Hi all new to this board. I would like to ask the opinion of any of you in regards to my upcoming cycle. Looking to bulk for the majority of it and lean out any of the unwanted pounds during the final few weeks. any input or recommendations appreciated.
i am 20. 195pounds, 14% body fat. this will be my third cycle and probably my best.
week 1-15 test-e 500mg/wk
week 1-5 equipose 400mg/wk
week 1-4 dianabol 175mg/wk
week 6-15 decanoate 200mg/wk
week 11-13 winstrol 210mg/wk
week 14-17 winstrol 280mg/wk
week 18 winstrol 70mg/wk
PCT- [Nolvadex & Clomid]
thanks. i have also posted a thread about other steroids i am unsure if they are real or not. any help on that also would be greatly appreciated. if they are indeed fake i will blow my money on imports instead =p >>>