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  1. #1
    JBarron's Avatar
    JBarron is offline Member
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    What is safe to take with Tbol?

    I start my 2nd cycle in about a week, and I'm just trying to revise it and make sure I have everything set up correctly, and I'm not taking anything that will effect me wrong when I add the tbol.

    Currently I take a multivitamin everyday

    I take acnetame (supp from need2buildmuscle).

    I also have been taking st. Johns Wort, just cuz I had some laying around, and it actually does make me feel better.

    I also take caffeine and ephedrine pre-workout.

    Now does anyone think I should not be taking any of these when I start my tbol? Also, will I need to add liver protection, my tbol dosages are 40mg week 1, then 50mg for the next 5 weeks.

    btw, I will be running prop alongside.

  2. #2
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Yes use liver protection and something to keep BP under control.

  3. #3
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Garlic, potassium, Hawthrone Berry, CoQ10 for BP.

    Now with the liver. No supplement protects the liver, there is no shield that forms around it and protects it from harm. Its a regenerating organ and can take quite a beating. I've understand that liver supplements can interfere with the absorption of the orals being taken. My suggestion is always to take the liver supplements after extended use of orals in order to help in that regenerating process. Just my .02 cents. IDK maybe I'm wrong.

  4. #4
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Garlic, potassium, Hawthrone Berry, CoQ10 for BP.

    Now with the liver. No supplement protects the liver, there is no shield that forms around it and protects it from harm. Its a regenerating organ and can take quite a beating. I've understand that liver supplements can interfere with the absorption of the orals being taken. My suggestion is always to take the liver supplements after extended use of orals in order to help in that regenerating process. Just my .02 cents. IDK maybe I'm wrong.
    Reed can be wrong?

    but yah, I agree with that...I look at it a sort of PCT for your liver...

  5. #5
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    No you are right. It breaks down a greater amount of your steroid . It's something a lot of people actually don't know. I've never had an issues in the past though.

  6. #6
    Reed's Avatar
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    But for any newbies out there reading the above post of mine.

    Don't think you can just pound orals repeatedly and the liver will be fine. Its almost like when you cut yourself. When it happens generally the cut heals and you no longer see the effects. But someone that is abused or abuses (a cutter) themselves on a regular basis scars begin to form. Same thing can happen to your liver and you'll have issues.

    Also since I don't abuse orals I am generally more concerned of the effects they have on my lipid profiles in the long term, heart disease etc.

    More to think about than just the liver with orals IMO

  7. #7
    Reed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Reed can be wrong?

    but yah, I agree with that...I look at it a sort of PCT for your liver...
    Yes I can be. Just cause I'm green doesn't mean I'm freaking Hany Rambod over here.

    And to each his own, some can run it with orals or after. Blood work can be done to see how your liver is hanging

  8. #8
    JBarron's Avatar
    JBarron is offline Member
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    Ok, great replies thanks for the info guys.

  9. #9
    melohh is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Garlic, potassium, Hawthrone Berry, CoQ10 for BP.

    Now with the liver. No supplement protects the liver, there is no shield that forms around it and protects it from harm. Its a regenerating organ and can take quite a beating. I've understand that liver supplements can interfere with the absorption of the orals being taken. My suggestion is always to take the liver supplements after extended use of orals in order to help in that regenerating process. Just my .02 cents. IDK maybe I'm wrong.
    Very interesting!

  10. #10
    boyka's Avatar
    boyka is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Garlic, potassium, Hawthrone Berry, CoQ10 for BP.

    Now with the liver. No supplement protects the liver, there is no shield that forms around it and protects it from harm. Its a regenerating organ and can take quite a beating. I've understand that liver supplements can interfere with the absorption of the orals being taken. My suggestion is always to take the liver supplements after extended use of orals in order to help in that regenerating process. Just my .02 cents. IDK maybe I'm wrong.
    I agree with this, i bellive that just increasing your water intake will help more than those liver supplements...

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