My Stats
Height- 6ft 1
Age- 18
Weight- 180lbs
BF%- 12%
Bodybuilding Experience- about 2 years seriously
Body type- ectomorpic
Ideal body weight- 200lbs
I've never had any problems with gyno through puberty
The Bulking Cycle
Test (enanthate)- 400mg a week for weeks 1-12
Dianabol- 20mg a day for weeks 1-4
Nolvadex- 10mg a day for weeks 1-11
Test (enanthate)- 300mg for week 13
200mg for week 14
100mg for week 15
0mg for week 16
Nolvadex- 20mg a day for weeks 12-16
Proviron- 25mg a day for weeks 12-16
Clomid- 100mg a day for week 15
50mg a day for week 16
Im new to this site and only started looking into steroids a few weeks ok. So forgive me if anything looks completely daft. I don't plan on doing this cycle for another few months. As ill be busy starting university and trying to scrape the money together. So I should have plenty of time for extra research and things. Any advice would be appreciated