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Thread: First Cycle MMA fighter 6'6" 280

  1. #1

    First Cycle MMA fighter 6'6" 280

    Im new to the whole steroid scene and i wanted to pick your guys brain on what would be the "ideal" cycle for my situation. I am 25 yrs old 6'6" 280 at 13%BF all natural except i ran RAW ProHo once 10 months ago. Im kinda a freak athlete with great genetics and im looking to step it up just a little more before my pro mma debut in March.
    My buddy who is all about running cycles tells me I should run DBol for 1st 4 weeks with sus250 at 500mg a week for 8-10 weeks. Ive got a great hookup on Test E so i might run that at 500mg a week instead of sus250.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Newark, DE
    Looking to take out Brock Lesnar eh?

    First, I'd advise that you read up thoroughly. Your planned compounds don't totally jive with a proper first cycle. A first cycle should be test e or c solo, maybe with a DBol kicker. Then PCT for 4 weeks (to commence 2 weeks after your last pin) of Clomid at 100/50/50/50 and Nolva at 40/40/20/20. You want to have an AI on hand in case you get any symptoms of gyno, though at your BF it should be less of an issue than if you were higher. You may also want some HCG to control any shrinkage issues, but the exact timing of that is debatable. I'd do a search and check what the guys with experience say (though you may get differing opinions here too, but pick a course and stick with it would be my advice).

    Second, you still have to make a 265 lb weight break right? I'd be concerned about adding too much mass. I think if I were you I'd be more worried about the weight cut than trying to bulk up any more. At your current weight and BF if you cut down to 265 you'd be close to 10% (assuming the low end) without adding any muscle. Realistically you aren't going into the ring at anything above 10%, maybe 8% max, because what you would have to do to get your BF down lower would ruin your endurance. Just something to think about.

  3. #3
    you sound like a perfect candidate for juice. I would go with test-e over sust if you are going to kickstart with dbol. I'd go 40mg dbol daily. Some would start at 30mg but you are a big guy so 40mg seems about right

  4. #4
    Brock Lesnar is an achievable goal, his ass will be close to 40 by the time we would ever have a chance to meet.

    I've done enough research to understand what i need to do for my PCT with clom and nov. I was also planning on run Arimidex with my cycle to keep the estro levels right. IDK if Im going to run the HCG i will see how my boys react before getting carried away and spend a bunch of extra cash on it. I can get it the next day if I need to so Im holding off for now.

    As far as the weight cut goes, I'm not to worried. Ive done it twice and even though it sucked I felt fine the next day. My goals of being on, is to put on strength and lean mass that I can maintain, and just reaching my potential faster. I will be close to 300 after my cycle, but an 8 week training camp later, I should be sitting at 275-280 with a health BF and a moderate weight cut. If I pass on the cycle go into my camp natural, I will leave camp at probably 255-260. Its impossible for me to maintain weight during camp no matter how much I eat!

    To be totally honest, I want that freak factor right now in my career. I want promoters to be lining up to get me in there promotions and sponsors stepping up too, because I am just as big fast and strong as guys like Lesnar. The more stupid I look the easier and faster it will be for me to move up. Ive got the cardio but so far no one has last 1 round with me. I would post u guy pics but I dont want to be the next Shane Carwin steroid scandal 4yrs down the road. Thanks for the help man

  5. #5
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Quote Originally Posted by EZMatt410 View Post
    Brock Lesnar is an achievable goal, his ass will be close to 40 by the time we would ever have a chance to meet.

    I've done enough research to understand what i need to do for my PCT with clom and nov. I was also planning on run Arimidex with my cycle to keep the estro levels right. IDK if Im going to run the HCG i will see how my boys react before getting carried away and spend a bunch of extra cash on it. I can get it the next day if I need to so Im holding off for now.

    As far as the weight cut goes, I'm not to worried. Ive done it twice and even though it sucked I felt fine the next day. My goals of being on, is to put on strength and lean mass that I can maintain, and just reaching my potential faster. I will be close to 300 after my cycle, but an 8 week training camp later, I should be sitting at 275-280 with a health BF and a moderate weight cut. If I pass on the cycle go into my camp natural, I will leave camp at probably 255-260. Its impossible for me to maintain weight during camp no matter how much I eat!

    To be totally honest, I want that freak factor right now in my career. I want promoters to be lining up to get me in there promotions and sponsors stepping up too, because I am just as big fast and strong as guys like Lesnar. The more stupid I look the easier and faster it will be for me to move up. Ive got the cardio but so far no one has last 1 round with me. I would post u guy pics but I dont want to be the next Shane Carwin steroid scandal 4yrs down the road. Thanks for the help man
    I'd like to see some pics, cover your face or any other identifiable marks (tats, etc), easy enough. Just dont wear your hot pink speedo you wear to your matches, ya know..

  6. #6
    Im planning on running 50mg of DBol a day, that how big my pills are going to be and break it up into 3 servings. 10mg in morning 20mg before training and 10mg before bed

  7. #7
    HAHA I could easily pull off that speedo cuz nobody would ever give me any shit! I will think about posting that pic it gym time now though.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Lets see the pics BROTHER

  9. #9
    well dam I wish I knew who you were now so I can say I interacted with you on a forum when you become the UFC champ. hah jk but you are on the right path it seems and have obviously done some good research. good luck

  10. #10
    Bvette maybe Trailerboy should be in the pic with me so they can see the height and size difference! You will take the pic! lol I will post that pic soon.

