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Thread: Starting my new cycle - Need to know how long to run each

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Starting my new cycle - Need to know how long to run each

    thinking of doing a 12 -14 week cycle
    This is what is have

    Test e 250mg shering
    masteron enanthate oxide
    1-test cyp -gp

    Thinking of taking 1 cc e3d but dont know how long to take the mast and 1-test for.

    also taking 50mg proviron ed and 60mg of anavar ed

    how long should i run those for and what should i take during to keep the bloating down ?

    180 pounds
    17 percent body fat - went up from 11 this summer
    many years training

    last cycle was
    16 weeks test e
    8 weeks of ment
    8 weeks of winstrol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    I'd do some cardio and get that bf down a couple points before starting. I'm not understanding what your proposed cycle is? How many MG of test are you planing to run a week? and how many of masteron? What are you goals with the cycle you're running?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    looking to build lean muscle, my body fat isnt that high, im guessing 15 i just feel fatter i guess, 625mg wk of test- 500 mg masteron- 500mg of 1 test wk

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