Originally Posted by
TKO Performance
Fish oil, glucosamine, ect. will have no effect on the joint pain you can get from using Winstrol. You have to understand the mechanisms from which the pain comes to know why these things will not work. The pain is caused by progesterone antagonism. This blocks progesterone at the receptor, and reduces free estrogen through a progesterone/estrogen mimicing feedback system in the body. The lack of progesterone reduces collagen synthesis, which means your banged up joints heal more slowly. The lack of estrogen curbs the anti-inflammatory reaction, and inflammation goes unchecked, which causes pain. For a long time, and it is still repeated, people claimed it was from reducing water in the joints. This is locker room urban legend and nothing more. Several scientific studies have shown the real reasons as noted above.
BTW, this is also why you can get pain from certain AIs like Epistane.
How do you relieve the pain? Good question. Taking NSAIs like ibuprofen might help, but this is going to be taxing on your liver at the same time your taxing it with Winstrol, which is one of the most liver toxic steroids on a per mg basis.
This is one of the main reasons I would never use Winstrol, especially not solo. If running it with test you may get some relief from some of the test aromatizing to estro, but the doses of test and Winstrol needed to strike the proper balance is anyone's guess. Plus, depending on how much aromatase is being bound you may not be able to get enough estro no matter how much test you take. It would be a complex balancing act that could only be orchestrated with constant blood work to verify hormone levels.