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Hey all, new to this forum.
Have been reading about anabolic steroids for a while now and I was thinking about ordering some online, I was looking particularly at Anadrol.
Horrible choice for a first cycle. Never run this compound alone. Research this compound a little more and you'll figure out why.
I have been having trouble gaining weight since I have started going to the gym despite my best efforts, I have been having three scoops of Max's Pro Xtreme Mass Gainer a day on average for the past two weeks as well as large regular meals. I weighed 78kg when I started going to the gym 8 months ago and weigh 64kg now.
Food, food food and more food. Supplements are there to do 1 thing, SUPPLEMENT your existing diet. Utilize food more, and less on supplements.
Food, training, rest, supplements <---- in that order.
According to the reading I have been doing 6 weeks of Anadrol should make me gain 10-15 kg, which seems insane. Has anyone had any positive or negative experiences with Anadrol?
Most of the gains you will receive from this compound in terms of weight gain will be water. Drol is a great compound, but should never be utilized on a standalone level for several reasons. Research the steroid profile as I've said earlier and you'll find your answer.
I was also reading that the side effects can be countered/lessened by taking Estrogen Blockers in conjunction with the Anadrol, and was again wondering if anybody had had any experience with this.
It's suggested that the estrogenic effects of Drol may not be as much mediated by estrogen, as by Drol itself activating the estrogen receptor. Because there is little to no aromatization off Drol, the possible progestational effect should be considered. Similar to that of 19nors perhaps. But certain studies testing the progestational effects of drol and Dbol against those of test as well as 19nors and its metabolites showed that the progestagenic activity of Drol wasn't even in the neighborhood of that of test, let alone a 19nor. Ruling out the possibility of progestagenic activity and aromatization, that only left Drol engaging in a structure with the estrogen receptor itself. Since it has an A-ring similar to that of estradiol (the prime estrogen) this would be the most logical explanation IMO. Since progesterone acts as an estrogen agonist, it would require circulating estrogen to negotiate such levels of water build-up as Drol causes, so it seemed like a far-fetched idea to begin with.
I was told by a friend that injecting steroids supposedly lessens the negative effects on health, but I do not really feel comfortable self injecting or being injected by a friend (I do have one friend who is a nurse but she isn't someone I'd be able to tell I was using steroids).
If this is the case, then steroids aren't for you. And I typically don't condone the use of oral only, regardless of the toxic/hepatoxic severity they bring to the table.
I read somewhere that people have been able to take steroids with the supervision of their GP lessen any health risks. This would be the best way to do it but I can't imagine if I went into my GP and said I wanted steroids for the gym that they would be agreeable to this.
You never know until you try :] And yes, Test, whatever the form, tends to be the safest assuming your dose remains within the moderately supratherapeutic range.
I live in Australia so there are no Anabolic Steroids available over the counter so I would have to order online. Does anyone know what percentage is likely to get through customs and if there are any serious penalties for being caught.
Using the internet as your source, exact figures are difficult to calculate. Real pharmaceutical AAS are estimated to represent half or less of the products commonly circulated on the black market. In many regions this figure may be below 250/0. IMO the majority of products sold on the black market that are counterfeited copies of real AAS or products made and labeled by UGL's far outweigh the number of legitimate AAS floating around.
Thanks in advance,