OK bros heres the situation, Im just finishing up my clomid therapy after my first real cycle(bulker) and have a plan for a summer cycle that i want your thoughts on...
21 y/o...5'8"...173 lbs...10% bf...Liftin 3 yrs
Cycle History:
1.Test Enan for 5 weeks @ 400mg/wk but didnt have any clomid so i gained and lost all 15 lbs just like that
2.Winter Bulk Cycle just finished...
TE @ 500mg/wk 10 wks
Deca @ 400mg/wk 9 wks
Gained 25 lbs b4 clomid and holding 23 as of today
Planned cycle:
TE @ 600mg/wk -wks 1-10
EQ@ 400mg/wk - wks 1-10
Fina@ 75mg/ed - wks 6-12
Clomid to end
nolva on hand
bromo on hand
I like my size now but i would like to be leaner, something like 7%...so im thinking ill cut bf from now till mid summer and then likely be a little lighter and go back on and shoot for 15 super lean lbs? is 15 lean possible on that cycle?
BTW i chose TE again b/c it works for size but also bc i have 3 vials sitting here and the finas alread on the way...So tweak this for me and let me know what its gonna take to get me to a lean 185...
Also i held a little water from this cycle and had some acne on my back that i combatted with B5 but what should i run while on to minimize bloat but not hinder gains?
Thanks bros