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Thread: First Cycle

  1. #1
    Sincity_666 is offline New Member
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    First Cycle

    Ok after reading for months this is the best I could come up with being limited on cash/supplies, but trying to be safe and get good results nonetheless.

    Age 32
    Weight 171
    Height 5'10"
    BF about 12%

    Week 1-6
    Test E (testoviron ) 250mgs/week
    Dianabol 20mgs/ED
    Provironum 25mgs/ED (runs out week 7)

    Week 7-10
    Test E 250mgs/week

    Week 12-16
    Nolvadex 20mgs/ED

    This is all I could get/afford would like 500mgs/week of test but an option. Will I get good results from this as first ever cycle? I included provironum instead of more test because of the great things I have heard about it and it also acts as an anti estrogen. I have enough to run it the whole time along side the D-Bol and have enough to get through week 7. After that I will only have the test for the last 3 weeks.

    Please give me you thoughts, I have done lots of research before posting and based on my financial situation this is the best I could do while keeping safe and making it worth it. Thoughts please.

  2. #2
    Sector's Avatar
    Sector is offline Associate Member
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    Whats the rush? If your going to cycle do it proper. Wait until you can aquire all the materials ( AI, PCT, Decent amount of Test ). I meen its one thing to want to be conservative but you stated you would rather run 500mgs of Test. So, show some self restraint and save up a bit more. Your PCT is lacking as well. 20mgs of Nolva for 4 weeks will not suffice.

  3. #3
    Sincity_666 is offline New Member
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    Waited two months for the spare cash, So showed restraint there, but man I'm ready lol, my friend who has been using for about 8 years said I should yeild good results on 250mgs/week since I've never used before. I decided to throw in the d-Bol to jump start and help spike gains. What do you think of the cycle other than waiting for more test? I have provironum to keep estro away for 7 weeks (also amplifies the test from what Ive read) and I've been told for the first time and low dosage im using nolva alone for for PCT would be fine.

    Do you not think 250 mgs for 10 weeks with the Dbol and Provo is enough to yeild good results?

  4. #4
    Sincity_666 is offline New Member
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    Is HGC really necessary for PCT? I've heard otherwise especially for first cycle and low dosage? What else would you run with the Nolva? Or are you saying 20mgs for 4 weeks isn't long enough?

  5. #5
    Sector's Avatar
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    So it took you two months to aquire the spare cash? How do you expect to afford the 4-5k calories of clean food you will need to eat on a daily basis?Im one man and only one opinion but you arent ready and here is why. Your PCT is lacking, your knowledge is lacking ( which wouldnt be a problem if you werent so quick to start ) and proviron for 7 weeks ensures just that, 7 weeks. What about the remainder of the cycle? What will you have on hand in case Gyno flairs or estro gets out of control?

    If you are deadset on running 250mg of test instead of 500 just because you are too impatient to save up a bit more cash then fine but dont skimp on a proper PCT and protection on cycle for that reason.

    Edit - last time I try to get fancy whilst quoting somebody. Damn fonts.
    Last edited by Sector; 08-22-2010 at 10:09 PM.

  6. #6
    Sincity_666 is offline New Member
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    Wow man what is your problem? I had to wait a couple months to afford my stuff because of various reasons and now I can't afford food lol? I didn't ask about a diet plan or calorie intake. Just thoughts on a first cycle. My knowledge is lacking, how's that? You have not offered any sound advice here at all! Just ripping into me, what knowledge have you given me??? NONE just rude comments.

    What anti est do I have? I have Nolva and provironum. You state what do I do after week 7? You question my knowledge? Who says you have to run an anti est during your whole cycle? maybe you should research a little more. Do me a favor and don't post to my thread you have nothing but insults and no insight.

  7. #7
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    wow at Weight 171 Height 5'10" BF about 12% and looking on here for advice is telling ya's all what to do!

    1st of all man... YOU DONT HAVE ENOUGH GEAR FOR A CYCLE.. if you did YOUR research you would know that.

    250mg a week of test is not worth it. thats more of a TRT dose. if your going to shut your natural testosterone down then 250mg is a waste, its not to far off what you would produce naturally.

    your pct is weak 20mg per day for 4 weeks is not enough, and yes hcg helps alot for pct. read this please Test beginner cycle info it will help you alot.

  8. #8
    Brodon is offline Junior Member
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    Do you like charts? This is a bit easier to follow... This is what your dosages should look like

    You should use the dbol to kickstart the cycle


    some AI on hand enough to cover the entire cycle incase you are prone to gynecomestia

    hcg is an alternative thing, its included just to get the idea that it shouldnt be run in pct (in my opinion) .... to avoid testicular atrophy

    and of course clomid and nolva standard dosage pct

  9. #9
    Sincity_666 is offline New Member
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    Man I don't know what's up with this site, but some of you should really take a class in tact. If you think I am doing something wrong then why not state it in a tactful manner? I have been doing research for a couple months now and nowhere does it tell me 250mgs with d-Bol and provironum isn't enough. So just learned that. Also I have read that the combo of clomid and Nolva accomplishes nothing. I have read Nolva is best and don't even use clomid at all. Also have read HGC shouldn't be used in PCT at all but only during a cycle and can hurt your recovery if done. So to say I haven't done research, well people are posting and saying things I have read are bad ideas and not needed. I've read several different sites and forums that say only take anti estrogen of gyno signs appear because it can hinder gains and isn't needed until PCT. At this point it seems like their are lots of different opinions out there and I am trying to figure which ones are right. Of course on this site I get rude comments and told I don't do research when in fact I have. Many things being posted here actually contradict many of the things I have read

