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Thread: I need help!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Cool I need help!!!

    I am 18 years old, 6'3" and a little over 200 pounds. I have never done a cycle before, but I am about to start. My workout routine has not been very solid lately so I need to know how long I need to workout before begining a cycle.

    Also, what would you pros recomend using? I like the idea of using deca, but should I stack with something else? Money is not a problem, I just want to do it right. I also had thought about whinny, but I'm not sure. All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    18 is a little young IMO to start using steroids... You have no idea yet how much you can attain without them... At 6'3" and only 200lbs you have alot of room left to grow naturally...I would lift at least 2-3 years and build a solid base before starting any cycle...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Unhappy I still need help

    I realize what you are saying, but I am done with the majority of my growing. I am not looking for anything hardcore, but I do want to do something. Plese help me to organize something small. Thanks a lot.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.
    My 'trainer'/source had me continue working out (4 days on, 1 day off) for 12 straight weeks prior to allowing me to cycle. This was to build a pattern and set in stone what I would be doing while on the juice.

    There's nothing worse than someone going on a cycle to only find themselves sitting at home, deciding not to hit the gym, for a couple weeks straight...I've seen em, and they would have been better off never working out-never juicing....

    So make DAMN sure you have a schedule that you will stick to before/during/after the cycle you run. Otherwise you might just be throwing money in the trash.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    OK UR NOT GETTTIN THIS THEN TREY800!!!!!! you need to lift for a good few years of "natural training to determine ur bodys set points. You can jack up on over the counter shit like cell tech, tons of protein and whatever else u wanna spend ur $ on. AS for anabolic steroids and ur "need" to grow and "need" for advice, well there it is, you juice now and ull put on 20 lbs, and then spend every dollar trying to figure out why u cant get another pound on !!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    train hard, eat clean and often, no alcohol or drugs, sleep!! Thats ur cycle.

  7. #7
    Trey how do you know that your done with the majority of your gorwing? At your height only weighing 200 have a lot of potential for growth.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I really appreciate all the replies, as far as growing goes, I would like to stop. I mean I'm a good ways over six feet, and I am more than content with that. I think I'm going to purchase the 'things' necessary for a cycle soon, and let that motivate me to build a good base. I can do the 12 week theroy, but not the 2 year one. One again, I really do appreciate the help, and please keep it coming!

  9. #9
    I wasn't referring to your height bro.....IMO you can gain a lot more muscle naturally since you only weigh 200lbs at your height!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Yeah I hear you, but I have always been a pretty skinny guy. I'm not trying to question you, just understand better. Also what the hell does IMO mean? Thanks.

  11. #11
    IMO = in my opinion

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Gotcha, I realize that it may not be in my best intrest to juice now, but I always look deeply into things before I do anything.

    But anyways, lets say I do get juicy....what do you recomend? I have heard some ideas on Deca 300mg/week and Test Enanthate 400/500mg/week with some Nolva and Clomid during and post-cycle. How does that sound? (8 week cycle)

  13. #13
    Sorry I won't recommend a cycle you are too young IMO!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Stuck under 135lbs. on th
    Trey, you just said, "I can do the 12 week theory, but not the two year one." That alone will let anyone on here know that you don't have the dedication to this that 95% of the people on this board do. If you can't do the 2 year thing, then why in the hell do you think people are going to want to help your lazy ass out? I say lazy ass, b/c it pisses me off when people want something, but aren't willing to dedicate themself to doing what is necessary to achieve it.

    Let me just put this into perspective for you. When I was 18 I was 6'6" tall and weighed 212lbs. Now, mind you I had just spent the year and a half before that peeling off about 90+ lbs of fat. I did that by lifting weights, cardio, and eating right. My knowledge base, and resources for acquiring knowledge, were infinitely smaller than the ones you posses just by being a memeber of this board. Use that to your advantage. By the time I was 21 I had managed to get back up to 240lbs (that's about 30 lbs of muscle) in 3 years. And again, if I knew then what I know now about diet and training I am sure I would have gotten over 250lbs.

    Here is what you should do:
    Go to the nutrition/diet forum and tell people your stats, and ask someone to give you a diet. They will say, "tell me what you are eating now, and we will go from there". So, that takes care of your nutrition.
    Then go to the workout forum and ask for a program. Tell them your history, and someone will help. So, that takes care of your workout schedule.

    Then, use that information to gain muscle. At 18, you've got all kinds of natural test running through your body that will make you grow as if you are on something. Assuming, of course, that you use the info you have gotten on diet and training. Then, in a couple of years, when you are 6'3" tall and 240+lbs naturally, you can think about doing some aas. You will have established a good muscle base to add to, and you will have proven that you have the discipline and dedication to do this for life.

    One more thing, in the three years between 18 and 21 when I gained all of the muscle I did, people used to regularly ask me, or accuse me, of using steroids. It used to piss me off b/c I worked so hard for something, and the other idiots who did not have my dedication and discipline I had swore I was using juice. It wasn't until I was 21 that I learned that about 5 of my close friends had been using juice when they were 17, 18, 19, and 20 years old. I never understood how they could workout less than me, eat shitty, and still look as good or better than me. I just figured I had shittier genetics than they did. Don't get me wrong, most of them looked big and lean, and they were strong. But, now that we are all 27, you want to know what everyone looks like? One of them has a HUGE bald spot, and is pretty skinny b/c he is lazy and doesn't workout anymore. Another is skinny b/c he is lazy and doesn't workout anymore either (this one also really fucked up his liver when he was 20 because of all of the dbol he was taking. He lost about 30lbs because of it). One is fat, b/c he is lazy and doesn't workout. Another is about average, with a receding hair line, he works out but can't seem to put on much muscle. And I haven't seen the 5th one in a couple of years, but last time I did see him he had a nice beer gut going. You want to know what I look like since I have continued to lift and eat properly for the last 10 years (and yes, at the age of 21 I began using aas)? I weigh 300lbs at about 10% bodyfat, I have a full set of hair (thank God, and knock on wood that I keep it), I've got veins all over my arms, and the comment I hear the most out of peoples' mouths as I walk bye is, "Fuck, that's a big dude."

    So, here is my help as far as your cycle question goes: Don't do one yet. Get some discipline and dedication, and kick some ass in the gym. Then get on some shit. I'm not saying don't ever do juice, I'm just saying make it worth your while. You are talking about potentially fucking up your own hormones (that is something we all risk regardless of our age), so you need some serious thought about this one. I'd wait bro. Trust me, stay clean, stay lean, put on some natural size, and you will get more pussy. (that is why we are all doing this, isn't it?)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by The Butcher
    Trust me, stay clean, stay lean, put on some natural size, and you will get more pussy. (that is why we are all doing this, isn't it?)

    Brother you hit a home run with that statement... Ain't it the truth

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    its not about getting play for me. i already have the face and personality for that . i just lift and use AS because i want to perfect my body for my own self.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Eastcoast U.S.A

    Exclamation Take the advice

    Dude, Listen to BIG-G that's best advice you can get. Believe me!


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I thank everyone for the help, but monstercojones1 is a flamer!!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    On the end of a Needle

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Originally posted by BIG-G
    train hard, eat clean and often, no alcohol or drugs, sleep!! Thats ur cycle.
    Spoken well.... Someone post Madmax's poem for him.. Maybe that will get it into his head.. Listen bro I know you don't wanna wait cause I didn't either. But in the long run you will be glad.. Listen to the people on here, they are tryin to help you..

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