About 3 weeks ago I started my first ever cycle using 400mg of deca durabolin per week. I want to start next week with a stack! I was going to try 200mg per week Deca, 20mg Dbol per day, and 300mg per week test prop. I plan on this cycle for 4 weeks! Then another 5 weeks of Deca 400mg p week, 10mg dbol, and clenbuterol. Then finish up with clomid. Right now I weigh 170 and max bench 250, but I have a bet with a dude that I can max bench 350 lbs by July. Does ANYONE think this is possible??? I work out HARD and have about 4 1/2 months to get it! My work out looks like this: Mon. - chest, Tues. - biceps & triceps, Wed. - back & shoulders, Thurs. - traps & lats, Fri. - legs, OFF Sat. & Sun. One body part per day per week! This asshole says it can't be done and thinks he is the MAN who knows everything about the weight room. One thing he does'nt know is JUICE! If anyone has ANY suggestions on workout, diet, or changing stack dosages PLEASE give me your input! I can probably gain 15-25 lbs in that length of time so I will probably weigh close to 200 when I go for the 350 bench. Can I do it?? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. What do you guys think about working chest more than once a week?