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  1. #1
    supe3's Avatar
    supe3 is offline Associate Member
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    testicular atrophy

    I Know this has got to sound ****ed up, but I wanted to know if when you have really bad testicular atrophy, Like raisins, do you still ejaculate normally? I'm asking if you still have something come out? What man doesn't like to put a load on his girls face once in a while.

  2. #2
    indie10669 is offline New Member
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    Yes. While I don't have personal experience on the matter, it is known that load sizes do not significantly change. Most of your semen is not sperm, but actually other fluids released by organs other than your testes

  3. #3
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    "Seminal fluid is produced by the seminal vesicles. This is not located in the scrotum (nut sack for slang), but rather behind and between the bladder and prostate gland. The other answers in this post refer to where sperm is created, which is a very small amount compared to the production of seminal fluid manufactured by the seminal vesicles. This is why a man that has under gone a vasectomy is able to still ejaculate seminal fluid, even though the vas deferens (tube connected to testicals) has been severed by a doctor to prevent sperm from being part of the ejaculation. Seminal vesicle looks like little wrinkled sausage about 5cm (2") long. Inside there is a coiled tube. Their function is to produce seminal fluid, which is produced continually. Since they never cease their production, the seminal vesicles keep filling up after each ejaculation, and as they fill they swell. The swelling is accompanied by elongation, just as a coiled garden hose tends to stretch out when filled with water. The seminal vesicles cannot release any of the seminal fluid other than by ejaculation from sexual intercourse or masterbation." from

  4. #4
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    my sperm volume notably dropped on cycle

  5. #5
    dieseljimmy is offline Associate Member
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    I generally have two sides from any aas. I sweat seriously and my nuts get much smaller. I have never measured but I would imagine they shrink by 50 percent. My wife gets a kick out of the shrinkage. She thinks it is soo funny how small they get...bitch(j/k even I think it funny). And the load size is smaller and it does not project the same way. But that might just be cause I'm either screwing more and/or jerking off more due to an increase sex drive.

  6. #6
    MMArmour's Avatar
    MMArmour is offline Senior Member
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    fvck i dont even know. On cycle im fvcking so much its hard to know if its due to decline in production of fluids or if im just shooting it out at a rate that keeps me shooting smaller loads.

  7. #7
    upperhandy is offline Member
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    my volume significantly decreased by week 12.... almost nothing at all

    just finishing week 4 of PCT and volume is back to (if not above) normal

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Semen also contains fluid from the Cowper's Gland, which effectively neutralizes any acid in the urethra to prevent it from denaturing the sperm as it comes out. Semen is actually slightly basic. This is also why occasionally you will get a little burning sensation if you urinate right after ejaculation. You are getting an acid/base reaction in your urethra.

    Prostate fluid is also part of semen. The prostate is affected by testosterone , so it is possible that introducing artificial test into the body could reduce prostate function, thus reducing semen volume.

    As stated, sperm makes up about a teaspoon of semen. Everything else is a delivery system or protection mechanism.

  9. #9
    supe3's Avatar
    supe3 is offline Associate Member
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    thanks fellas, im sure my girl will be real happy to hear it

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