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  1. #1
    billy0082 is offline New Member
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    deca and susta pct

    hey guys i m a trainer but not that pro with steroids
    i ve a guy who was 84 kg and 33 years old
    i gave him 8 weeks deca + susta + testoviron
    first 3 weeks deca 200 mg and susta 250 mg and testo 250 mg
    then increased deca to 300 mg till week number 5
    then droped back deca to 200 last 2 weeks keepin susta and deca stable at 500 mg a week 250 susta and 250 testo

    and he was always on nolvadex and armidex durin the cycle
    now for the pct i m lost wut to give him it s his first cycle and i m lost
    i read that only clomid and armidec and nolvadex

    but some guy told me just proviron i m sooo lost guys plz help

  2. #2
    billy0082 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2010
    and yea after 7 weeks now he s 99 kg and his power increased a lot he got bigger

  3. #3
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    You are feeding a client drugs you have absolutely no knowledge about.

    I'm flabbergasted.

    Tell him to stop his cycle immediately and begin a PCT protocol consisting of:

    Clomid 100/100/50/50
    Nolva 40/40/20/20

    A few weeks after this tell him to get blood work done.

    This was a bad move on your part bro.

  4. #4
    Numb uK's Avatar
    Numb uK is offline Junior Member
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    I know it's none of my business, but why did you give this 'guy' steroids when you don't know much about them yourself?

  5. #5
    billy0082 is offline New Member
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    i know what to do i was just asking extra help i was going to give him

    week1-2: 100 mg clomid 40 mg nolvadex and 0.5 mg armidex

    week 3 and 4 half the doze

    week 5 and 6 25 mg clomid 10 mg nolvadex
    week7 25 mg clomid

    i know even more than u guys just was making sure i m not wrong cz they told me about giving him proviron and i knew it was wrong from the begining so i was right with everythin

  6. #6
    BullsharkTsT is offline New Member
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    I agree with HawiianPride he should go straight to ancillaries ex. Clomid 75/75/50/50 and nolva 50/40/20/20. Deca should be ran 8 weeks at the MINIMUM, and im sure the results arent even worth the price/time. And steady dosages should be used as i see no point in pyramiding roids especially nandrolone . Just my opinion.

  7. #7
    billy0082 is offline New Member
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    pyramiding deca was just for his hormones not to be shut down directly and get used to lower level of deca before stopin it on week number 9 after this i d go clomid and armidex and nolva for 4 weeks

    then i wana start for him another cycle of winstrol and primo bullshark and hawaiianpride i need some help on this other cycle and the guy have been on gh since 3 month now followed by a doc and all his tests are good bro don t worry he s training like a bull under ma suppervision and i m a pro ifbb and coach export level 2 certified trainer i m the best in training and nutrition and i have a gr8 body 0 steroids i m now 28 i ve been training since i was 16 never stoped a day in my cutting phase i m under 10% body fat and in bulking i can go huge 240 pounds

  8. #8
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by billy0082 View Post
    pyramiding deca was just for his hormones not to be shut down directly and get used to lower level of deca before stopin it on week number 9 after this i d go clomid and armidex and nolva for 4 weeks

    then i wana start for him another cycle of winstrol and primo bullshark and hawaiianpride i need some help on this other cycle and the guy have been on gh since 3 month now followed by a doc and all his tests are good bro don t worry he s training like a bull under ma suppervision and i m a pro ifbb and coach export level 2 certified trainer i m the best in training and nutrition and i have a gr8 body 0 steroids i m now 28 i ve been training since i was 16 never stoped a day in my cutting phase i m under 10% body fat and in bulking i can go huge 240 pounds
    You need to stay well clear of aas because your going to cause someone serious harm.....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  9. #9
    billy0082 is offline New Member
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    007 plzman u r full of sintol and cilicum looooooooool can u still say anything about causing harm u ll die cancer in not time bro

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Please no one listen to billy0082's advice he knows nothing amd he could cause you harm

  11. #11
    FuzzyPeaches o.O's Avatar
    FuzzyPeaches o.O is offline Senior Member
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    I LOVE it!! In the 1st post he admits he knows nothing, then in the 3rd post "he knows what to do", in the 4th post he confirms that he knows nothing with his statements and then in the 5th post he takes a shot at 007!

    Thanks for the laugh Billy!!!

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