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  1. #1
    TopBack33 is offline New Member
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    Post Atheltic-Life Cycle

    Hey guys, I'm back at school and was looking to do a cutting cycle and wanted some thoughts. I was playing a D1 level sport and gave it up last year to focus on school for once and because I wasn't enjoying it. Spent all summer working in an office and my physique has gone to shit since last year's season ended.

    I was thinking about going on a Clen /T3 cycle to cut. I'm not so much worried about putting on mass right now as I am about slimming down.

    I'm used to high intensity training from my playing days so I plan on doing a mix of my team's old lifts that I have from the years as well as a mix of long distance runs, circuits, and a lot of stadium stairs.

    I've taken Clen twice before, but during the season which was dumb because I wasn't able to take full advantage of it because of having to overload a lot on cals due to the amount I would use each day and on weekend games i.e. it was hard to stick to a strict cutting diet.

    If you guys could let me know what you think about a straight Clen/T3 combo along with the training and any modifications you might make it would help a lot.


    Age: 22
    Height: 6'
    Weight: 220lb
    BF%: around 16%, I've been down to around 8% before during seasons
    Past experience: 2 clen cycles

    Additionally, I have an Adderall scrip, but I haven't taken it in about 3 months...would this be something I should stay away from while on this?

    Last edited by TopBack33; 08-31-2010 at 11:43 AM.

  2. #2
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    I'm not a fan of Clen . I'd advise you to get your diet in check and just take the weight off naturally. If you've been down to 8% in the recent past your body will go back there with proper diet and training. Clen has given several members on this site permanent arythmia and other lasting side effects. It's just another cheat like stimulants quite frankly. Maybe a short term gain, or is that loss, but long term the weight will come right back and you took quite a risk taking it off. Not worth it IMO.

    Before you get it into your head that you could use cutting steroids like Winstrol I'll head you off. You're too young to be taking anything that affects your natural testosterone levels . Doing so you run the risk of permanent HPTA damage and reduced production for life, which can give you ED, low to no sex drive, depression, etc. It's not worth being on TRT for life at 22. Also, these steroids need you to be below 15%, and some like Winstol its more like 12-10% BF to start. Otherwise you run a greater risk of side effects and won't see the results you want anyway.

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    I'm not a fan of Clen . I'd advise you to get your diet in check and just take the weight off naturally. If you've been down to 8% in the recent past your body will go back there with proper diet and training. Clen has given several members on this site permanent arythmia and other lasting side effects. It's just another cheat like stimulants quite frankly. Maybe a short term gain, or is that loss, but long term the weight will come right back and you took quite a risk taking it off. Not worth it IMO.

    Before you get it into your head that you could use cutting steroids like Winstrol I'll head you off. You're too young to be taking anything that affects your natural testosterone levels. Doing so you run the risk of permanent HPTA damage and reduced production for life, which can give you ED, low to no sex drive, depression, etc. It's not worth being on TRT for life at 22. Also, these steroids need you to be below 15%, and some like Winstol its more like 12-10% BF to start. Otherwise you run a greater risk of side effects and won't see the results you want anyway.
    Wait. Where did the OP mention winny in his post?

  4. #4
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    He didn't, but I've seen enough posts like this to know that the OP's next post will most likely head down that path. If he'd asked about Winstrol up front I'd have given him the Clen lecture too.

  5. #5
    FuzzyPeaches o.O's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    He didn't, but I've seen enough posts like this to know that the OP's next post will most likely head down that path. If he'd asked about Winstrol up front I'd have given him the Clen lecture too.
    Well lets be fair.. We should not paint everyone with the same brush if you know what I mean..

  6. #6
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    If he didn't start thinking that way then he has no use for the advice. If he did then he already has the advice. I'm not painting everyone with the same brush. I'm just brutally efficient : )

  7. #7
    FuzzyPeaches o.O's Avatar
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    If he didn't start thinking that way then he has no use for the advice. If he did then he already has the advice. I'm not painting everyone with the same brush. I'm just brutally efficient : )

  8. #8
    TopBack33 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the advice. I found a hook up for Winny too, but I think I'm going to stay away from it and just pursue a strict cutting diet and regimen for the next couple of months and then find something else to help build up the muscle I've lost over the last 3 months and more. Any suggestions?

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