This was what my cycle looked like:
wk 1-3 50mg Dbol
wk 1-10 400mg test cyp
wk 1-10 400mg equipoise
During first couple weeks my gains were great. I went from 184 before to 197 around wk 3.5-4. My weight gain seemed to stop and decrease a little after that. I was wondering why this happened? My strength gains kept increasing but the weight gains stopped. My diet consisted of 4000-4500 cal/day of mostly clean foods. Then I injured my elbow during wk 6 and had to stop lifting. I also stopped takin test and eq. I am going to save the rest of my gear for future cycle. Do I have to take clomid at high doses still since I was only on for 5-6 wks? Do you think i fully shut down in this short time?