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Thread: Disappointing cycle question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Angry Disappointing cycle question

    This was what my cycle looked like:
    wk 1-3 50mg Dbol
    wk 1-10 400mg test cyp
    wk 1-10 400mg equipoise

    During first couple weeks my gains were great. I went from 184 before to 197 around wk 3.5-4. My weight gain seemed to stop and decrease a little after that. I was wondering why this happened? My strength gains kept increasing but the weight gains stopped. My diet consisted of 4000-4500 cal/day of mostly clean foods. Then I injured my elbow during wk 6 and had to stop lifting. I also stopped takin test and eq. I am going to save the rest of my gear for future cycle. Do I have to take clomid at high doses still since I was only on for 5-6 wks? Do you think i fully shut down in this short time?

  2. #2
    Hey man...if I understand correctly...on cycle you gained 13 lbs in a 4 week period. Then you injured your elbow and stopped training and quit the cycle as well, and your asking why you stopped gaining? Do I have this correct?

    I believe you stopped gaining b/c stopped training and quit ur cycle. I would also guess that your caloric intake decreased as well, right?

    Bro, what was the nature of ur injury?

    Yes continue your cycle on the standard clomid therapy.

  3. #3
    Dick..u r a funny boy...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    I stopped training and injecting 2 weeks after I stopped gaining weight. I gained 14 lbs. in about 3.5 -4 wks. Then I didn't gain a pound and at some points dropped a couple while still lifting and juicing. I didn't stop lifting until 5.5-6 wks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    The dbol probably kicked in and gave you some water retention.. That's why you gained weight. After week 3 you stopped taking dbol. And you noticed a weight loss after week 5, so you probably lost a little bloat and that's why your weight went down a little. That sucks you got injured man.. Better luck next time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    You never really gave the test or EQ time to work properly. Basically you gained 14 lbs on dbol and quit your cycle when it was just getting good. Yes you were completely shutdown and you need to recover just like you did a full cycle.

  7. #7
    IMO when you begin a cycle there a a few critical things that you need to be mentally and physically committed to.

    1....Have all your gear on hand
    2...Train with intensity at LEAST 3-5 x's per week
    3....Eat clean 5 -6 meals per day
    4 ...No excessive liquor or recreational drugs
    5...Get plenty of quality down time and rest

    Here is a quick story:
    I am on the tail end of my test prop, test e, eq, winny cycle. the first 4 -5 weeks I didn't see any results. I injured my left elbow and my right shoulder rotator cuff flared up from an old baseball injury. I was in pain and lifting was a challenge. I was on a good solid nutrition program and I was hitting all of the points that I listed above. However, I was very discouraged. I couldn't train with the intensity that I desired and I wanted to quit the cycle and save the gear for when I healed up.

    I talked to one of my buddys who is also a well known contributor to our board. He was also on a similar cycle, but about 4 weeks deeper into it that I. He encouraged me to stay on the program, ice my injuries and take it slow...stay on the cycle. Now as I am entering week 12. I am stronger, harder more ripped than ever before in my life! My injuries although still nagging are better, my pumps are through the roof, and I am training like a friggin tiger.

    So bro, fortunitly, there is a next time. However like Rickson said and I concur, you quit just when it was going to get good.

    Remember those 6 points and stick with it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    Originally posted by Rickson
    You never really gave the test or EQ time to work properly. Basically you gained 14 lbs on dbol and quit your cycle when it was just getting good. Yes you were completely shutdown and you need to recover just like you did a full cycle.
    i couldnt agree your clomid bro, youre gonna need it.

    peace bb79

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