  11. #11
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    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by EZMatt410 View Post
    Bvette maybe Trailerboy should be in the pic with me so they can see the height and size difference! You will take the pic! lol I will post that pic soon.
    Lol We need to get him on here with that name haha. Ya lets do pics by trailerboy. Say next weekend haha. Kill it son!

  12. #12
    Stay away from Test E and run come Prop instead with anvar, provin, or eq if you want to use more then one compound. All of them should help lean you out a bit more and you should gain a solid leaner muscle.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I hated quad test injections . Test E or C work well .
    Skip the D-bol .
    Your big and will get huge . Simple and easy = fun and productive .
    The heavy weight class is king .
    Good luck and good luck .

  14. #14
    The longer the ester of test the more water retention you will have. Hence my reason in saying run prop

  15. #15
    Why cycle before your training camp, you're already massive? I'd wait until the training camp when you really need it to help with training multiple times a day. And run a lighter cycle.

  16. #16
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MrGreen View Post
    The longer the ester of test the more water retention you will have. Hence my reason in saying run prop
    The OP original question was about quad test and test E .

    I am sure prop is superior in a couple ways . ( more test/ml , faster activation , etc ) .

    The long esters are easier for someone new to pinning .

  17. #17
    I have been kicking around the idea of jump starting my cycle by adding a 100-150mg/week of test prop to my test E for the first 2-3 weeks and skipping on the dbol, but Im on the fence. I have kicked around Anavar, but i don't think staying lean is going to be an issue. Im at 13% eating a ton of food include junk food and drinks. I will be on a clean diet with no drinking for this cycle. I have a guy breaking down a diet plan and will test my weight and fat regularly.

    mtb1981, I totally hear you on wait for training camp to get on my cycle, but i have an itch and it needs to be scratched if u get my drift. LOL I could always coast my way through camp and spike it after I fight and get my muscle recovered faster! jk

    Thanks for all the input fellas I appreciate it. I know now that I was given good advice from my boy, Thanks BVette seeya next week in the gym time to get stupid!

  18. #18
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    I am having a hard time believing the original poster till I get some pics.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Sunny Australia!
    Quote Originally Posted by EZMatt410 View Post
    I have been kicking around the idea of jump starting my cycle by adding a 100-150mg/week of test prop to my test E for the first 2-3 weeks and skipping on the dbol, but Im on the fence. I have kicked around Anavar, but i don't think staying lean is going to be an issue. Im at 13% eating a ton of food include junk food and drinks. I will be on a clean diet with no drinking for this cycle. I have a guy breaking down a diet plan and will test my weight and fat regularly.

    mtb1981, I totally hear you on wait for training camp to get on my cycle, but i have an itch and it needs to be scratched if u get my drift. LOL I could always coast my way through camp and spike it after I fight and get my muscle recovered faster! jk

    Thanks for all the input fellas I appreciate it. I know now that I was given good advice from my boy, Thanks BVette seeya next week in the gym time to get stupid!

  20. #20
    I did a sustanon first cycle and got acne. If I had to do it over again I'd take 1 ester and keep my cycle simple. No Dbol or Tbol. Just the Test for 12 weeks, rest, PCT.

  21. #21
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I did a sustanon first cycle and got acne. If I had to do it over again I'd take 1 ester and keep my cycle simple. No Dbol or Tbol. Just the Test for 12 weeks, rest, PCT.
    ur gunna break out after a cycle not matter what IN MOST's a huge hormonal change to ur body after you come off cycle, that's why you break out...all you can do is try to medicate it- there's a number of ways..

    I'll break out after using prop, enanthate or cyp..test is test brother

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    +1 on this

  23. #23
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    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by EZMatt410 View Post
    Im kinda a freak athlete with great genetics and im looking to step it up just a little more before my pro mma debut in March.
    what "pro" league will you be fighting in?

  24. #24
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    Newark, DE
    I understand the freak factor as it relates to marketability. Still, you have to be careful, because freak shows are usually short lived unless backed up by serious talent. Look at Maruiz Pudzianowski. World's Strongest Man, everyone was psyched to see him going into MMA, thought he'd rip peoples arms off and the like, yet gets tooled by Tim Silvia.

    You also have to be careful using when you can be tested. I hadn't heard about Carwin, but I know there was a scandal with Tim Silvia and Winstrol, one of the reasons he broke with UFC I believe.

    As a former wrestler I hate a weight cut. I would never make one. I would just get down to within 5lbs of my weight class before the season started, then the last 5 came off the first two weeks of practice. I'd routinely be 2-3lbs under weight throughout the season. I never had to worry about eating, drinking water, or killing myself doing extra cardio to try and make weight. I killed guys on endurance because of it. I was never beaten in a match that made it past the second round. Just something to consider.

  25. #25
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    Canada Eh
    Quote Originally Posted by MrGreen View Post
    Stay away from Test E and run come Prop instead with anvar, provin, or eq if you want to use more then one compound. All of them should help lean you out a bit more and you should gain a solid leaner muscle.
    Not for a first cycle... And as a newbie its best to go with long esters so they're less pinning involved.

  26. #26
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    Also, for a first cycle you really shouldn't run more than one compound. Otherwise if you get side effects you will not know what it causing them. For a first run most will recommend test e or c, maybe with a DBol kicker.

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