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Thread: bulking cycle

  1. #1
    millionairemurph's Avatar
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    bulking cycle

    I am planning my next bulking cycle for this fall or winter. I am an athlete, I compete in mma. I need to make that clear as many opionions are based from bodybuilding perspective.
    I am looking for a good lean bulking cycle. In my spring cutter I used var and eq, and I've heard not to use the same compounds (other than test) 2 cycle in a row.I am thinking of using 1 test cyp 100 day (frontloaded)
    Prop 100 day
    A 19 nor of some sort for all 3 pathways for growth?

    I have used deca and won't again due to bloating. Npp was ok, but again, lots of bloating,though less.

    Is MHN an option?
    Would drol be good bc of its lack of ar activity? Could letro tame the bloat from drol? Would I gain keepable muscle from it?

    What 19 nor would be good here? Tren is awesome, but ruin my cardio. I might consider 25 mg a day. What other options do I have?
    Looks like I will be on for 8 to 10 weeks.

  2. #2
    stack_it's Avatar
    stack_it is offline Nothing to it, but to do it
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    So you're wanting to run 1400mg a week of test?

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If what you heard was true most BB would run out of options of what to use quickly.

    If stack it is correct, 1400mg a week of test you can expect more bloat as well as a good chance of gyno do to excess estrogen.

    What did you run the Tren with, by itself? No test?

    Whats are your stats.

    body fat
    number of years working out
    cycle experience

  4. #4
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    I would run a blend or just like this

    50mg test prop ed 1-10
    50mg mast ed 1-10
    50mg tren ed 1-9

    up your protein and lift heavy while on cycle, i think this might give you what you are looking for. the tren we cut down on your breathing when training mma so just be aware

  5. #5
    poppz's Avatar
    poppz is offline Senior Member
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    i thought deca was a clean bulker with no bloating?

  6. #6
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poppz View Post
    i thought deca was a clean bulker with no bloating?
    heh, nope, lots of bloat but you can control this with diet and drinking plenty of water.

    OP, so you are taking Prop and Cyp? You are frontloading the cyp @ 100ED? what are you dropping it to once the front load is complete?

    I just completed my bulker and gained 20 lbs (some excess) on far less gear. Might want to reconsider your cycle.


  7. #7
    Sector's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post

    I just completed my bulker and gained 20 lbs (some excess) on far less gear. Might want to reconsider your cycle.

    Just shows what a good diet and smart workout routines can do for you. I second the less gear. OP - Im suprised you dont just run a Test/NPP cycle or Test/Tren cycle seeing as how you have used those compounds before.

  8. #8
    millionairemurph's Avatar
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    I was planning on using test prop and 1-test, which is tthe stupid name for dihydroboldenone. No, i wouldnt even consider 1400 mg of test per week. 1-Test is not test.

    I think tren , even at fifty mg a day would ruin my cardio

  9. #9
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    [QUOTE=lovbyts;5328004]If what you heard was true most BB would run out of options of what to use quickly.

    If stack it is correct, 1400mg a week of test you can expect more bloat as well as a good chance of gyno do to excess estrogen.

    What did you run the Tren with, by itself? No test?

    30 years old
    7-9% or lower, im very lean
    working out 16 years, about 8 of which Ive known about diet and effective training
    about 5 cycles, compounds listed above.

    I ran tren with test prop. I always include test in all my cycles, I have never ran prop over 700mgs a week. I feel best with a lowish dose of test, 150-350mg a week dose. I grow well with higher doses, but get worse accne, forcing me to use accutane

  10. #10
    millionairemurph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poppz View Post
    i thought deca was a clean bulker with no bloating?
    My whole body bloated up with 550-650 mg of decca a week. I even started using letro with it to cut down some of the bloat as was recomended to me with no effect. I dont respond well to long esters.

  11. #11
    millionairemurph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sector View Post
    Just shows what a good diet and smart workout routines can do for you. I second the less gear. OP - Im suprised you dont just run a Test/NPP cycle or Test/Tren cycle seeing as how you have used those compounds before.
    As i said, nandrolone makes me bloat alot. I really cant use tren , although its amazing, because it kills my cardio. So a higher dose of dhb and prop, imo, might be safer with less sides than tren or npp at a lower dose. I mean, I could run something mild like eq at 1400mg a week and have less sides than tren ace at 350 a week. "less gear" isnt always less sides, the actual type of gear matters when taking into acount how heavy a cycle would be.

  12. #12
    millionairemurph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    heh, nope, lots of bloat but you can control this with diet and drinking plenty of water.

    OP, so you are taking Prop and Cyp? You are frontloading the cyp @ 100ED? what are you dropping it to once the front load is complete?

    I just completed my bulker and gained 20 lbs (some excess) on far less gear. Might want to reconsider your cycle.

    im thinking of using tesp prop as the base with DHB (1-testosterone cyp, not test cyp). I may use the DHB at 1400 mg a day for the first week, then drop to 700 a week for the remainder of the cycle. I use r o i d c a l c .com to calculate the amount of aas used in the body in order to frontload long estered AAS. I see absolutely no reason to wait four weeks for the dhb to kick in.

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