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  1. #1
    tembe's Avatar
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    Blood results help with t3

    Hey guys

    Just got my blood results back.

    Basically for those that dont know, for the last 13-14 weeks I have been running a ketogenic diet and my body fat has dropped from 22% to 9%.

    Throughout this cycle I have run 500mg Test E and 400mg Tren E to maintain muscle mass.

    I reintroduced carbs this week and also increased my gear and added winstrol for the last 8 weeks of my cycle.

    So now i am currently running 750mg Test E, 50mg Tren A ED and 100mg Winstrol ED.

    I just got my blood results back and I am suffering from low t3 output and basically a downregulated thyroid due to my long run dieting.

    Basically I am very scared that due to this my metabolism will be slower and I will gain a good amount of fat now that I have reintroduced carbs. I am currently maintaining my diet around 500 calories less then my TDEE as well. However I am scared that this slow metabolism will cause a fat rebound.

    So basically I bought myself one of Ar-r t3 and it arrived today.

    Should I start taking 25mcg ED? Will this increase my metabolism back to normal range?

  2. #2
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    I would say try and reintroduce carbs and calories slowly. Throwing exogenous T3 into your body isn't really fixing the problem, just covering it up.

    You want your own body's natural T3 production to get going again. That's not going to happen if you put synthetic T3 into yourself - it will have no reason to make its own. Just slowly reintroduce calories back to yourself so that your body adjusts slowly as well and all goes back to normal in due time. I think a little bit of fat gain would be expected in this case, but I don't think you'll have a rebound so high that you'll shoot all the way back up to 22%. If you're 9% right now, I think the worst case (if you do everything right) would bring you up maybe 2%. That's not a huge deal.

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
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    Atomini is right.

    Honestly, Tembe, I know it's not what you want to hear, but you really should just come off everything and let your body get back to normal.

    You've put it under alot of stress lately with the AAS, DNP , and dieting.

  4. #4
    FuzzyPeaches o.O's Avatar
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Atomini is right.

    Honestly, Tembe, I know it's not what you want to hear, but you really should just come off everything and let your body get back to normal.

    You've put it under alot of stress lately with the AAS, DNP, and dieting.
    ^^x2, tembe I know you are tired of me saying it but you are still so young. Slow down there is plenty of time for all of this...

  5. #5
    tembe's Avatar
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    ok thoughts taken into account thanks guys

    however due to the fact im still running a calorie deficit, wouldnt that keep my t3 and thyroid low?

    btw all other parts of the blood test were in the normal range and we perfectly fine.

  6. #6
    tembe's Avatar
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    how do u guys recommend diet wise coming off long term dieting like that then?

    should i just run maintenance calories?

    coming off cycle in a few weeks

  7. #7
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