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  1. #1
    1993eg is offline New Member
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    Need help with current cycle and pct PLEASE HELP

    Hows it going guys,

    I am on my summer blast but it is coming to an end and need a little info on how I will run pct. I have done numerous cycles but this was my first with GH. My stats are 5'9" tall , 210lbs and around 12% bf. My current cycle goes as follows.

    Weeks 1 to 4
    test 500mg ew
    dbols 30mg ed
    GH 1.5iu ed before bed.

    Weeks 4 to 8
    Test 500mg ew
    anavar 60mg ed
    GH 1.5 iu ed

    Weeks 8 to 12
    Test 750mg ew
    anavar 60mg ed
    GH 1.5iu ed.

    I am currently in week 9.5 and need a few questions answered. Usually I start hcg at week 10 and continue until week 14. from week 14 to week 18 I switch to clomids and nolva. Sense I am running GH can i continue GH use and perform my standard pct? Please let me know how to run my pct if I continue GH use. thanks very much. Also how would you guys do a pct after a cycle like mine? I have adex, nolva, clomids and hcg all on hand. Also how long can I run GH at the current dose that I am taking?

    Thanks very much.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    How old are you?

    I really doubt that 1.5iu of growth will do much for you (depending on you age).

    But yes, you can certainly run HGH during your pct.

  3. #3
    1993eg is offline New Member
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    Mar 2010
    I am 23 years old.

    What dosage of hgh would you guys reccomend during my cycle and during pct and after pct? Do I just run my pct like I would normally?

  4. #4
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    You don't need HGH at your age.

    Just run your PCT, and save your money for HGH for when you're older.

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