    So looks like I should get more test and wait and run 500mgs/week, ok, but I don't feel comfortable with the HGC, is it really necessary? I know quite a few people that have been using for years and recovery fine without it?


  10. #10
    Sincity_666 is offline New Member
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    So Brodon, basically you are saying if I add more test than my cycle is fine?

    I will get enough test to run 500mgs/week, I have enough Dbol , I will take proviroum for first 7 weeks to keep estrogen away and have nolvadex on hand just in case, you say AI but can't nolva be used also? And this may not even be needed correct? Since you say HGC is an alternative I won't use it, and I've already read serveral places clomid and nolva ran together is pointless and is better just to run nolva. So the other guy ripped me for my PCT being just Nolvadex but yours is just clomid and nova. So why not just Nova, they do the same thing basically but Nolva is stronger and safer, from everything I have read.

  11. #11
    Sincity_666 is offline New Member
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    Also one more thing. Since test is a long acting ester and releases over a long period of time why two injections a week? Can't I just inject 500mgs a week and avoid the extra pin? By the way is a cc in a syringe equal to one ml in a bottle?

  12. #12
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sincity_666 View Post
    Also one more thing. Since test is a long acting ester and releases over a long period of time why two injections a week? Can't I just inject 500mgs a week and avoid the extra pin? By the way is a cc in a syringe equal to one ml in a bottle?
    You can do it just once a week. Even though it is a long acting ester you still get peaks and valley so with many blood test it has been proven that injecting 2x a week keeps the levels more at the peak without the drops.

    I have had blood work done a day before and a day after injections when doing once a week and you can see a difference. Not necessarily due to the injection I just took but due to the cycle. When I went to 2x a week it was more constant of a level. That's why people who go to the doctor for a shot ever 2 weeks complain about feeling great then suck right before the shot.

    Why not do what you can to keep feeling normal/good instead of the ups and downs.

  13. #13
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    If you've been researching for months you'd know 250mg of test a weeks is just a little more than at TRT dose. There are probably 1000's of threads on this forum about first cycles and propper test dosages. Go to the homepage click on cycles and it will show you what proper beginner cycles look like

  14. #14
    Sincity_666 is offline New Member
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    Ok thanks, I will wait and do 500mgs/week, injecting 250mgs/Monday and 250mgs/Thursday. For 10 weeks.

    As far as PCT, is it ok just to run Nolvadex ? This is where I see very mixed reviews.'Also most say no need to run any anti estrogens throughout only if gyno is apparent. I will be running provironum the first 7 weeks anyway and this should greatly reduce the chances of gyno. Is having nolvadex on hand enough? And I do not want to run HGC throughout if I don't absolutely have too, just don't feel comfortable with it. I can't get arimadex and from what I have read will not run any clomid.'what are options?

  15. #15
    Neevor's Avatar
    Neevor is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sincity_666 View Post
    Ok thanks, I will wait and do 500mgs/week, injecting 250mgs/Monday and 250mgs/Thursday. For 10 weeks.

    As far as PCT, is it ok just to run Nolvadex? This is where I see very mixed reviews.'Also most say no need to run any anti estrogens throughout only if gyno is apparent. I will be running provironum the first 7 weeks anyway and this should greatly reduce the chances of gyno. Is having nolvadex on hand enough? And I do not want to run HGC throughout if I don't absolutely have too, just don't feel comfortable with it. I can't get arimadex and from what I have read will not run any clomid.'what are options?
    I don't know why no one has mentioned that the Dbol is not an awesome idea on a first cycle. It causes fast gains but then you lose water weight and newbs think their stuff isnt working or they get disappointed cause they dont gain weight for the next couple weeks because they are shedding the water. Plus if you run into side effects you wont know if its the Dbol causing them or the Test so you wont know which to look out for in the future and which to modify now to stop the sides.

    Also, more experienced users include clomid with Novaldex because they act on different estrogen receptors and this is good especially if you arent running an AI in your PCT as well. Also, Clomid is shown to increase testosterone production in 2 to 3 weeks of taking it while Novaldex has been shown to be effective as a testosterone stimulator only after 6 weeks of taking it. You can get away with just Novaldex on a cycle like yours because you wont be shutting your system down hard or for very long but it isnt awesome and it shouldnt be used as a standard PCT. You will recover faster and better with both Clomid and Novaldex. A great PCT is HCG through your cycle with Clomid, Novaldex, and an AI like Arimidex for 4 weeks after your cycle. Hope that helps.

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