Hi this is my first cycle of deca and test.I've got rwr deca 50 and test prop.I'm goin to do 4ml of deca a week and 4ml of test prop a week.is this the right amount to do?and has anyone used rwr deca 50 from Australia before?thank
Hi this is my first cycle of deca and test.I've got rwr deca 50 and test prop.I'm goin to do 4ml of deca a week and 4ml of test prop a week.is this the right amount to do?and has anyone used rwr deca 50 from Australia before?thank
Sounds well planned.. Gives us your stats (age, height, weight, bf, planned pct, etc) and we will go from there..
I'm 21.60kg and 170cm
and everything else?
I've been workn out 4 6mnths.and want to gain 10kgs.
That does not help. Age, body fat, cycle exp, planned pct? These are what we need to know. The fact that you have only been working out for 6 mo's tells me right away that you are in no way, shape or form ready for aas.
AND you should not cycle. Age: far too young, Wieght: you need to go to the diet section and spend a lot of time reading and learning, Training: you should have at least a year (4 more in your case) of solid consistant training under your belt along with the tweaking the diet to perfection, get a lot closer to your natural potential then re-consider a cycle once you work it all out and hit 25. Once you achieve this, drop the option of deca (too many people in Oz think its the only way and they are wrong) and look at doing a standard begginer cycle of test only along with proper PCT
This is what I managed to achieve naturally by listening to the advice on here and spending 8 months in the diet forum rather than jumping straight onto cycle:
Its a game of time and dedication, you wont get your 10kg in 3 months the way you want it
Not ready yet. Stick around for a while. You'll grasp why..
i think this guys's just talking crap, i aint taking this seriously
Has any Australian member had deca rwr50?if so was it any good?
Listen to the advice of the people here that have experience and knowledge, DONT DO THE RWR50 DECA THAT YOU HAVE....
are you serious bro..? Im in aus... If what youre talking about is 50mg per ml you will be taking at least 6/8 mls a week to get to what you need! Keep training reading and learning. By the time you are actually ready you will easily find something better than that vet grade sh%t
don't worry about the cycle concerntrate on diet.
btw. RWR 99% sure thats fake.
they made winstrol from it. and it was fake.
would not use that brand. even for an animal lol
Guys, it doesn't matter if the stuff is legit or not. The OP has NO business touching AAS at this point in time.
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