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Thread: Bench 350 at 170 lbs Stack Cycle Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Thumbs up Bench 350 at 170 lbs Stack Cycle Question

    About 3 weeks ago I started my first ever cycle using 400mg of deca durabolin per week. I want to start next week with a stack! I was going to try 200mg per week Deca, 20mg Dbol per day, and 300mg per week test prop. I plan on this cycle for 4 weeks! Then another 5 weeks of Deca 400mg p week, 10mg dbol, and clenbuterol. Then finish up with clomid. Right now I weigh 170 and max bench 250, but I have a bet with a dude that I can max bench 350 lbs by July. Does ANYONE think this is possible??? I work out HARD and have about 4 1/2 months to get it! My work out looks like this: Mon. - chest, Tues. - biceps & triceps, Wed. - back & shoulders, Thurs. - traps & lats, Fri. - legs, OFF Sat. & Sun. One body part per day per week! This asshole says it can't be done and thinks he is the MAN who knows everything about the weight room. One thing he does'nt know is JUICE! If anyone has ANY suggestions on workout, diet, or changing stack dosages PLEASE give me your input! I can probably gain 15-25 lbs in that length of time so I will probably weigh close to 200 when I go for the 350 bench. Can I do it?? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. What do you guys think about working chest more than once a week?
    Last edited by rbm; 02-16-2003 at 02:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Tactical Range
    Personally i would of waited a little longer bro, 400ml of deca a week will only bring a limp dick. and how long were you going to run d-bol for? dont vary your doses, keep them constant. if you're set on test prop id go 1-10 test prop 1-10 deca and d-bol towards the end for 4 or 5 weeks. actually i guess it would have to be 1-13 deca 3-13 test. you're definitely gonna need your clomid after this and might want to have Bromo as well. but hopefully you already knew that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    id only work chest once a week. steroids arent miracle drugs. you need to have proper diet, training, and rest for them to produce optimal results. flat bench press isnt the end-all of tests of strength, and IMO 100 pounds in 4 1/2 months is do-able if you do everything right and your genetics are good.

  4. #4
    So your reason for using aas is to win a bet with some clown at your gym, pretty weird IMO.
    As far as what your planning:
    1-4 400mg deca ew
    5-8 200mg deca ew
    5-8 20mg dbol ed
    5-8 300mg prop ew
    9-13 400mg deca ew
    9-13 10mg dbol ed
    Im sorry but that is possibly the worst planned cycle I have ever need to do a lot of research!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Not the bet!

    The bet was made after my cycle began! This is definately not to just win a bet. I have been working out for 8 years off and on and 4 years on a regular basis ALL natural. I just wanted to take it to the next level. As for the worst planning you have ever seen, that's why the post is here, for input! Don't trash my plan then not give input on how to fix it. Help me if I am going about it wrong, please. I have 15 amps of deca, 15 amps test prop., 1000 dbol, 40 clomid, 100 clenbuterol, 150 liv-52. What cycle/stack/combination do you advise? I am currently in my 3rd week of deca only 400mg per week. Thanks for comments but a helpful plan from anyone with experience, would be appreciated.

  6. #6
    you need more way more test.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    nah i dont thing u can put 100 lbs on your bench bro leats get real ,that liek throwin one of those N SYNC kids on top of the bar !shott for a more areaslitcly 300 !after all said and done with .

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    u need about 10 weeks time 3.5 to 7 amps of prop a week for a total of somewhere between 35 and 70, depending on if it is 50mg/ml or 100mg/ml and how much you are doing of each a day. 100 pounds would probably be possible if your bench was 135, but from 250 (and I assume that is your 1RM), then to get 350 cleanly, that will be hard, even for one rep. 315 is more in line. The amount you increase is not steady. You can't say you ad 50lbs to bench 60lbs to sqauts each cycle. Some may gain 50% there 1st cycle or 30% and then 40 or 20% there next, as you get higher in weight things get tougher. 185-225 for me natural was a big jump - 225-265 was the same increase in pounds 40, but less in precentage, (21.62% for the 185-225, 17.77% for the 225-265), and was way harder. Trying now to get to 40 more lbs to hit 305-315 is like 4 times harder. I think after 315 for my body and genetics 10 pounds added will be harder then the 40lbs added from 185-225. Gear can only do so much - I am seeing this from my personal expirence and those around me. Although what it can do is AMAZING in my book, it is still not a miracle. I would say if you are trying to win the bet, mix up your chest - inclines, declines, dumbell - barbells. Strong shoulders will help cuz that much increase is going to be hard on your joints if your support muscles don't follow along. And most of all - don't over train - nothing worst the an injury, I tore my rotator cuff in H.S., had it skoped, and 6 months later - had 3 pins installed. I am now the bionic man. Luckly I was 17 when that happened and I regenerated well. But bro that was a while ago, but the pain, still easy to remember. Good luck - train for yourself and your health, not for your ego and some stupid bet!
    Last edited by redrumkev; 02-17-2003 at 04:33 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Planning is the key!!

    Oh yes, planning is the key to cycle success. RBM I've taken what you've said and entered the info. into my Cycle Planner (excel spreadsheet) and played around with it. I've attached the file for you to have a look.

    I've suggested . . .

    you start take 40mg of dbol ed for 4 weeks. this is assuming you haven't been taking it already.

    stop taking test now and start taking it after you finish your dbol, 100mg every other day. this will replace the effects of the dbol and bring your test levels up. it runs until the end of your cycle. some like to front load the cycle with test prop but you are already front loading with dbol so i think this is a better option.

    continue with 200mg of deca every four days.

    two weeks after you finish deca (and test) you start your clomid and run it for three weeks. you could run it a little longer as you have some clomid left over. this will help your hpta return to normal and prevent or reduce the catabolic 'adjustment phase' following AS.

    then you run the clen. although there isn't much clen there's enough for a three week run. i've ramped it up day by day so your body can get used to it. some like to run clen with the AS or with the clomid. but i personally think it's better to run clen after the AS - it's easier to see what effect it's having and you are not running the risk of increasing the negative effects of the catabolic adjustment phase.

    didn't add liv-52 as i know little about this compound.

    interested to hear your comments!!
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    Last edited by FedSki; 02-17-2003 at 11:48 AM.

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