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Thread: Injecting HCG in Chin, Nipple

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Injecting HCG in Chin, Nipple

    Im coming to the end of my test prop only cycle
    and have for the first time got slin pins
    i am going to take 6 500iu shots of hcg
    is it okey to shoot in triceps, chin ,lower abdomen even if you dont have much fat? How about nipple area? (not joke)
    It reduces fat in those hard to get rid of places

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    what makes you think hcg promotes fat loss?

  3. #3
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    another question, what makes you think that the fat loss would be specific to the injection sight? As far as i know no such compound exists that will reduce fat at the injection site

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    another question, what makes you think that the fat loss would be specific to the injection sight? As far as i know no such compound exists that will reduce fat at the injection site
    There is Phosphatidylcholine injections (lipodissolve) what will reduce fat at the injection site.

  5. #5
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    ^^^^^^ yes!!!

  6. #6
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    Wow. learn somthing new everyday. not to step on this dudes thread but do you have any expierience with it and is it safe?

  7. #7
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    Yea im actually curious about that myself.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    Wow. learn somthing new everyday. not to step on this dudes thread but do you have any expierience with it and is it safe?
    yes ive used it with results

  9. #9
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    By what mechanism does it work Marcus , by reducing the size of the fat cells or actually eliminating them?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by turk1968 View Post
    By what mechanism does it work Marcus , by reducing the size of the fat cells or actually eliminating them?
    Here are some articles what may interest you-

    Lipodissolve (Fat Busting Injections)

    The active substance used in these injections, phosphatidylcholine, a natural compound produced from the soya bean. The body uses the same substance in a number of chemical pathways, including fat metabolism. Thousands of treatments have been successfully given in Europe and in South America, where the treatment was pioneered 20 years ago. Lipodissolve injections should not be regarded as a new miracle drug for weight reduction. However in the case of fat deposits which cannot be removed by diet or exercise then these injections help the natural metabolic process during which fat is melted away and then eliminated from the body.

    The medication is directly injected into the area concerned. Areas suitable for treatment include the face, buttocks, abdomen, and thighs. Using different techniques Lipodissolve is also effective in the treatment of cellulite and reducing the size of lipomas (fatty lumps), without resorting to surgery.

    Lipolysis - Lipodissolve

    Reduction of Fat Deposits by Injection Therapy

    Information about Injection Lipolysis/LIpodissolve Injections
    (“Fat-Away Injections“)

    Injection Lipolysis (Lipodissolve Injections)
    Simply melting superfluous fat away by means of an injection – a fascinating idea turned into reality by Dr. Rittes, a South-American dermatologist. In 1995, she developed a procedure during which the substance phosphatidylcholine (PPT) is directly injected into undesired fat deposits. The active substance is a natural compound produced from the soya bean. The body uses the same substance in a number of chemical pathways, particularly in the field of fat metabolism.

  11. #11
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    interesting. I read a similar article. Just a few minutes ago. Even found the stuff on sale. Just can't find much information about dosing or frequency of incjcection

  12. #12
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    Intrestign, in regards to ther HCG iv read it in allot of BB forums and general fat los forums that inamerica HCG is given to reduce. I dont know how this exactley works but iv heard it so often that i presumed thiere must be some truth to it?
    so is thiere any point in using slin pin is its not going to help reduce a little fat

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Here are some articles what may interest you-

    Lipodissolve (Fat Busting Injections)

    The active substance used in these injections, phosphatidylcholine, a natural compound produced from the soya bean. The body uses the same substance in a number of chemical pathways, including fat metabolism. Thousands of treatments have been successfully given in Europe and in South America, where the treatment was pioneered 20 years ago. Lipodissolve injections should not be regarded as a new miracle drug for weight reduction. However in the case of fat deposits which cannot be removed by diet or exercise then these injections help the natural metabolic process during which fat is melted away and then eliminated from the body.

    The medication is directly injected into the area concerned. Areas suitable for treatment include the face, buttocks, abdomen, and thighs. Using different techniques Lipodissolve is also effective in the treatment of cellulite and reducing the size of lipomas (fatty lumps), without resorting to surgery.

