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  1. #1
    True_Lou is offline New Member
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    Why isn't Trenbolone for beginners?

    I just started my first cycle of Test-C and have no intention of doing Trenbolone anytime soon; but I do want to know why everyone recommends it for experienced users only.

    I always hear people say it's not for the novice. Every time someone with little AAS history asks for advice, people say they should wait till they have more experience before moving on to Trenbolone. What makes it different from a beginner compound like Test? Why shouldn't you jump right into it? What are the risks of doing so before you are ready? When is the appropriate time to move up to a chemical like Trenbolone?

    I've read through at least 100 Q&A pages and haven't been able to find a definite answer to these questions. I just want to learn more about it so I can know when, if ever, would be an appropriate time to try this.

  2. #2
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    It is likely the most suppressive compound out there.
    It has a shitload of unavoidable (user-dependent) side effects.
    It has a lot of complex side effects that a novice won't know how to counteract.
    Why would a beginner need such a potent compound, when they could get great results off something much milder?

  3. #3
    Epic Ed's Avatar
    Epic Ed is offline Associate Member
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    It's kinda like why it's not a good idea for the virgin alcohol consumer to start with the Everclear. Sit down and enjoy a few beers first, then move up to the sipping whiskeys, and then maybe the tequila. Save the mind-bending, blast yer socks off stuff for when you know how your body is going to react to alcohol.

  4. #4
    Sector's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epic Ed View Post
    It's kinda like why it's not a good idea for the virgin alcohol consumer to start with the Everclear. Sit down and enjoy a few beers first, then move up to the sipping whiskeys, and then maybe the tequila. Save the mind-bending, blast yer socks off stuff for when you know how your body is going to react to alcohol.
    I like that analogy haha

  5. #5
    wormwood's Avatar
    wormwood is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epic Ed View Post
    It's kinda like why it's not a good idea for the virgin alcohol consumer to start with the Everclear. Sit down and enjoy a few beers first, then move up to the sipping whiskeys, and then maybe the tequila. Save the mind-bending, blast yer socks off stuff for when you know how your body is going to react to alcohol.
    Perfect analogy

  6. #6
    shennen is offline Associate Member
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    I too was curious. Thanks to alcohol and ed, I can relate and understand.

  7. #7
    JimInAK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    It is likely the most suppressive compound out there.
    It has a shitload of unavoidable (user-dependent) side effects.
    It has a lot of complex side effects that a novice won't know how to counteract.
    Why would a beginner need such a potent compound, when they could get great results off something much milder?
    My first and only cycle to date was Test E and Deca . I followed all the recommendations found both on this site and through this forum and I gained 25 lean lbs. I also managed to keep 15 lbs months later and am very happy with the results.

    AND I learned quite a bit about how AAS affects me through that experience.

    I had puffy nipples which I lived with in the later part of that cycle and two days after starting PCT, poof... my nipple issue was behind me. I used Arimidex to control gyno issues during the cycle. I should have used either more Arimidex or an additional low dose of Nolvadex throughout my cycle to keep the nips happy....

    In as much as Deca, due to its similar chemical structure is more like Tren than any other steroid , I now am now much more prepaired for Tren, if I were to choose that route.

    However, I am thinking about trying EQ with Test soon and if that works out adding in some Tren in my third cycle, with EQ and Test, if the EQ/Test cycle goes well for me.

    The reason I'm considering EQ rather that Deca, is that EQ should go well with Tren, if and when I go that route and I will then know what to expect from EQ, after doing a full EQ/Test cycle.

    Throwing caution to the wind may seem like the thing to do, but you can achieve impressive results without Tren. It's my hope to learn, to grow and to be safe in the process....

    Good luck!
    Last edited by JimInAK; 08-26-2010 at 01:28 AM. Reason: spelling

  8. #8
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Why would a beginner need such a potent compound, when they could get great results off something much milder?
    ^Good answer.

  9. #9
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimInAK View Post
    My first and only cycle to date was Test E and Deca . I followed all the recommendations found both on this site and through this forum and I gained 25 lean lbs. I also managed to keep 15 lbs months later and am very happy with the results.

    AND I learned quite a bit about how AAS affects me through that experience.

    I had puffy nipples which I lived with in the later part of that cycle and two days after starting PCT, poof... my nipple issue was behind me. I used Arimidex to control gyno issues during the cycle. I should have used either more Arimidex or an additional low dose of Nolvadex throughout my cycle to keep the nips happy....

    In as much as Deca, due to its similar chemical structure is more like Tren than any other steroid , I now am now much more prepaired for Tren, if I were to choose that route.

    However, I am thinking about trying EQ with Test soon and if that works out adding in some Tren in my third cycle, with EQ and Test, if the EQ/Test cycle goes well for me.

    The reason I'm considering EQ rather that Deca, is that EQ should go well with Tren, if and when I go that route and I will then know what to expect from EQ, after doing a full EQ/Test cycle.

    Throwing caution to the wind may seem like the thing to do, but you can achieve impressive results without Tren. It's my hope to learn, to grow and to be safe in the process....

    Good luck!
    EQ was the biggest waste of money on gear ive ever spent. ive ran a 500mg/wk test e only cycle and then the following cycle added the 600mg/wk of EQ. NO DIFFERENCE. literally. Not even any of this appetite stimulant b.s. i hear about.

    in the words of marcus300...

    EQ is only good for oiling your bike chain.

  10. #10
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    EQ has a bad rep. You need to run at least a 16 week cycle to see any benefit. Side effects are often reported.

    If you want the same results as you are probably expecting with EQ maybe try to stack in some Anavar . 50mg/day for 8 weeks would be good. Between that and the Deca your joints should feel amazing.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by True_Lou View Post
    I just started my first cycle of Test-C and have no intention of doing Trenbolone anytime soon; but I do want to know why everyone recommends it for experienced users only.

    I always hear people say it's not for the novice. Every time someone with little AAS history asks for advice, people say they should wait till they have more experience before moving on to Trenbolone. What makes it different from a beginner compound like Test? Why shouldn't you jump right into it? What are the risks of doing so before you are ready? When is the appropriate time to move up to a chemical like Trenbolone?

    I've read through at least 100 Q&A pages and haven't been able to find a definite answer to these questions. I just want to learn more about it so I can know when, if ever, would be an appropriate time to try this.
    Its one of the most strongest,,,powerful AAS ever made. Much to advanced for the beginer in my book. Its very supressive,,some get sides like insonia,,night sweats,,although those are typically dosage related.

  12. #12
    GOT MEAT is offline New Member
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    I ran Tren A on my second cycle stacked with Test P and was good.

    My next cycle (4th) will be Test E 500 wk with EQ 400 wk stacked with D-bol for the first 4 wks concluding it with Avavar for the last 4 wks.

  13. #13
    Harry Manback's Avatar
    Harry Manback is offline Junior Member
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    The only thing on tren I had a hard time handling was the anxiety. However that was dose much as it is individually dependent.

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