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Thread: anxiety or actually a problem?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    anxiety or actually a problem?

    alright ive done 3 shots so far of test p @170 and ive waited longer than usual to take my fourth because i cant tell if its anxiety or something else.

    I feel fine for a few hours after the shot then my heart rate increases, tightness in chest, my neck gets tight on both sides, i feel lightheaded, it feels like its harder to breathe, like im going to pass out, and i get an overall sense of, im dying.

    I went to the doc and they told me everything was fine and gave me some benzos which made it slightly better. My hr was at 159 while sitting. oxygen levels were fine, even though i felt like i couldn't catch my breathe.

    Each time this feeling has so far increased after each shot. If its anxiety then ill just take a benzo if i start feeling bad but if its something else that could be wrong then id rather not have that shitty feeling again.

    Does this go along with normal anxiety while on aas or does this seem different?

    Thanks for your input

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Blood pressure maybe? Mine shot up a few days after my first Test E shot. Cycle Support cleared that up.

    But bump for answers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R.I.P T-MOS
    Do the symptoms pass after about 30-60mins?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by rc_p90 View Post
    Blood pressure maybe? Mine shot up a few days after my first Test E shot. Cycle Support cleared that up.

    But bump for answers.
    I remember they did my blood pressure but they said it was normal. i didnt remember exact numbers.

    No the symptoms usually intensify as it goes on. But once i was put on a few benzos my breathing slowed and i did start to calm down a bit but i felt like my hr was still higher.. although not around the 159marker

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by rc_p90 View Post
    Blood pressure maybe? Mine shot up a few days after my first Test E shot. Cycle Support cleared that up.

    But bump for answers.
    What is cycle support?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by BeachBod909 View Post
    What is cycle support?
    Google it. Its got a ton of ingredients all in a powder to protect your body while on a cycle. Great stuff.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    do you credit that to relieving your anxiety or do you think after a few days its fine?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    nearly the same thing happned to me last night im on deca/test e man it was annoying couldnt even sleep for about 2 hours

  9. #9
    testosterone does increase anxiety. I have anxiety for the last 10 years & get panic attacks. When i started test (long ester for exp. test E & test Cyp.)for the first time about 5 yrs ago, My anxiety flared up about 3 weeks into the cycle. Then it sparingly comes and goes once my body get used to it.

    I am just finishing a Test prop cycle now & i didn't have bad anxiety/panic attacks, but i did notice by the end of my 3rd or 4th shot, i had some anxiety, being that prop is fast acting.

    I take Xanax (benzos) as needed, so i would suggest to take a pill about a half hour before your shot. Then keep an eye on it. If it continues to the point where you are really freaking out, i would go to doctor & stop the cycle for now. But in my theory, i think this will subside & fade away once your into your cycle about 3 weeks.

    GOOD LUCK! This is a horrible feeling if anybody has not ever experience a anxiety/panic attack.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Not fun. I had a bad one about 3 years ago in the middle of bench pressing a bunch of weight. Thought my heart was fvcked. Went to the hospital and everything but really was just anxiety from the gear.

    Still get some from time to time day of shot but now that i know it's in my head and nothing is physically wrong with me I can deal with it. Got some larazopram if I ever get a bad one.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by shafts basson View Post
    alright ive done 3 shots so far of test p @170 and ive waited longer than usual to take my fourth because i cant tell if its anxiety or something else.

    I feel fine for a few hours after the shot then my heart rate increases, tightness in chest, my neck gets tight on both sides, i feel lightheaded, it feels like its harder to breathe, like im going to pass out, and i get an overall sense of, im dying.

    I went to the doc and they told me everything was fine and gave me some benzos which made it slightly better. My hr was at 159 while sitting. oxygen levels were fine, even though i felt like i couldn't catch my breathe.

    Each time this feeling has so far increased after each shot. If its anxiety then ill just take a benzo if i start feeling bad but if its something else that could be wrong then id rather not have that shitty feeling again.

    Does this go along with normal anxiety while on aas or does this seem different?

    Thanks for your input
    I would keep an eye on your blood pressure and heart rate.
    You also might want to get a glucose meter and monitor your
    blood sugar levels.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    A glass of redwine usually helps me when i'm feeling axiety attacks comming on. Around my second or 3rd week on test E, I was walking in the gym and started getting tunnel vision, increased heart rate, tightness in my chest etc. Got so bad I was standing outside the Doc's office thats inside our gym incase i passed out i'd be close to someone who could help. I lowered my caffiene intake a lot after that and it seemed to help.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Thanks for your responses causes this has really been bothering me.

    I think I will take a benzo about 45min before my shot tomorrow and try that. .25 or .50. This helps me knowing that it happens to other ppl as well. Ill try this for a week or so and if it doesn't stop I may just say fvck the cycle.

    I would like to monitor my bp and hr. But don't I need a device for bp?

    Also is there a warning sign when I should see the doc right away?

    Thanks for your replies guys

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    It should subside as you keep up your shots. Just don't phyc yourself out now worrying about it.

    Best thing you could do is go get checked out by a doc completely. After I did that, I felt much better and the anxiety wouldn't get away on me because I knew it was in my head.

    Hard to suggest warning signs because my bad attacks were the same symptoms of a heart attack. Tight chest, pain under arms, numb and tingling hands and feet, fear of impending doom.
    Last edited by Natureboy71; 09-09-2010 at 04:01 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Yea those were my symptoms as well. Your right I have psyched myself out about it.

    I got checked before my cycle and did bloodwork, xrays, ekg, the whole deal.

    Alright I'm feel better about this now. And a benzo will make me feel better as well

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    The anxiety is being caused from the test prop!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Alright I'm going to push through this barrier. Ill report in tomorrow

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