M-Drol(superdrol) is it more of a mass gainer or strength gainer?
I was researching h-drol and anavar.
H-drol seemed more towards strength, and anavar was for weight loss.
And for pct for them is it ok to do nolva 40/40/20/20 With a cycle assist?
M-Drol(superdrol) is it more of a mass gainer or strength gainer?
I was researching h-drol and anavar.
H-drol seemed more towards strength, and anavar was for weight loss.
And for pct for them is it ok to do nolva 40/40/20/20 With a cycle assist?
Addictive we have already talked about this.. lol
Superdrol is for staright Mass very dry very lean if diet is good
P-Phlex is more of what ppl call a wet gain, some water and very good mass
h-drol primarily for strength, moderate gains in mass
Anavar " hook me up if u find some" lol..... great gains whether cutting or bulking
Yes Nolva 40/40/20/20 will be okay
My bad it reposted lmfao,
Yea I'm trying to find anavar, seems the best.
Never used hdrol, but mdrol was very good for both strength and size. For me strgth was unbelievable. Better in both regards over anavar. Just a shit ton more sides too.
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