is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    First off, you're too young to be on one. You need to be 25 minimum before even considering steroids , and truthfully I, and every vet here, would like to see you older than that and having reached your natural potential first. You are risking permanent damage to your body taking steroids at your age.

    Second, based on pics, you are no where near physically ready for steroids. If this is offensive I apologize, but I'm here to give you solid advice not stoke your ego. Your body fat is too high, which will put you at greater risk of side effects.

    Third, training for one year is not enough. You need two-three minimum, and at your age five would be the way to go.

    Fourth, you are taking way too much test. This is almost certainly why you are getting sides. This shows a lack of research or bad advice, or both. All pointing to not really knowing what you're doing, and that increases the risks you are taking, which are already staggering.

    Seriously, heed my initial advice. I'm not here to be a dick; I'm here because you are taking a huge risk with your health, and will not get any real reward to justify it. I, like all the other guys here who will give you good advice, want to see you healthy and happy for the rest of your life. If you want to get big then you have to get into the lifestyle of weight training and body building, and steroids is a tiny, tiny part of that. The lifestyle is eating properly, training right, rest, and proper supplementation. Drugs should only ever come into play once you are old enough not to damage your body, have accumulated enough knowledge to use them responsibly, and once you have been into the lifestyle for many years with a good foundation in both nutrition and training. Steroids will take you past your natural peak, but you are nowhere near that peak. Most of the guys you'll find here that are worth listening to reached their natural potential before taking steroids. Many are older guys who are simply seeking to maintain the gains of their youth into their 40s and beyond. If you want help with learning the lifestyle we're here for you. If you want advice about steroids the only honest and reasonable advice I can give you at this point is stop.
    Thankyou for taking the time to respond.

    Well I am now going to end my cycle.. I will run nolvadex for the next three weeks, and continue my training till I can reach my maximum genetic potential.

    Obviously I am quite disappointed in myself for 'wasting' the money on this cycle as I now understand it is not necessary, but am very thankful for the feedback that you have all provided.

    Thanks again.

  9. #9
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    Don't beat yourself up too bad. We all get bad advice from time to time. You're making the right decision. I'd also recommend you get blood work done after you finish up your PCT so you can see where your test level is, ect. This way you can be sure that you didn't permanently damage anything.

    Use the diet forum to learn about diet and training forum to learn about that. PM me if you want any more advice as well. We'll get you where you want to be safely. That's why we're here.

  10. #10
    gregghowie is offline Junior Member
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    Hey dude.

    I am a newbie to AAS, so take whatever I say in (context).

    But I have been doing a shit house amount of research on PCT. And I would agree with GymHero that you maybe need to add to your PCT nolva alone is generally not regarded as being enough. (and you were running some pretty high doses)

    TKO has offered his time to help you and being the experienced one chat with him and just confirm. But I would look at maybe adding SERM.

  11. #11
    Sector's Avatar
    Sector is offline Associate Member
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    If you experienced Testicular Atrophy and you were not running HCG on cycle then it would be foolish not to run Clomid. Get it from the research company banner in the top right hand corner.

    Before you dish the dough for it though, take a few minutes to research the purpose of Clomid and Nolva and you will see why Clomid will be beneficial to you at this point.

  12. #12
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    Definitely run both Clomid and Nolva. I'd run the Clomid at 100/100/50/50 and the Nolva at 40/40/20/20 (all dosages are per day, per week, for a four week course). You may want to add some HCG too, but I'm not an expert on this. I'd advise you do a separate post in the PCT forum on this. There are some dissenting opinions on its exact use, even from the experienced members, and having no first hand experience with it I don't want to weigh in and cloud the issue.

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