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Thread: what should i take?

  1. #1

    what should i take?

    i know everyones going to want to say read more get to know what your doing first blah blah, no affence i just want a straight answer so save ur time if not. appreciated highly for anyone that can help.
    just want to know..
    a. is the oral stuff on here legit, how much less effective than expensive injection?
    b.i want to take a cycle of decca and dbol,or dbol and test. i want to be extra safe for not going sterile so can someone let me know what to take during the cycle to be extra safe(maybe more than reccomended)to have slightest chances of going sterile. also for pct(again maybe anything to be safe to make sure my stuff goes back to normal.
    c. how much a day of each(remember im looking to order all this off this website)
    d. is the testosterone on here natural?(for instance if i took it alone in a high dosage would i need a pct for it)
    hope someone can help me with these questions.
    thanks again for anyone trying to help me out.
    i am 22, 6 1" 185.

    fyi i have been working out for about 3 years now consistantly so i know what im doing working out wise with diet.

  2. #2
    I cant speak on the legitimacy of the products your talking about as I have never used them.

    You should really limit yourself to one compound so that is you have a reaction you will know whats causing it. Plus it sounds as if this would be your first cycle so 1 compound is all that you need.

    If you need someone to lay out your complete cycle for you then there are several problems with that.

    A. Your to lazy to read yourself so you probably shouldn't be taking anything anyway.
    B. Your trusting advice from someone you have no idea their credits or experience.

    Your 22 years old and your not even fully developed yet. Doing something now isnt just a risk of being sterile but its also a big risk in harming your bodies natural reproduction system, causing worse effects then just being sterile.

    I am not trying to be a dick or asshole but you should really have an idea of how to run a cycle on your own before just asking for someone to lay one out for you. A lack of effort in planning your own cycle really isnt the type of work ethnics someone on AAS should have. Let alone mention the fact your only 22.

  3. #3
    i have read alot, got alot of mixed answers so i was still going to research everything and anything someone tells me to take and also ask others about the cycle. i just dont feel comfortable putting a cycle together on my own without someone helping me. for instance i heard its pointless to take just a cycle of dbol so what you just told me not to do, i would have probably done it because what i have read on my own that its ok to take them at 22 with proper pct. but since you say its not a good idea..well another mixed signal but more info leaning on what i should do.

    thanks alot for the response tho

  4. #4
    First cycle test only. Yes people do others and some have no issues others do as you can read on here people talking about sides and infections ect..ect....

    As for the age thing. I personally like my balls and my girl enjoys them too. I waited until I was 27 for my first cycle which was in 08. You have room to grow with food and lifting alone for sure. Todays world everyone is in a hurry and from my experience when you get in a hurry shit tends to get f'ed up. This is the same with AAS. I dont think you will read anywhere on here that at 22 its ok or advised. I would be willing to bet if you take the time to work up a diet and post it in the diet section someone would be more then willing to help you with it just to show or help you grow and avoid AAS for at the least another year if not 2.

    Best of luck to you!

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