    Lipolysis - Lipodissolve

    Reduction of Fat Deposits by Injection Therapy

    Information about Injection Lipolysis/LIpodissolve Injections
    (“Fat-Away Injections“)

    Injection Lipolysis (Lipodissolve Injections)
    Simply melting superfluous fat away by means of an injection – a fascinating idea turned into reality by Dr. Rittes, a South-American dermatologist. In 1995, she developed a procedure during which the substance phosphatidylcholine (PPT) is directly injected into undesired fat deposits. The active substance is a natural compound produced from the soya bean. The body uses the same substance in a number of chemical pathways, particularly in the field of fat metabolism.

    Isnt that whay they use during lip suction to tear the fat from the skin cells and then suck it up?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrucie View Post
    Isnt that whay they use during lip suction to tear the fat from the skin cells and then suck it up?
    They use it for various applications and even for heart surgury for clearing the fat depostits out of the arteries

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrucie View Post
    Intrestign, in regards to ther HCG iv read it in allot of BB forums and general fat los forums that inamerica HCG is given to reduce. I dont know how this exactley works but iv heard it so often that i presumed thiere must be some truth to it?
    so is thiere any point in using slin pin is its not going to help reduce a little fat
    The doctors office in my gym offers an HCG fat lost program. But it involves extreme reduction in calories and training. Its definitley not designed around injection site based fat reduction

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    The doctors office in my gym offers an HCG fat lost program. But it involves extreme reduction in calories and training. Its definitley not designed around injection site based fat reduction
    HCG doesnt reduce fat, its a myth and all false. The study what was done regarding hcg was on women who were put on 500 calories per day, the low calories hcg diet what is going around works because your on a reduction of calories and not the hcg, in a recent article by Harvard stated hcg doesnt effective weight loss in any way.

  17. #17
    dec11's Avatar
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    The doctors office in my gym offers an HCG fat lost program. But it involves extreme reduction in calories and training. Its definitley not designed around injection site based fat reduction
    which leads to the fat loss on its own anyhow

  18. #18
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    my thought exactly I burn 500 calories just getting ready to got the gym and on my walk there. I think the HCG is a scam by the Dr there. I'm sure he charges a premium fee for those injections and telling people to stop eating

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    There is Phosphatidylcholine injections (lipodissolve) what will reduce fat at the injection site.

  20. #20
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    Just put this stuff on my santa list for next years cut. Always end up with an annoying stubborn bit round my navel which i can only shift if i drop to silly low calories which then robs me of hard earnt muscle. If any one can find a dosing schedule it would be appreciated . At 48 years young any help is much appreciated.

  21. #21
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by turk1968 View Post
    Just put this stuff on my santa list for next years cut. Always end up with an annoying stubborn bit round my navel which i can only shift if i drop to silly low calories which then robs me of hard earnt muscle. If any one can find a dosing schedule it would be appreciated . At 48 years young any help is much appreciated.
    If I remember right I used 125mgs per sq inch and no more than 2500mgs per session.

  22. #22
    sounds like some one may have a double chin, why inject in the chin sounds painful

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    There is Phosphatidylcholine injections (lipodissolve) what will reduce fat at the injection site.
    I tryed it and know several people that have tryed it. I was personally dissapointed it didnt do much.

  24. #24
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    There are 3 people in my office of 5 using HCG drops for weight loss. I keep telling them that it is fake, but they keep taking it and starving themselves to death. The theory behind the HCG diet is that it raises your test levels high enough that u will only lose fat while starving on a 500 calories a day. The guys in my office doing this look like bags of crap. They try to work out and are only getting weaker and weaker keeping fat and losing muscle.

  25. #25
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    my wife did the HCG diet and I had told her it was the "diet" not the HCG she followed through eating 550 cal a day and did well lost about 16 lbs (mostly boobs) lol she is thinking about it again without the HCG. what amazed me was her calves/thighs and arms kept the same measurement (small) but lost the fat in her belly and boobs. But I still say its just the 550 calories not the HCG its self.

  26. #26
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    as far as lipo dissolve i tried it once with a doctor administering it and it was way expensive I suppose I would do it again but on my own because i was not happy with the results.

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